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  1. A

    True Detective

    Well it was definitely a great show, but if I hadn't been at first intrigued by the AWESOME tone and then fully hooked by Alexandra Daddario's tits I definitely would not have liked it that much. Seriously though, I think the show had a weak finish. I tuned in every week to see how the...
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    Black Mass

    I really want this to be good. I want Johnny Depp to not be a cartoon anymore (the contacts aren't really helping with that though). The guy can put on a show, but I don't think I can take him seriously anymore. Finding Neverland was the last time the guy didn't seem like a total alien.
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    GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings

    I get that it is a courtesy thing and I appreciate that. There is no problem with people voluntarily hiding posts. But the cotton-headed ninny mungginses who are getting their assholes stretched about the internet talking about something they don't want to hear? It takes a the most unfortunate...
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    GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings

    Lol! Basically every post since the leak is spoilered... People browsing the spoiler thread getting pissed off about spoilers. Grow. The. Fuck. Up.
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    A Song of Ice and Fire (Released Spoilers)

    who's comparing one book to a series? Don't be dense.
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    A Song of Ice and Fire (Released Spoilers)

    The Grapes of Wrath was 619 pages long and was written in 5 months. It won a Pulitzer so it could be argued that the quality didn't suffer too much. Gurm just don't give a fuck.
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    Andrew W.K. is a genius

    cool story.
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    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    Why do I fucking live here...
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    The Leftovers

    Like is a strong word, tolerate maybe? I've already played through everything else in HBO Go while I play games.
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    Board Games

    Well Amazon ended up having a decent selection for their GenCon sale this year, Betrayal was around $30. I ended up grabbing Quantum, King of Tokyo, and a few others that have languished on my B-list for a while. Only spent about $140 for 6 games.
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    The Leftovers

    I strongly suspect this show isn't going anywhere particularly interesting. I like the premise, acting, and production in general. But I think it is gonna be a slow-roll descent into chaos that ultimately reveals nothing about the missing people. I just don't think the characters are...
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    The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2014)

    Well I don't think you are wrong at all for enjoying the Hobbit movies. If that is your thing more power to you. Hell, I was even able to find a lot to like about the first one. But, honestly, wouldn't you rather watch a movie that was at least able to stand on it's own legs without replacing...
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    GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings

    AFFC and ADWD both took place simultaneously, right? is this enough to account for the missing characters? I was under the impression that the show was not planning on splitting the narrative by characters like the books did.
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    The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2014)

    Not Angry, just disappointed. These movies are made to put bodies in the seats, I get it, there's nothing wrong with it. The fact that it is such a huge franchise just means that the type of hobbit movie I want to see will probably never be made. That translates to disappointment on my part...
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    The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2014)

    Another basically dumb Tolkien movie. No thanks.
  16. A

    Suggestions for a new author / series of books for me to read?

    The Passage by Justin Cronin had a Stephen King/Crichton vibe. I think his daughters asked him to write a vampire story like twilight so he wrote about a vampire apocalypse. It isn't terrible.
  17. A

    At the Mountains of Madess may be back on, but...

    This would be preferable to how True Detective approached the cosmic insanity theme... Which is to say make every indication that the character will go insane upon witnessing the power of the great old ones, then pull a sweet juke into your typical "felt my daughters love" bullshit Hollywood...
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    The Shannara Chronicles

    Yeah full disclosure: The discerning adult reader in me KNOWS SoS is 95% copy pasta, but I still love the book for various reasons. I'm not saying don't enjoy the books. The rest of the series (what I've read of it at least) is pretty original and I'm not ashamed to say that I enjoyed it...
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    The Shannara Chronicles

    I would actually prefer that a non-fanboy throw this thing together. Regardless, they will probably cast an unwed 16 y/o pregnant girl as Shea Ohmsford and (best case scenario) we will get The Situation as Allanon. Definitely agree about the names though.
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    The Shannara Chronicles

    The series as a whole probably wasn't entirely derivative of LotR. The first book was pretty blatant in terms of characters at least as far as i remember http://
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    The Shannara Chronicles

    Hmm, apparently he started writing in 67 while he was in law school. I stand corrected. I guess I was just reaching for a reasonable explanation for the mediocrity of it.
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    The Shannara Chronicles

    Terry brooks actually wrote Sword as a teenager I think. It wasn't particularly good. I read it when I was 9 and it was an okay intro to the genre. I remember almost nothing about the rest of the series. Oddly enough I actually liked Magic Kingdom For Sale... I wonder if it would be terrible...
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    Dracula Untold

    That actually doesn't look like a pile of garbage. Wow, I'll watch it.
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    Board Games

    The resistance is good, basic social interaction game where everyone in the group gets paranoid and yells at each other for 20 mins. I love it. Outcome tends to favor the spies, but it can be fun regardless. It does scale decently well with number of players.
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    [NO Spoilers] Star Wars: Episode 7 - NO PUSSY SHIT

    So the argument has gone thusly: 1. Lucas is called out for being a hack by random forum member 2. Column asserts he is a film expert and white knights the defenseless billionaire 3. the rest of us don't give a fuck 4. Column spews ad hominem bullshit. I've learned so much about star wars...
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    [NO Spoilers] Star Wars: Episode 7 - NO PUSSY SHIT

    John Williams is a prolific composer, his body of work is pretty substantial and he definitely has a distinct style. It would blow if he couldn't finish scoring the movies, but I think anyone looking to finish for him has plenty of his work to draw from.
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    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    I really wish now that I had listened
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    Prometheus (Alien 0) - 1 Year Later

    They're just really upset there were no predators in it. They know they will sound like retard neck-beard fanboys if they cite that as the reason. Best to just ignore I guess.
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    Prometheus (Alien 0) - 1 Year Later

    Word Chaos. I can understand not liking the movie; it was not amazing. I just don't get why people are working so hard to make sure no one else enjoys it. There were redeeming qualities. It happens.
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    Prometheus (Alien 0) - 1 Year Later

    Spray-On Polymer Mats Seal Surgical Incisions | March 24, 2014 Issue - Vol. 92 Issue 12 | Chemical & Engineering News or you know, this.
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    EVE Online

    Both. Decreasing refine efficiency but adjusting yields to compensate I think. there is a write up over at themittani
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    EVE Online

    Refining/Ore yield changes coming this summer. Anyone see a good way to take advantage?
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    EVE Online

    haha I bet, it pays the bills though... kinda
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    EVE Online

    I am also corp-less. I mostly solo high sec mine in the bleak lands though if thats your thing. Hit me up, Prokarr in game
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    EVE Online

    If somebody doesn't start talking about eve soon, I am going to have to start playing again...
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    I'm really fucked up right now, and not sure where to post it so here you go.

    BSA isn't a whole lot different from other extracurricular activities like organized sports. Ideally, it offers positive role models and a chance for kids to socialize themselves in the same way that coaches and team play might for say, basketball. One big difference is that it isn't an...
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    Board Games

    Just skimmed this thread so far, but didnt really see much love for the Game of Thrones board game. Definitely a staple of our gaming group. It does a really good job of capturing the atmosphere of the books. You really need to be able to manipulate and maneuver your fellow players since combat...
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    What do you do?

    yeah I'm mostly in agreement. I intend to leave soon. I'm not from Saginaw, I just work there. I actually live in bay city.
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    What do you do?

    Well I live out of town and commute. I am currently looking for employment in a different part of the state, I'm just waiting 6 months until I'm vested in my 401k. My situation is not tragic by any means. But Saginaw (and the surrounding townships) is a normal community being dragged down by a...