Recent content by Df~_sl

  1. D

    Hotspot been jammed?

    I can see how jamming wifi signals could be beneficial, as it is relatively easy to Wi-Fi spoof in Hotels and Starbucks... I have seen many hotel wifi ask for your room number, name of account, and last 4 digits of card used to pay for room and thats more than enough information to start...
  2. D

    Puzzles and Dragons

    So I am getting very bored with the game. Was fun while it lasted, but all I am doing is +egg farming and 0clearing dungeons.... yawn If someone is interested in taking over my accounts (US and JP), send me a PM and we can discuss it. They are not for sale.
  3. D

    Puzzles and Dragons

    If you have Kirin and Fish&Game... This is not the godfest to blow your stones on. Though it really depends on what playstyle you enjoy. Egyptians are combo bursty. Chinese are color bursty. Angels are grindy. JP1.0 are junky. Greek1.0 are junky. Indian/Greek2.0 are in between... So...
  4. D

    Puzzles and Dragons

    New 50stam mask dungeon that drops "Super Green" and "Super Blue" mask. Super blue mask is skillup material for VIPER... The masks are also Evo Material for Riders and probably more things in the future... But... there is no "Super Red" mask. Dungeon is not too difficult... I just brute...
  5. D

    Puzzles and Dragons

    Updated my info on First post spreadsheet. (down to only one US account, GF is on the other) Going to add PADHerder when I get time to update it.
  6. D

    Puzzles and Dragons

    JP PAD just got the last Hera... Light/Dark Hera Leader: 1.5 HP/ATK/RCV to Gods Active: 35% dmg reduction for one turn and Light Orb+ 20turn(7 max) 10 Round dungeon. Had no trouble with Dark/Blue Luci team. To be fair, that team had over 80k hp so the only thing that could come close...
  7. D

    Puzzles and Dragons

    Is anyone excited about the evolution rush? Doesnt really do much for me... but neither did the Gaia dungeon... except a free stone.
  8. D

    Puzzles and Dragons

    Make sure to add your good monsters to favorites list every once in a while so they cant easily do that...
  9. D

    Puzzles and Dragons

    Looking at your box... and that you like your green team... why not give Bastet +eggs? People love her as a daily grinder AND she fits on your green team... As my difficult content strategy has shifted to blow it the fuck up with anubis... what I am looking for in subs is very different from...
  10. D

    Puzzles and Dragons

    Previously, I had put all my RCV eggs on Amaterasu Ohkami... as she was the bees knees back in the day... My current thoughts on +egg choices are... If you have a popular leader... +297 and if possible max skill will get you the most pal points... If you still struggle on grinding...
  11. D

    Puzzles and Dragons

    Cleared Technical Paradise of the Holy Beasts on Challenge Mode with help from Intrinsic (Echidna). Team was: Anubis (Max lvl +212 Eggs 3/4 Awoken) Echidna (Max Skill + ResistDark) (10 turn Delay) Green Odin (Max LVL/Skill/Awoken+297) (12 turn 85k Light nuke + 8k heal) Dark Meta (Max...
  12. D

    Puzzles and Dragons

    busty evo, close to max lvl/skill
  13. D

    Puzzles and Dragons

    Anyone have a good echidna they can put up for me in the near future?
  14. D

    Puzzles and Dragons

    New presents are live... including +3 snow globe dragons. Running through my spare accounts yay. Waiting for Int to send his present back :P Current roll totals: 4 Light Noel / 1 Light Starter 0 Dark Noel / 1 Dark Starter 1 Red Noel / 1 Red Starter 3 Blue Noel / 0 Blue Starter 0...
  15. D

    Puzzles and Dragons

    Anyone up for present swap? Message me in game.