You know you're getting old when.....


Molten Core Raider
Most of these things are not indicators of getting older as the thread title suggests. You are old. Fucks sake, we were getting old playing EQ. Now we are paying tuitions and yelling at other people to get off their fucking phones while I'm trying to drive behind them.
Speaking of which, had a conversation the other day with some guy at my job who is probably in his mid 20s. The subject of video games came up and I asked him what types of games he likes. He says "MMOs", which piqued my interest. I say, oh yeah what do you play, to which he replies "well, I'm kinda old-school, I play World of Warcraft"




A nice asshole.
Similar to above I was in Gamestop for no reason because fuck that place but there was three dudes mid 20s comparing consoles, the must have said fan boys more than 30 times in 2 minutes. I wanted to punch them.


Molten Core Raider
I still feel like the 90's were 10 years ago.
Mainly because the 2000s sucked ass in almost every way possible, no one wants to remember them.

Music went to shit (rock died, nu-metal rap/rock and emo crybabies took over, country and pop music went to shit where you can't have a hit song unless you look like a model)
TV went to shit (reality TV took over, and it was all total ass)
movies went to shit(bastardizing every old idea you can think of, either terrible sequels/prequels or just bad remakes)
video games went to shit(franchise, franchise, franchise, screw new ideas, and EA bought & killed off damn near every good PC game studio)

The 2010s seem far


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
"Which was worse, the 90s or the 00s?" could really be its own thread.


what Suineg set it to
"Which was worse, the 90s or the 00s?" could really be its own thread.


Mr. Poopybutthole
How can that be a thread? One response: "90s>00's" and the thread is basically over.


When you look at your music tastes and realize that the vast majority of artists are either retired, in their 50s, or simply can't handle the tone range that they did during the time you remember them. Hi Angel of Death and Tom Araya.

Gamma Rays

Large sized member
When talking with younger people, co-workers etc, I now realize that I'm doing a self censor check, before telling any story. To be sure I don't drop a reference that will highlight my age.

Back when I had my first job . . . this and this . . and of course no-one had mobile phones back then.

When I was in high school, there was a group of us that would copy C64 games, so easy back then with the games being on tape, just copy, tape to tape.

Will go see the new Star Wars, because . . . reasons . . . reasons . . . and I saw them all in the cinema . . .'whoops'


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
The aughts really do feel like a lost decade or so. Now, maybe it's just because the aughts aren't as fresh in my mind, but I can plot out nearly the entirety of my life from 2009ish - present. However, 2001/2ish - 2009 is almost a complete blur. Maybe it was the fact that I was a teenager/young adult, so time didn't seem as finite as it does now (and thus I didn't see the forest for the trees), but outside of a few standout moments/events, I barely remember anything from that period of my life.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I will say that fashion in the 90s was fucking awful. We thought it was bad in the 80s but it somehow got far worse in the 90s.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Just realized today I can appreciate a nice looking chick and have no desire to fuck her.

Might be because I was well fucked last night, but when I thought back on it, I realized that I'd been seeing that girl for a month and hadn't once imagined slipping her the bone. Then I saw another nice looking one and I realized I only fantasized about her like once in the 2 years I've known her.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I couldn't remember what aughts meant so I googled it. Then I remembered I used that exact word yesterday in a discussion ??