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    Tom Clancy's The Division

    Same here, got it installed today! If it's good I won't be sleeping much for the next few days.
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    Fallout 4

    When can us digital console players start playing? Tonight at midnight EST?
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    Fallout 4

    This video covers how to assign workers, start at about 6:30.
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    The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !

    Is the link to spreadsheet in sticky thread correct? Not seeing it update... add me as well to Xbox please: asocirev
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    The newx2 Game Network ID Thread (PSN/Steam/Xbox/Wii)

    Saw this post really late... invited.
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    The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !

    I am in the preview program (I can send out invites to those interested) and it looks like the new UI will get released to preview in September? I have been enjoying the old games available in Rare Replay (Lunar Jetpac is fucking hard/annoying), and it showcases how hard the 8-bit generation of...
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    The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !

    Ori was great, couldn't stomach playing it through 3 times for all the achievements though... I keep hearing about SO and it's cheap enough, but I have bought a lot this year. Just got Rare Replay which is incredible for $30.
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    Witcher 3

    You may not like this solution as it makes most encounters (and much of the game) trivial, but go 7 points into Axii for the puppet perk. I stand on the edge of a large groups' combat zone and cast Axii on the closest guy and he kills the others for me. When I encounter the archer problem I do...
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    Witcher 3

    I am still in Velen and I getting comfortable with the Northern Realms deck. Glad to hear if I stick with it I can eventually win the Gwent Tournament later on. Has anyone got the card collector achievement? It would be nice to get but I worry there are too many missable cards in the world...
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    Witcher 3

    Glad I saw this last night, logged in and made some cash before the patch hit on XB1
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    The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !

    I fixed Plex by changing the video stream setting setting to maximum (not sure where that option is in the PS4). This prevents your Plex server from trying to transcode. I keep it on maximum for my Xbone and FireTV and has fixed my past issues.
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    Neverwinter: PC

    Pretty sure it's a fresh start. I read an interview that they are staggering the release of the current end game content to the console players which means they are keeping the xbox patched spereately. Possibly due to the patch approval crap that needs to occur on xbox?
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    Vanguard - I don't give a fuck if it's dead, It's still brown as fuck (Download link in 1st post)

    It definitely is too much brown, but that pic is fuzzy due to being a bad jpg.
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    Vanguard - I don't give a fuck if it's dead, It's still brown as fuck (Download link in 1st post)

    I don't think flying a Rainbow Whale helps develop the game, but it's super fun! I wish there was more I could do to help
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    Alien 5?

    Thanks for the link, good read.
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    SOE Becomes Daybreak / Russian shutdown

    They are pro Cash Shop: "Guild and character renames, the studio recommends, are to be handled with name change potions available in the cash shop. "
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    The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !

    No biggie, I was waiting for it to go below to $40 range to pick it up. I'll watch the sale to see if it pops back up.
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    The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !

    Did they fuck up the sale pricing and pull that shit down? LOTF isn't showing as a sale anymore... damn
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    The Netflix Thread

    Not sure if it will happen but this is the last update I've seen:Make Dredd a Sequel
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    MS DOS Games

    Wow, they even have GATO...
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    The Scorpion King 4: Quest for Power 2015

    How does this get a green light and not Dredd 2?
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    League Of Legends

    Gordon Hayward says he's better than LeBron ... Anyone know what he is ranked?
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    The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !

    XB1 October Update is out Breakdown of the big features: - New Snap and Friends functions - Snap Updates - Friends, Messages, Game DVR, clock, and battery indicator- Additionally, two apps have been optimized for Snap mode:Friends Snap App? Access your friends list without leaving the...
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    DriveClub for PS4.

    Correct, a single track per race - a total of 55 different tracks for full retail version (this includes alternate route sets and courses that run backward). Sounds like Death Race 2000 - I'd like to see that on the new consoles as well.
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    The Crew

    The Crew Delayed I didn't even download and play the XB1 beta as I've been too consumed with FH2. They might find some love on the PC and some PS4 peeps may want an open-world racer. They have 3 betas under their belt and the driving physics are still sub-par plus the whole game is...
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    DriveClub for PS4.

    Having only read articles and watched videos, you're right - Driveclub is more arcade than sim and more a circuit than open-world racer.
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    The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !

    The xbone has always had DLNA so long as you pushed the media from your home PC to the Xbone. In the upcoming October firmware they are implementing "full" DLNA to allow users to push/pull media from wherever on their network.
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    Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16

    Fuck yeah on the division. I canceled my preorder on destiny about two weeks ago when an article went into a little more depth describing the end game raid lockout timers. Made me worried this game would also come with dailies etc... I just don't have time or the desire for that right now, I...
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    The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !

    Forza Motorsport 5 is free through Sunday for Xbox Live Gold members. I started playing it last night and think it's pretty good, I love the addition of Top Gear comments and tracks. Racing against other players avatars through their drivatars is incredibly cool. I am More of an arcade racer...
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    The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !

    Xbone Games with Gold announcement is out:Xbox Live Games with Gold September Only bringing one new game to XB1 and two to the 360. LOL @ Crimson Dragon, Pretty weak.
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    Diablo III - Ultimate Evil Edition

    Just picked this up on the XB1 (gamertag: asocirev) - if anyone is interested in joining up! Most everyone here is on the PS4 but I am sure there are few lurkers out there playing on the Xbone.
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    The Crew

    I have had none of the performance issues mentioned here, the game has run smoothly for me. All the beginner cars feel extremely loose and you swerve like crazy everywhere you drive. Supposedly this improves as your cars get upgraded but I've played other racers and their crappy cars handle...
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    The Crew

    Thanks for this! They ran out of keys yesterday but got mine this morning. Fuck Uplay.
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    Destiny - Gamertags

    XB1 gamertag: asocirev - have mic
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    Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16

    A LFG system would be great, leaning on forums and a companion app doesn't sound fun. The peeps getting into the raids early are going to cash in on some fun game 'sploits until bungie "fixes" it I bet.
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    Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16

    Kinda bummed they double-downed on no matchmaking for raids. Bungie on the Destiny level cap, raids and game size
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    EQ Never

    A similar argument can/will be applied to raid sizes. Why cap raid sizes? Who cares if you raid with 5 people or 50? 5 may be impossible but success ends with you drowning in loot, while the 50 man zergfest you participated in almost guarantees you walking away with nothing.
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    Sweet Mary Mother of God! A Shadowgate Remake. Why am I not told these things?!

    Played this on the NES, never finished it cause I was 11 and didn't know what the fuck I was doing...the banshee(?) scared the shit out of me the first time. according to Wikipedia they kickstarted $130k and will be adding an item and quest that was cut from original release... Seems like a lot...
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    The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !

    I thought you were joking... Wtf hahahahaha
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    The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !

    tldw; 60 fps always better for gameplay and response, 30 fps used by developers as a visual fidelity/gameplay compromise, neg-gen equipment having a hard time reaching 1080p60 and he's tired of developers making BS excuses why their games ship at 30fps.