Recent content by Gorehack

  1. Gorehack


    I actually think if you watched the first 4 episodes like a movie, it would feel a lot more fluid. The seemingly innocent TV show, but weird shit starts happening and the dread builds. It's just too slow of a burn for the short episodic format they went with. I'm enjoying the show but it IS...
  2. Gorehack

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Yet another weekly QnA full of Ion Hazzikostas spewing lawyer speak and non-answers to the shitty cherry picked questions. Sigh.
  3. Gorehack

    Vermintide 2

    Ironbreaker with good pistols is OP as all hell.
  4. Gorehack

    Dragon Age: Inquisition (Plot Details in Spoilers!)

    I am so fucking bored I installed this yesterday because I have Origin Access....I got through the tutorial and I'm probably just going to uninstall it tonight. I've only played DA:O and this game sucks.
  5. Gorehack

    They are billions

    What I hate the most is when you hit like day 70 and you realize you've tech'd too slow, then the next wave just steamrolls you because you don't have any thanatos yet. FeelsBadMan
  6. Gorehack

    PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

    I've seen that one a couple times in the past week or two. Happened to the C9 PUBG team in a pub game last week.
  7. Gorehack

    What vehicle do you drive?

    They didn't have the active exhaust in 2011 so it's a little bit muted unless you've got it wide open. Which isn't a bad thing, but I get what you're saying. I also need to get a tuner and shut off the MDS because that shit is extremely annoying (it's an auto) and if I change the exhaust it'll...
  8. Gorehack

    What vehicle do you drive?

    He was retired Air Force of 20yrs (and 20yrs USPS) and also 20yrs older than my mother. His health started failing a few years after they got married and most of the time he spent sitting in his recliner watching the Price is Right. I guess after you've worked that long you don't really give a...
  9. Gorehack

    What vehicle do you drive?

    My step-father passed away at the end of September and left this to me. 2011 Challenger 392 Inaugural Edition
  10. Gorehack

    What vehicle do you drive?

  11. Gorehack

    Heroes of the Storm

    Uninstalled a couple weeks ago and took a break. Bored as fuck so I reinstalled. I play 1 quickmatch and then take an hour break...seems to be doing a good job keeping my salt intake low.
  12. Gorehack

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Bajheera and that group doin !project60 were doin BWL last night with 6 people. Nearly got Chromaggus down. Even if you follow the rules of Project60, the game is so unbalanced right now leveling up that it doesn't matter if you're using heirlooms and talents or not. Prot warrior is basically...
  13. Gorehack

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    That or the Artifact weapons and AP bullshit. You wouldn't THINK that not getting weapon drops for an entire expansion would really make that much of a difference, but in practice it feels so fucking bad to not get new weapons every raid tier. Also not being able to swap to an alt and get raid...
  14. Gorehack

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Are you sure you don't like doing a bunch of extra shit that's tied to an item we'll most likely have taken away before the next expansion?
  15. Gorehack

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    But it's new and dynamic and fun!