[Manga] Naruto (warning: spoilers up to current chapter)


Silver Knight of the Realm
Japan has a strong sense of Family, despite the incredible drive to work hard.

These holidays are almost always so that familys can spend time together. They halt almost everything so that families can be together.
It's kind of nice, when you think about it. So many Americans have a shitty family outlook. Usually that is reserved for the wealthy where they can afford to actually have a parent around the children instead of keeping them in day-care or with a nanny.
Well that might be the case but you also have to realize that there is a huge cultural difference between the US and Japan. In Japan women are only supposed to work until about the age of 25/26 at which time they are supposed to be married and start raising a family.

On the other hand, the men almost completely ignore their family for work. I work for a Japanese company and the head of Director over the department I work in is Japanese. He woks usually from 8:30am till almost midnight each day. He is literally in his office all day, every day and even on weekends. Not all Japanese men follow this but it is very common.

This is why you have these holidays in Japan for said families, because other than these holidays, families don't really get together much.


Trump's Staff
It's created via the users chakra, whatever type it is. He was in Sage Mode, and made the Rasengan, thus it's powered by Sage chakra. :p
This. Sage mode = nature chakra. Rasengan is completely made of chakra, so he used nature chakra for it instead of his own and it worked.


Silver Knight of the Realm
That means the 1st Hokage should be able to crush him then right?
Incorrect - Wood Release (??, Mokuton; Viz "Wood Style") is an advanced nature kekkei genkai formed through the simultaneous use of earth and water-based chakra natures to create wood, or complete trees.

Naruto uses Senjutsu Chakra in Sage mode. - Senjutsu chakra (??????, Senjutsu Chakura; English TV "Sage Jutsu Chakra") is the chakra needed to perform senjutsu, which contains the energy found in nature itself. It is a powerful source of energy, able to grant a ninja increased strength, speed, and endurance for taijutsu, as well as enhancing the power of one's ninjutsu and genjutsu. Sage chakra is created through the three-way mixing and balancing of one's physical energy and spiritual energy, as well as the natural energy


Incorrect - the First has his own Sage Mode. He just used it recently in fact, when the markings appeared all over his face. (By recently I mean a recent issue - it was the flashback to his original fight with Madara. Remember that huge multi armed wooden statue? That was Sage Mode.). So theoretically, yes, the First could crush Tobi.


Of course. I don't think the First will fight Tobi at all, but as an answer to the hypothetical situation, he should be able to crush him. I'm wondering if the 3rd is gonna do anything...maybe an epic rematch with Orochimaru once he inevitably turns heel again?


Trump's Staff
The third hasn't been seen since he got his head blown off. I was thinking that he's gone for good, like Minato's arm.

Leto Eu`Acumen

So, I'm _really_ late to the party here, but I recently marathon'd 642 strait chapters of Naruto heh. Now I am stuck waiting with the rest of you rofl. I guess in a way I can be glad I didn't start years ago or something and got to read at least this much in one go.

I remember there being a Naruto thread on the old FoH forums, but I never had any idea what it was at the time...didn't even remember it until after I my marathon reading and was lurking here afterward


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
welcome to the club. If you want a painful waiting experience go read the berserk manga and then wait, very patiently, with us!

Leto Eu`Acumen

welcome to the club. If you want a painful waiting experience go read the berserk manga and then wait, very patiently, with us!
Hah, Heyas Tuco, been a while!

Yea, I might actually do that. I only recently started reading some mangas, read maybe only a half-dozen total, but I had no idea where to start. Naruto is pretty hard to miss though haha


Silver Knight of the Realm
Incorrect - the First has his own Sage Mode. He just used it recently in fact, when the markings appeared all over his face. (By recently I mean a recent issue - it was the flashback to his original fight with Madara. Remember that huge multi armed wooden statue? That was Sage Mode.). So theoretically, yes, the First could crush Tobi.
Question: How do we know that's sage mode?

Nm, just saw a few posts below the link to the wiki where it says he goes into sage mode.


I actually thought the 3rd was dead for good too after the Tobi-smash and the non-regeneration, but didn't the First get fucked up in that same hit that nailed the Third? Or was that just a First clone?

Edit: Looking back, the First AND Second got hit mere minutes before the Third got his head blown off, and they are still around, so I'm not counting the Third out yet. Unless there's some rule of Edo Tense I don't know about where blown head off = permadeath.


Life's a Dream
Any chance one of you could post a copy of the page where the 3rd loses his head? I don't remember exactly how it went down, and Mangastream doesn't go back that far.


Trump's Staff
Edit: Looking back, the First AND Second got hit mere minutes before the Third got his head blown off, and they are still around, so I'm not counting the Third out yet. Unless there's some rule of Edo Tense I don't know about where blown head off = permadeath.
They were both clones. The real first is with Madara and the second clone that got ripped apart was the one holding the barrier seal before Tobi ripped it down.


Golden Knight of the Realm
welcome to the club. If you want a painful waiting experience go read the berserk manga and then wait, very patiently, with us!
Did that last week, how often (or not) does berserk update? I remembered he thread for berserk on the foh forums but didn't see it here.

#edited autocorrect on foh

The Dauntless One

Lord Nagafen Raider
Hah, Heyas Tuco, been a while!

Yea, I might actually do that. I only recently started reading some mangas, read maybe only a half-dozen total, but I had no idea where to start. Naruto is pretty hard to miss though haha
Read Psyren. One of the best paced manga I've read. Good story and good ending. None of this dragging heels bullshit you get from the big 3.