Yesterday was my dog's 4th birthday.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
That's exactly what I said. But if you own a dog you're going to have to condition it to the new order with the kid one way or another. Either that or get rid of it.
Not if you own a dachshund. Or a Chihuahua. Or a toy poodle. Etc. Ok, you do, but just for behavior purposes. Not for biting the child's face off purposes.

Ok, I'll be fair. Toy breeds aren't fair. Which dog would you have more concerns about leaving your child alone with, Golden Retriever, or American Pit Bull Terrier?

Dogs don't try to defend their position in the pack? Dogs don't have instincts? How on earth do you know of 'the intention' of a dog? Are you a dog whisperer now? This is precisely the mentality of dog owners I loathe - attaching human rationale and intent to a dog with a brain the size of a golf ball. Get a fucking grip

In retrospect, perhaps you do possess the mental capacity of a dog and as such can consider it your equal with regards to instinct and cognitive capacity. Alas, I'd have hoped for more. I hope child services visits you real soon.
He sang happy birthday to the dog. He's half a step away from being that old lady with the Papillon on her lap in the car and giving it mouth to mouth kisses while talking to it.


Tranny Chaser
Yes, that is exactly what it is. I am aware of some isolated incidents and in those incidents perfectly obedient dogs went apeshit in one situation or another, and in those situations the dog was left alone with the infant. Did you think I was trying to state some empirical rule? I am conveying my experience to a bro, who is not a faggot like you and may not overanalyze every word of my post through his very specific lens of interpretation. Don't be a faggot, be a bro.
I'd believe you and sympathize if the advice you give correlated the slightest with common sense and not simply with caveman mentality. A bro would look out for another bro's offspring. Valuing a babys safety over a dogs instincts doesn't make me faggot. It makes anyone not doing the same a faggot.


Buzzfeed Editor
Not if you own a dachshund. Or a Chihuahua. Or a toy poodle. Etc. Ok, you do, but just for behavior purposes. Not for biting the child's face off purposes.

Ok, I'll be fair. Toy breeds aren't fair. Which dog would you have more concerns about leaving your child alone with, Golden Retriever, or American Pit Bull Terrier?
I would have concerns about leaving my infant alone with any dog. Breed doesn't really matter. I seem to remember statistically retrievers being more prone to bite a human than terriers, but I'm on my phone and care level is dropping rapidly.


<Prior Amod>
Breeds don't matter, training matters.

I see this thread has replaced your ecig crusade. Nice to see you annoy everyone here just as much as you did there.


Tranny Chaser
I see this thread has replaced your ecig crusade. Nice to see you annoy everyone here just as much as you did there.
I see you kept your end of the unspoken bargain for exactly 0 number of posts in this thread. Thanks for playing.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Breeds don't matter, training matters.
Give me a break. What the fuck is a pure breed really? Its an animal that has been selectively developed to enhance and create certain traits for certain purposes.

A Golden Retriever is bred to have a soft bite that won't damage the bird and a mild temperament so as not to startle the prey prematurely....and to swim of course. Its seen as a friendly dog and for that reason shitty as a guard dog, while other dogs specifically bred for the purpose are loyal and protective of owners and better suited to guarding.

Pit Bulls were bred todo violent battle with bulls and bears.FUCKING BEARS, this thing was purposefully designed to go into a death match with a motherfucking bear.

Denying that one has far greater potential to cause damage than another is to deny the entire history and purpose of the fucking breeds. You can get yourself off on this "all dogs are essentially the same" petlitically correct circle jerk but I'll recognize that every breed has unique issues that should be observed.


<Prior Amod>
I see you kept your end of the unspoken bargain for exactly 0 number of posts in this thread. Thanks for playing.
I made no bargain, you're a self absorbed idiot who shits up threads.

By your logic you owe me $50 for the unspoken bet we made.


Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
petlitically correct circle jerk
LOLed at this. What a great way of putting it.

No matter what kind of dog you have, there is always the possibility that it may get angry (and aggressive) under some stimulus. The same can be said for pretty much any animal, humans included. To think otherwise is just naive.


<Prior Amod>
Give me a break. What the fuck is a pure breed really? Its an animal that has been selectively developed to enhance and create certain traits for certain purposes.

A Golden Retriever is bred to have a soft bite that won't damage the bird and a mild temperament so as not to startle the prey prematurely....and to swim of course. Its seen as a friendly dog and for that reason shitty as a guard dog, while other dogs specifically bred for the purpose are loyal and protective of owners and better suited to guarding.

Pit Bulls were bred todo violent battle with bulls and bears.FUCKING BEARS, this thing was purposefully designed to go into a death match with a motherfucking bear.

Denying that one has far greater potential to cause damage than another is to deny the entire history and purpose of the fucking breeds. You can get yourself off on this "all dogs are essentially the same" petlitically correct circle jerk but I'll recognize that every breed has unique issues that should be observed.
The Pit Bull I grew up with was a pussy. A gun shot sent it into hiding for hours. Is that the norm? No, probably not but to say all of something is going to be a certain way is beyond stupid. You train a dog well and they will do what you trained them to do well. It's that simple really. As long as you start early that is.

Also no where did I say some dogs can't do more damage than others. This whole "I'm going to make arguments up" shtick that goes on in debates around here is getting old.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Also no where did I say some dogs can't do more damage than others. This whole "I'm going to make arguments up" shtick that goes on in debates around here is getting old.
You said breed doesn't matter. Which is nonsense. Some breeds are designed for aggression and harm.


Mr. Poopybutthole
As I already said, breed absolutely does matter. Terriers are aggressive dogs, period. Little terriers are the absolute worst.


<Prior Amod>
Which is why you train them and do it early. Left to their own devices yes, some breeds can be a larger threat to their families and those around them.

Which again is why you don't do that.

That all being said, has anyone every come across a Lhasa Apso that wasn't mean as fuck? I know three people who have them (one doesn't anymore because it kept attacking kids in the neighborhood) and those little bastards attack everything they see, it's nuts.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Which is why you train them and do it early. Left to their own devices yes, some breeds can be a larger threat to their families and those around them.

Which again is why you don't do that.

That all being said, has anyone every come across a Lhasa Apso that wasn't mean as fuck? I know three people who have them (one doesn't anymore because it kept attacking kids in the neighborhood) and those little bastards attack everything they see, it's nuts.
So certain breeds need a stronger hand to be safe around kids. Because breed matters. Gotcha.

Such as, you can let your Lhasa Apso be a poorly trained little shit who bites everyone's ankles and never get sued or charged with a crime. Not so for a Pit. matters a whole lot more when you own a dangerous breed. Glad we could come together on this after all.


Millie's Staff Member
pitbulls get a bad rap because ghetto people train them to kill each other for money. did you get your dog from a breeder in the ghetto? no? then he should be fine as long as its been trained well.


<Prior Amod>
So certain breeds need a stronger hand to be safe around kids. Because breed matters. Gotcha.

Such as, you can let your Lhasa Apso be a poorly trained little shit who bites everyone's ankles and never get sued or charged with a crime. Not so for a Pit. matters a whole lot more when you own a dangerous breed. Glad we could come together on this after all.
You just said what I said from the very beginning. A poorly trained dong will do whatever, a properly trained dog will do what you train it to do.

I said that two posts into this. matters a whole lot more when you own a dangerous breed.
So again, yes. Training matters, breeds don't.


Musty Nester
Treat a pitt like a wolf. If you wanna keep one, fine whatever. It's a living creature. It has its dignity.

But if it ever attacks anyone I hope the sheriff in your county has the balls to charge you with felonious reckless endangerment. No matter how well you've trained that dog, it is a beast. That's not the dogs fault.

Haters gonna hate. Pitt's gonna Pitt.