Recent content by Jaws_sl

  1. J


    I like this answer but I think its even deeper. The "trade" that Donnie did to get the SEC/ATTY Gen up his ass was a set up from Day One.
  2. J

    Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)

    Yeah Kylo Basically tried to Rage Quit and didnt go Link Dead.
  3. J

    Going to Movies Solo

    I'm Married and we had a kid 2.5 years ago in July 2012. I wanted to go watch The Amazing Spiderman with her right before the Baby was due .. well the baby came a bit early. So Spiderman was the first movie I had seen solo in years. With that said its become sort of an addiction. I don't like...
  4. J

    True Detective

    Only two episodes lately that I have watched live then went right back and watched the DVR over again the same night.
  5. J

    Boardwalk Empire

    He's going to be the new Jimmy not Eddie!!
  6. J

    Gun control

    RIP Dianne Feinstein's "assault weapons" ban. Killed by Harry Reid.!!! LOL
  7. J

    Gun control

    ^ ^ Agree all but the AWB is fine.
  8. J

    Gun control

    Obama just showed he cant do a fucking thing without Congress!! lol A REPUBLICAN RED STATE DOMINATED CONGRESS!! L FUCKING O FUCKING L
  9. J

    Gun control

    Link to his proposals!
  10. J

    Justified - Season 4 starts Jan 8th

    Just re-watched all three seasons. Easily the best show on TV for me. Superb writing and storytelling. Timothy Olyphant and Walton Goggins on screen presence is amazing! Really looking forward to this season since all the good HBO shows don't happen till spring!
  11. J

    The Hobbit

    I saw it here in Atlanta in Imax HFR!! Looked amazing!! The only scene that felt weird to me was the Radagast bunny sleigh ride. I am going to take my best friend and his little girl to see it again Saturday!
  12. J

    Gun control

    In the midst of all of this, you would think that somebody would have enough smarts to look to the south across the river and see how well the ban on weapons is working in Mexico. Perspectives on Gun Violence and Gun Control Under current law, Mexican citizens may only possess a few...
  13. J

    Murders and Shootings

  14. J

    Murders and Shootings

    This world we live in has always been a fucked up place. We just now know about it in 3 seconds vs maybe never ever hearing about things or days after it happens. EDIT: They did report that they have a locked door report to the office policy at this school. Also just heard that there was a...
  15. J

    Murders and Shootings

    Are we going to have to start having armed police at schools at all times? Arm certain teachers , principal , school nurse??? Dont know how we can even stop things like this.