Recent content by Rydil

  1. Rydil

    Your guilty pleasure movies

    Sex in the City
  2. Rydil

    Weight Loss Thread

    But it can just be that they each have different goals. Meatheads just want to bench 400 lbs so they don't care what they look like as long as they can lift that. And cardio rats goal could be to weight [insert low number here]. They are both happy doing what they are doing because their goal...
  3. Rydil

    Weight Loss Thread

    I added kettlebell swings and a few other kettlebell exercises to my workout a few months ago and I have enjoyed them. They are great for switching things up and they kick my ass. You can google/youtube kettlebell exercises to see you can hit just about every muscle group with them. But I am not...
  4. Rydil

    Favorite Sports Teams

    I was wondering what everyone's favorite sports teams were, and why. I have noticed some of my coworkers have changed their favorite teams recently and starting thinking if this was a common thing. I only have two teams that I would call my favorite teams, yet I have a story for each. My...
  5. Rydil

    Soccer 2013-2014

    Didn't the ref confirm Evra's story?
  6. Rydil

    Weight Loss Thread

    Have you tried goblet squats?
  7. Rydil

    Weight Loss Thread

    Ok my goal is to do 3x15. I just wasn't sure if doing 10 reps and resting for a long period of time was better then doing 5 reps with shorter rest time. Thanks, I would keep missing with them and see if one seems to work better then the other.
  8. Rydil

    Weight Loss Thread

    I had a Cadaver graft and was told I would be back to sport at the 6-8 month range. And back to all straight line exercises at 3-4months. My range is just about back, was 132 degree and -4.5 compared to 141 and -7. So my PT time got cut and I was told to go to the gym and try things out. Tilluin...
  9. Rydil

    Weight Loss Thread

    My question was if I should do squats 3x8, 5x5 or any other rep/set combo. I haven't had any pain in my knee since I started working out. If I did I would go see my PT or doctor. In PT I did both 3x10 and 5x5 to build strength and endurance. My PT told me to do what I can do without pain or...
  10. Rydil

    Weight Loss Thread

    I had ACL surgery 10 weeks ago, doctor & PT told me to take things slow. Was told to start doing squats, lunges, and step ups. So I have been messing around with a few things and seeing what I can do. Figured out I can do goblet squats with a 20lbs kettle bell. But can not add any weight to my...
  11. Rydil

    Weight Loss Thread

    I was able to do goblet squats without any pain tonight. But wondering what type of sets and reps I should be doing. I did 3x8 tonight but my knee got tired fast. Would a 5x5 program work well, even if the weight is low?
  12. Rydil

    Weight Loss Thread

    I signed up for the 90 day challenge at my gym. My measurements this morning are: 179 pounds and 14.7% body fat. I was in shock at all the people that signed up for this. Has anyone ever done this type of challenge before? If so what type of numbers win? Also, going along with Spiok's squat...
  13. Rydil

    CFB 2013-2014

  14. Rydil

    Weight Loss Thread

    Lunges and Step Ups are the only other leg exercises I can think of with dumbbells. But like Elurin said they are hundreds more for all the muscle groups.
  15. Rydil

    Weight Loss Thread

    Or just use a laptop. There is a setting on my laptop that lets me play dvds at 1.5 speed so it helps cut down on the hour long workout.