They are billions


<Silver Donator>
From what I've seen from a few stream, it's basically a pretty good "demo" for now. It functions well enough, the gameplay loop is fun, but it has very limited content so it probably will end up being repetitive a lot faster than if they had more stuff done.

It seems it's worth buying if you don't mind revisiting games every now and then but if you tend to be the type that plays something once then never again, you'd want to wait until they add more enemies, map tiles, buildings and units to get a more complete experience.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I cannot seem to beat the final wave. I've gotten there a handful of times and I can usually only protect about 2/4 of the sides. Once I stop expanding and hit "army and defense mode" I just start starving for gold and stone. Space is the most premium asset in this game.


Toe Sucker
been watching admiralbahroo play this for the past few days, he does it on max difficulty and just seems to really plan ahead and expand as far as he can after he clears the map, then make layers of defense and build more and falls back to them over and over to eventually win


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
i got drunk and decided to start the new gaming year by wrecking the tutorial map at 22% difficulty

didn't happen


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
This game is definitely for autists. It is fun as fuck, but you have to be so meticulous, overly cautious, and disciplined to have any success. You have to have a backup plan to the backup plan.

The have the formula right. Now they just need to fill the game with some additional flavor, options, and enemies. The single player sounds like it will kick ass.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Finally got my first win on 100%. Lost both my western walls even and had hordes rampaging through my houses and shit, but my deathball of ~90 snipers was actually able to chew through it all and finish it.

Anyone used the infernus or mech dudes to any success? Infernus are great AE but not being able to attack through walls seems awful, and the mechs are just so fucking expensive I think I'd almost always just have more thanatos?

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
The mechs wreck shit but need support, not sure if they are a good investment or not but their guns are AoE which is nice. I think the machine gun turrets are probably a better investment but haven't started a new game in a while. Yeah, I'd say the Infernal probably isn't worth it. Thanotos definitely is.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Second map was much easier to beat. The initial like 20 days is ball crushing with there being multiple doomed towns basically within sight of your colony, so you have to expand suuuuuper carefully until you have a deathball of like 35-40 rangers that can start getting rid of them.

Once you clear a couple towns though the map is easymode with infinite space to build and ample farmland. By the final wave on that one I had 71 stone towers with 4 snipers each, 40 thanatos and nearly a dozen titans just wandering around to fill in gaps.

Titan itself is actually not bad, but it's definitely not what the description claims. Having him go out to hunt zombies is fucking awful, as a pair of fatties will probably kill him. He's basically a walking executor turret though and is super fast, so they can be real handy to shift defenses to spots that are getting overrun on the final wave.


Tranny Chaser
I would like a last man standing versus mode where you can't actually fight each other directly but instead each do your best to fuck over your neighbor as hard as possible with trains, obstructive building, and general asshole behavior. The match continues until only one side is left uneaten.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
I'm looking at either this, Factorio or Rimworld right now (with the intent to play all 3), what would you guys recommend I play first? Also eying Frostpunk, but that's not out yet it looks like.
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Factorio is good if you like building incredibly complex supply chains/machines.

Rimworld is good if you like suffering. The good kind.
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I'm looking at either this, Factorio or Rimworld right now (with the intent to play all 3), what would you guys recommend I play first? Also eying Frostpunk, but that's not out yet it looks like.
Rim world.

The mods on that game are great


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Of the 3 you should get either Factorio or Rimworld. The two games for whatever reason are constantly talked about in the same breath when they're very different games. Billions is good but Factorio and Rimworld you can easily sink 200+ hours into right now.

Necrath Evilcraft

Golden Knight of the Realm
Does anyone know if after you've used a place to research upgrades if you can tear it down for space or does that fuck with the upgrades?


Blackwing Lair Raider
Thanks for the response guys, I think I'll start with Factorio. I might wait for the campaign and/or multiplayer to hop into this one, but it looks really fun.
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Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
I had the same idea and no. They do not have the option to demo.

If you destroy the building manually with troops you lose all your upgrades as well and have to research it all again.


Sparkletot Monger
The 20 day swarms will always, always, ALWAYS attack your weakest point.

Build out evenly.


Lord Nagafen Raider
What I hate the most is when you hit like day 70 and you realize you've tech'd too slow, then the next wave just steamrolls you because you don't have any thanatos yet. FeelsBadMan