Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Sorry to be bitchy, but I just don't get it. It's either a pet class which we already do with WDs and I've played exhaustively (GR80s solo with every set), or it's a Bone Sorc, which I've done before. I'll check it out again once we're closer to release to see if they make a solid caster-tank (which I already have done with the WD, but at least it's slightly innovative).
[bcolor=rgb(18, 8, 0)][/bcolor]
Still think they should have made the crusader a death knight. Could easily have made it a necro-melee hybrid type deal and it would have been 10x cooler than "paladin but even more boring/monk & barb hybrid" they ended up with, not to mention fit in perfectly with the xpac on a thematic level.
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Molten Core Raider
I am actually enjoying the bone armor build. Found the pets to be boring - a little better than WD since they are commandable, but meh. Haven't tried blood yet.....


<Bronze Donator>
I tried the blood set a little bit tonight. There's no cap on how high you can stack the damage buff, so it has some potential. The only real problem is there aren't many good ways to heal yourself via the Blood Cascade stacks. Blood Rush heals you 2% per monster teleported through. So, it works relatively well as long as density is good. But it's kinda clunky in playstyle, having to wait until your next big pack to teleport into in order to heal yourself from the damage from the last pack.

Devour with the 3% heal per corpse looks like it would be promising but it consume a stack PER corpse. I'm hoping that's bugged.

Both of these fall apart versus rift bosses. And neither take into account external damage taken. Blood Siphon *almost* works there but you really need to take the 6%/tick rune to make sitting there channeling worth it. Unfortunately, that also removes the essence restore, which you need for rift bosses because you can't use corpses or the reaping passive to restore essence.

Maybe the secondary items that complement the sets will help round it out. As it is right now, the blood set is pretty much non functional once external damage ramps up.


The Scientific Shitlord
God damn you Hatorade. I was going to be strong and wait for that shit to go live, now I have to pay it. That shit looks ridiculously awesome.


<Bronze Donator>
I tried the Bone Spear set earlier today. Play style seems fluid enough. Has problems right at the beginning of a rift because no corpse = no enhance bone spear, so your damage is shit. The set will definitely run into problems on higher GR bosses. The stacks cap at 30 and you can definitely cast that many on some longer boss fights. I hope they change the set from relying on corpses.

It is quite fun, however, to use Devour and the aura rune to see corpse lances being flung everywhere. Too bad the damage is shit. Maybe they should add corpse lance to the 6P bonus. It will definitely help with bone spear's poor ability to "spread" damage. Even with the teeth and shatter(best rune imo), your AE is still quite limited.

I haven't tried the bone armor set yet. Don't have high hopes for it since the damage bonus doesn't look that good and the tornado itself looks kinda small. About the same size as cloud of bats.

The pet set is easily the strongest. I'd be really surprised if the bone armor set comes close to it. For a pet set, it's not nearly as boring and frustrating as a WD's zuni or garg builds. You bypass a lot of the stupid pet AI by only using skeletons and mages with the contamination rune. So you can either tell the skeletons where to attack, or you're actively placing mages. The best part is no need for builders! Seriously, blizzard, drop this shit, nobody likes it. Through 99% of the rift, you get your essence back via devour and reaper wraps. And collecting globes is easy with the blood sucker rune on siphon.

Pro tip: siphon seems to tick immediately but the animation can be canceled much earlier than other builders. So even though it's only 15 essence, you can tap tap tap it much more over time. Works great for tossing one in between a couple mages to pick up any globes nearby.

The set might run into issues when rift boss hp eclipses 50k weapon damage(land of the dead), so you'll have to actually rely on siphon to get essence.

One last gripe: please please please do away with "long" cooldowns. I don't understand the point of 2m cooldowns. The longest cooldowns should refresh in between elite packs.


Molten Core Raider
Bone is armor is fine so far, am running T6-7 with little issue (not sure how far it will go though) with a thrown together spec without optimizing my gear or mex level gems.


<Bronze Donator>
Bone is armor is fine so far, am running T6-7 with little issue (not sure how far it will go though) with a thrown together spec without optimizing my gear or mex level gems.
I tried it out tonight. It's decent like the bone spear set but the pet set easily out does it.


A nice asshole.
If you need corpses make your own, most pets have a leave corpse option. Pet build I spam summon mage over and over, usually keeping 7 or so up while I devour them when they die. I can see it working very well with a large gold pickup radius as well.
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<Bronze Donator>
Runes should not be used to make sets functional. Gift of Death severely gimps your dps. Contamination is that good.


The Scientific Shitlord
Bone set needs to have 2 piece bonus changed to make skeleton mages permanent up to 7 or 8. 4 piece is maybe ok. 6 piece is solid.


<Bronze Donator>
I haven't had a huge deal with temporary mages, but I can see how it's annoying. I think they are balanced around Contamination and kinda suck otherwise. Think of them more as sentry turrets than pets.

4 piece bonus needs to last longer, 5s can fall off easily in higher rifts.


<Bronze Donator>
We're missing class specific belts, rings, bracers, scythes, and phylacteries. But yeah, the class is still quite rough. I think the corpse concept is a holdover from D2 and the way it's implemented now could use some work. Kill stuff and then kill more stuff with the previous stuff's corpses is fun, but it doesn't exactly fit into what D3 has become: move and kill. It's the reason why devouring aura is the best rune on devour.

A lot of the sets have stacking buffs which really needs to go. Shouldn't need to monitor buffs stacks, especially for the blood set. Short duration buffs are turrible too.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Started up a wizard for the hell of it. Within 4 hours I was steam rolling T11 rifts/grifts. I expected it because they are as over tuned this season as DH's, but dang if they don't look better than DH's! The CDR requirement is pretty heavy. Have 62% CDR, and even with Gogok, there is still sometimes a cool down on Archon.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Archon is a super fun build. I really enjoyed it when I did it.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
Is there a trick to playing the archon build that makes it fun? I felt like it required finicky timing to get stacks going and burst damage timed right, rather than the DH Impale build which just screen-fucks everything while flipping out like a motherfucking ninja.

I tired of archon and switched to a manald-based channeling skill build. Works decent, if not outstanding. Wizard is my token secondary class this season anyway.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Blizzard is a waste of AP, use Magical Missile - Glacial Spike as your cold spell. Lightning Archon is a glass cannon build and it's really noticeable the higher you go. At around GR90 you will hit a wall damage-wise where you can't use zodiac ring and have to switch over to a CoE build which requires 64% CDR on gear + Gogok to make your cycles. Basically means max CDR on everything including amulet. The downside to this is you have a completely static period of time outside of Archon where you are wet tissue paper and thus everyone past that point goes for APD and Aether walker to spam TP w/ stun as needed.

Wizards are still good AE clearing GR70-90 though, 4-stack Tal w/ Archon gives you 8 seconds to pump out a lot of damage. Zodiac is probably better than CoE for that range simply because you want to do it more often rather than overkill.