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  1. Krag


    Shite luck on cards for me this time round. Opened 109 packs and got Dragon Soul (free) Ixlid Val'anyr Lynessa Skull of the Man'ari Rin Woecleaver The Darkness I got a total of 23 epics, but almost none of the ones that look playable. I got a single Carnivorous Cube, the rest looks mostly crap...
  2. Krag


    In another post I read the card text as the returned minions costing 1 less and I thought that might not be a bad legendary and have some potential for replaying battlecries. Seeing that it actually says they cost 1 straight up seems crazy powerful. It will be interesting to see what kind of new...
  3. Krag


    The secret costs 2 mana so it won't go in a Keleseth deck Looks very, very good especially for the 4 months or so where dragon priest can still run Operative (I have no idea what craziness goes on in Wild, so I'm only judging cards on a Standard perspective). This very quickly jumped to the...
  4. Krag


    Managed to play a frozen Onyxia while doing quests today
  5. Krag


    I think the 7th look about right compared to last expansion. I believe they said somewhere that the reveals start around the 20th.
  6. Krag


    Apparently there's a new, glorious bug for (at least some) EU players - surprise! - including me. Every card image in the collection was just white textures, decks not showing up, and couldn't connect to any game. Luckily someone figured out that changing language from English (UK) to English...
  7. Krag


    They changed that when they went to the three full set expansions, to have the final tournament at the end of the "standard year" instead of somewhere in the middle.
  8. Krag


    I've been muddling about around rank 8-9 for a few days playing some non-tier-1 decks, mostly dragon priest. Today was the last day for me to get to rank 5 (out all day tomorrow), so I thought that I might miss it for once. But Raza priest (without Velen, who I don't have) came through.
  9. Krag


    I meant more the horseshit corsair + patches, innervate, fire fly, mark or the lotus openings.
  10. Krag


    For me the deck most often killing a turn two Doomsayer is aggro druid, especially now they are playing alchemist on top of those stupid innervate buff openings that gets etched into your memory as happening *every damn time*.
  11. Krag


    He shuffled on turn one and then innervate, coin, Fandral and jade idol on turn two... He was out of cards the whole game pretty much. The Geist might even have helped him a little since he drew jade spirits and other stuff instead of just one idol per turn.
  12. Krag


    I've been playing a bit of mage this season from about rank 10 up to 5 (finishing up golden mage) and the "fatigue" variations does pretty well against druids (I only saw 31% druids!! but at those ranks there's a lot more weird stuff than past 5). I ended up 7-3 versus Malfurion. Geist is a good...
  13. Krag


    You can, but only ones you don't already have in any form.
  14. Krag


    Forgot to ask, how impactful has the healing from Drain Soul been for you since you're not running Happy Ghoul to get some tempo from it? I've been experimenting with Demonfire in that spot since you can "heal" demons with it, and it's great on an early voidwalker.
  15. Krag


    I saw you play Hotform (or at least someone with the same name playing demons). I really like the demonlock variations (and I got Gul'Dan from the prologue so that helps) and it's impressive that those few cards (defile is crazy good) have made warlock viable again (whether it stays so when...
  16. Krag


    Yeah, Raza sets the hero power cost to zero for the rest of the game. There was a gimmick deck in MSoG where you killed the opponent by playing Spawn of Shadows (deal 4 to each hero inspire guy) and then hero powering however many times you needed using Garrison Commander and Sir Finley and...
  17. Krag


    I had pretty good luck on legendaries this time. I opened 103 packs and got Rexxar Jaina Anduin Garrosh Valeera Putricide Hadronox Lilian Voss (and Gul'dan from the prologue) I didn't open many epics and what I got was pretty shite, 4 meat wagons and 3 toxic arrows among other stuff... but...
  18. Krag


    You have to be at not full health for it to count. Those last two deathknight cards seem really strong. It feels like I'm going to need way more dust for crafting this expansion compared to Un'goro where most of the quests and quite a few class legendaries weren't really that playable.
  19. Krag


    I opened the packs I had saved when I saw the blog post saying the new pack-opening-system was implemented and got a legendary from both classic set (7 packs saved) and Un'goro (6 packs). I thought I got really lucky, but then I read that there might be a bug and bought packs from the other...
  20. Krag


    With the reveal stream tomorrow I believe there's a good chance of a release next week. I think in general they would like to release the first week in the new month (with the last two expansions they've hit it). Before the live stream was announced I was expecting the second week as that...
  21. Krag


    It was confirmed on twitter that it is a collectible. It also has the rarity gem which I don't think any boss-only cards have (outside of legendaries). Edit: You already posted all that, that should teach me to refresh the page once in a while.
  22. Krag


    Was also in the video. That's a decent amount of stats.
  23. Krag


    Indeed, I expect we'll at least see Prince Valanar since those three formed the blood prince council in Icecrown Citadel in WoW. And I expect Valanar to be just as useless.
  24. Krag


    I can already tell that the first few legendaries I'll unpack will be however many of those meme-combo-princes there are...
  25. Krag


    Hopefully more of the deathrattles are effects like buffing other minions, healing, damaging, drawing/creating cards rather than the spawn another minion. Shit like naxx zoo was the most obnoxious in the game. They confirmed that each part of the beast can at most cost 5 mana (so as not to...
  26. Krag


    I'm not sure he's that important. Yes, it's another huge drop, but the amount of times his effect actually comes into play seems very rare from watching streamers play those decks.
  27. Krag


    I was looking forward to the quests (a new mechanic) when Un'goro was announced, but now I'm pretty happy that they aren't played that much (though it sucks for everyone opening the worthless ones). Caverns Below was mostly nerfed, I think, because it's incredibly boring/annoying to play...
  28. Krag


    Devolve goes in some jade and most control shamans, I don't think many elemental lists run it. Shaman isn't played that much at the moment in general though so I wouldn't particularly worry about devolve.
  29. Krag


    With the new ranked floors, you sometimes just run into the most amazing stuff. I'm playing some random decks at rank 5 and for the most part it's been a steady stream of pirate warriors, but I think one of them wanted to try something new and was playing jade druid (they certainly didn't get...
  30. Krag


    They sort of had to do the announcement now since the pre-order goes into the client with the patch. Yeah, it'll be annoying to wait on, but having card reveals stretched out over a full month would be even worse (see Gadgetzan) The last four of the adaptations were posted on reddit so these...
  31. Krag


    Those dinos with adapt look like they could be interesting. You won't always get the best choices, but it being a discovery-like choice you'll probably most of the time get something decent for the situation. Them being beasts could be a bonus for druids and hunters.
  32. Krag


    Brawl is of course stupidly random, but I personally don't really mind that. I use the random brawls to get better at not fucking up sequencing and planning my next turns. Some of them I only just play enough to get my pack and maybe finish a quest or two, but this one I've managed to play like...
  33. Krag

    Steam Deals and Digital Sales

    Oh, I personally love the bundles, but I can understand why someone, not Bandwagon's situation as it turns out, wouldn't want to buy them if they end up barely playing any of them (I've seen the notion elsewhere). I end up having tons of games I haven't even tried yet, due to me most of the...
  34. Krag

    Steam Deals and Digital Sales

    I enjoyed it a lot, but it does get a little "samey" at times. I have a spare key from the humble monthly so send me a PM if you haven't bought it and are still interested. Having way too many games to play is certainly a good reason to not be quite as enthused about the monthly bundles. I only...
  35. Krag

    The Bard's Tale 4

    That combat looks much better (and more interesting) than I was expecting to be honest. My "fear" for some of these new takes on old games has mostly been if they could capture some of the very rose-coloured memories I have from playing them all that time ago. I think that combat video does a...
  36. Krag


    I think there's almost zero chance/risk that it's an adventure just due to the fact that so many cards are leaving standard at the same time with the added possibility of Blizzard neutering or rotating some overused classic cards on top. We need a large chunk of new cards at that time or...
  37. Krag


    Were you missing the Christmas card back? The way it was phrased on it sounded like you might only get a pack if you don't get the card back (i.e. if you already had it from last time). It seems pretty stupid (and petty) to me to not just give everyone the free pack whether they had...
  38. Krag


    I played jade control shaman from 8 or so until I hit 5 since I was running into a truckload of aggro/mid shaman, pirates and rogues.
  39. Krag


    Ooze value I would have won even without the ooze since I had ice block up and Reno in hand and he was out of cards, but that still felt good.
  40. Krag


    She is in some of the more value oriented Reno mage lists, but the burn heavy ones with Antonidas are much more popular right now (and most likely better). Similarly she shows up in some of the non-dragon Reno priests, but again those are the less popular ones. Sylvanas is obviously a really...