Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018)


Mr. Poopybutthole
My response after my former employer telling me I have to save my partially trained velociraptor from a... volcanic eruption on an island I abandoned because of runaway dinos eating shit.

"lol no."

I have a dream that when he reaches out to touch Blue's snout, she fucking shreds him to pieces like what happened to Vincent D'Nofrio's character.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I have a dream that when he reaches out to touch Blue's snout, she fucking shreds him to pieces like what happened to Vincent D'Nofrio's character.

I mean its not even a remotely believable McGuffin to move the plot. Lost World years ago had Jeff Goldblum ONLY agreeing to go back to the island because his stupid fucking girlfriend went there to take photos... alone.

Also it isn't like InGen couldn't just clone more dinosaurs or whatever. You'd think they just abandon the Jurassic Park concept at this point. Untold billions and 30 years of investment. Park's never managed to be open even for a single day without catastrophic failure.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I had really hoped they were going to rebuild the amusement park and keep it more sci-fi. What I loved about Jurassic World was the damn amusement park. Sure, it got tore to shreds, but they killed the main dino, no reason they couldn't rebuild it!
Same with the original, having an actual Amusement Park in a dinosaur world is just so crazy rediculous it's why I love them so much. #2 and #3 were crap : abandoned island + military comes... bullshit.

I want to see families being terrorized again.

Only way this could be passable is if this volcano is actually a James-Bondesque twist where some super-tech is destabilizing the land and we get an even bigger Megasaur than last Jurassic World. Like the image above, maybe the army is putting guns on dinos and doing a North Korea on the island, collapsing the mountain from nuke tests.
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Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I'm sure someone in Hollywood has a bet running on how stupid they can make a movie and still make billions with it.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Park's never managed to be open even for a single day without catastrophic failure.

Uh, the entire movie is built on the fact that Jurassic World has been operating (relatively) problem free for so long that the public has repeatedly gotten bored of dinosaurs and they have to come up with new ways to wow them, hence the DRex.
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Trump's Staff
First one was plenty fun and the epitome of a turn-your-brain-off popcorn flick. Nothing wrong with that.

This one just looks dumb as fuck and I'm pretty sure we saw the whole core plot in the trailer, including the end action scenes.
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Trakanon Raider
Well, there is a large part of the plot missing from that trailer and a key dino. Fiendish Dr. Wu and the remaining flunkies from Ingen have continued to create hybrids....for what reason I have no clue. But the new dinosaur is called the Indoraptor (Indominus plus raptor, Universal so clever) and it's probably got all the stupid super powers the Indominus Rex had, just smaller. So the plot is the team goes to the island to Save the Whales (errr... dinosaurs) and instead stumbles upon the evil plot by Dr. Wu.

They managed to leave all of that out of the initial trailer, so I think they did a decent misdirection. That said, as far as I am concerned, these movies have no human characters and it is all just dinoporn.
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a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
Well, there is a large part of the plot missing from that trailer and a key dino. Fiendish Dr. Wu and the remaining flunkies from Ingen have continued to create hybrids....for what reason I have no clue. But the new dinosaur is called the Indoraptor (Indominus plus raptor, Universal so clever) and it's probably got all the stupid super powers the Indominus Rex had, just smaller. So the plot is the team goes to the island to Save the Whales (errr... dinosaurs) and instead stumbles upon the evil plot by Dr. Wu.

They managed to leave all of that out of the initial trailer, so I think they did a decent misdirection. That said, as far as I am concerned, these movies have no human characters and it is all just dinoporn.

Wait, wasn't the indominous rex a t-rex + raptor? So they added more raptor?


Trakanon Raider
It follows up on the line by Vincent D'onofrio's character in the last movie where he referenced sending trained raptors into tunnels in Afghanistan to hunt jihadis (which would actually be hilarious when you think about it). Instead of going through the lifetime of hand raising that Chris Pratt's character did with the Velociraptors, they probably are breeding genetically modified ones to be smarter or obedient or both, pretty much something really asinine at the end of the day, they probably have laser beams on their head too.


Hell, before Jurassic World was settled on, one of the 'possible' reboots involved human/dinosaur hybrids being used as soldiers.
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Holy shit, Velociraptors in Afghanistan tunnels hunting terrorists. Strap a GoPro on those clever girls and I'd pay Pay Per View money to watch that shit!
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That guy
Holy shit, Velociraptors in Afghanistan tunnels hunting terrorists. Strap a GoPro on those clever girls and I'd pay Pay Per View money to watch that shit!

Way more fun than watching UAV feeds, sometimes it took hours for something interesting to happen


Pathetic Reaction Bot
Hell, before Jurassic World was settled on, one of the 'possible' reboots involved human/dinosaur hybrids being used as soldiers.

Wait... Live action Dinosaucers was almost a thing?!
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"The infamous John Sayles draft for Jurassic Park 4, featuring dinosaur/human/dog hybrids and a brief return to Nublar. Read with caution: this almost got made. Many ideas transitioned into Jurassic World."


The earliest public knowledge of these hybrids is October 2003, in an interview with Jack Horner on the Minnesota Public Radio's Midmorning show. A caller asked Horner about the The "Dinosauroid", a conjectured evolutionary descendant of Troodon that had a humanoid appearance. Horner replied telling the caller to "keep thinking about that for a couple years" before further telling him to go see Jurassic Park IV.[4]


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
They should just make a Westworld/Jurassic Park Crossover. Emergent self-aware cowboy robots riding genetically engineered dinosaurs.

It'd be better than this shit.
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They should just make a Westworld/Jurassic Park Crossover. Emergent self-aware cowboy robots riding genetically engineered dinosaurs.

It'd be better than this shit.
They have turned this into Resident Evil essentially, I think that's the more direct comparison.

Umbrella Corp just keeps messing around with the T virus making worse and worse things and hoping they might survive it.
InoGen just keeps messing around with cloning and hybrids trying to make them tameable but keeps screwing up every time.


FPS noob
movie opens tomorrow in Europe cuz ?? reasons ?? and reviews are starting to leak out
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom

So far 67% on RT (JW1 was 71%) so I guess about the same but by the time its out in the USA (June 22nd) should have full spoilers and cams and shit from Europe. Seems really dumb to release it in Europe 2 weeks ahead of USA.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Kind of in a similar boat I will pay money to see anything Chris Pratt is in because he's got an undeniable charm and he's really entertaining but the Ron Howard nepotism hour or something I could have lived without. He's literally playing out Arrested Development season 4 in real life.