Recent content by filandiel

  1. F

    [manga] Everything Else

    Is gosu script only until the new licensed webtoon catches up?
  2. F

    What are your top 5 funniest movies?

    Surprised no one has mentioned There's Something About Mary yet
  3. F

    Marvel Universe stuff

    Honestly marvel wouldn't need to even do a ff movie, they could introduce them like spidey in civil war, in the infinity war movie, no backstory, hey we were off planet/dimension during avengers 1, and sokovia isn't exactly local. You could make Doctor strange the go between for the groups, and...
  4. F

    The Witch (2015)

    The title at the end was definitely the vvitch....
  5. F

    X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)

    So imdb has an article that says the blob is in the new movie, and casually states that storm, magneto, angel and psylocke are the horsemen of apocalypse...this reduces my excitement for this movie, angel works if they do a fight where his wings get broken, but magneto never had a use for...
  6. F

    Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)

    I would buy that color version of man of steel...would help some (not all) of the issues with that movie
  7. F

    Fantastic Four

    That trailer wasn't as terrible as I expected, granted the bar is set supremely low for my expectations on this flick.
  8. F

    Marvel's Daredevil

    Punisher series would be fantastic....don't think Thomas Jane is doing anything right now is he?
  9. F

    The Flash

    I assumed he pressed the button, dropped the camera, ran into picture, then caught the camera.
  10. F

    Suicide Squad (2016)

    Rumor is they want Oprah...might be direct live action assault on arkham which would be badass
  11. F

    Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)

    Point on the counterpoint, that makes it worse because it gives those same stupid girls the idea that men should look like he-man when it is just as impossible, and they look nothing like Barbie. (And who the fuck wants them flat assed and rail thin anyway)
  12. F

    80's TV

    All I get is static and it starts me on channel 800.
  13. F

    Chuck - Now on Netflix

    Did they remove the blurred out tits from the one episode where she is naked? /wishfulthinking
  14. F

    [Manga] Naruto (warning: spoilers up to current chapter)

    Did that last week, how often (or not) does berserk update? I remembered he thread for berserk on the foh forums but didn't see it here. #edited autocorrect on foh
  15. F

    Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)

    The rock would have cost a lot more than Bautista, plus I remember drax being more of just a thug back when I read comics.