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  1. T

    GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings

    Good, pussy bitch finally did something useful by throwing his trash out the window.
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    Your guilty pleasure movies

    How about this line of thought.... Mad Max : Fury Road, I have honestly seen the movie over fifty times and will probably see it fifty more. I am starting to feel guilty bout how much I enjoy this movie and when my wife's catches me watching it, because it just happens to be on on the Movie...
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    Dark Souls 3

    The +1 and 2 versions spawn in different locations from their lesser versions while the standard versions are right where they were originally in the normal version of the game. That is how it seemed to me on my ng+ play through as I have two of almost everything now. (Edit: I r 2 slow)
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    Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)

    Yes, piss poor writing.
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    The Walking Dead

    I'm not surprised that Trevor Phillips would be around and still an asshole after the zombie apocalypse.
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    Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)

    Yes, there is a few elements of foreshadowing towards a Flashpoint movie which, I suppose, they could use to take the whole franchise in a different direction if they don't tank everything before they can get to that point.
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    Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)

    Cap works because he isn't Christ in a cape (don't get me wrong, he is still a Christ figure, just not as overtly so.) in a World that is slowly, and possibly too late, coming to realize that no deity is going to come down and save us from ourselves. Captain America is a soldier who represents...
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    Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)

    6/10. Wonder Woman was lame, Lex Luther was retarded, and the entire premise behind the big fight was forced and doesn't make a lot of sense to the non-comic reader. This should have been two movies, at least. One dedicated to how Batman became this darker, crueler version and it could have been...
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    Your guilty pleasure movies

    Live action Resident Evil movies, all of them. Drive Angry and I'll add Sorcerors Apprentice as well. Sweet November, She's out of Your League, the Girl Next Door, and The Vow. Robocop 2, Crank 1 and 2, Mortal Kombat, Spawn, both Fantastic Four versions, hell almost any video game and comic...
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    MST3k reboot kickstarter

    Kickstarter has ended with enough made to produce 14 episodes, I didn't think they could do it but am pleasantly surprised, figured they get 9 but not the full 12, more was incomprehensible to me. In addition to that, it looks like they made enough to beat the Veronica Mars kickstarter so it...
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    MST3k reboot kickstarter

    Bring Back MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATER 3000 for a New Season! by Joel Hodgson Kickstarter Not sure how I feel about Joel being the only returning member and he isn't even hosting it, however I cannot deny a certain hope that this will be worth watching. I just hope they have the host segments...
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    Best Covers

    My two favourite covers.
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    The Matrix (1999)

    I always thought it was because, despite their uprising, the machines could not continue to exist in a world without humans. They HAD to find a way to preserve us while maintaining their supremacy or they had no purpose. It was a base part of their program that they couldn't alter, they need us...
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    Suicide Squad (2016)

    That would actually be better than Leto as a 'regular' Joker. Relates to Arkham Knight, doesn't tread on Ledger, and explains why this Joker is so drastically different to how Mr. J is usually portrayed. Now I am not saying it is going to save this piss poor showing of a fecal train wreck, they...
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    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    I'm not sure if that is supposed to be a bad thing because I fail to see the problem here.
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    This is an excellent thread, I am glad I was able to participate.
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    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    Maybe I am old, I am 40, but I just don't give a shit about how others want to live their lives if it doesn't have any impact on me or my family. If what you do is legally consensual and/or consensually legal I don't need to know about it, it is none of my fucking business. This latest evolution...
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    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    Double post, my bad.
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    Emma Sulkowicz (mattress girl) releases sex tape as art project

    If this and the SJW zealot movement is a sign of times to come...
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    Fallout 4

    Omfg that looks beautiful
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    League of Extraordinary Gentlemen remake

    No, no they are not!
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    What's the worst movie you've seen at the theatre?

    The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water, our kids loved it but God DAMN this movie blows. The Thin Red Line Battlefield Earth was fairly awful as well.
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    Who would win... Ash vs Jules

    Yes, but the relationship is strictly platonic.
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    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    I couldn't resist, sorry.
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    Avengers: Age of Ultron

    Apologies if this has been covered, I checked but didn't see anything related. How is the 3d in this maovie? There are so very few 2d showings (must, resist, urge, to rant) that my wife, kids, and I may be forced to see a 3d viewing and just want to know if it is worth the few extra dollars or...
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    Better Call Saul

    Yup. Steven Ogg - IMDB
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    Battlefield Hardline

    I am starting to feel that this is more of an arena shooter(CoD, Titanfall, Destiny) than what I always liked about BF 3 & 4. I prefer the pacing that exists in the larger scale maps and games than the twitch run and gun, probably because I am so terrible at arena shooters. I am not saying it IS...
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    The Walking Dead

    I keep wondering where on the fallout 3 map they would currently be... God I'm such a nerd.
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    Assassin's Creed: Unity

    I hate this game, that is just the honest truth of it. I am not one of those people that just doesn't like the series, I liked ac1, I consider ac2 to be one of the most improved sequels I have ever played and remains one of my favourites, I loved Brotherhood as much as 2, I though Revelations...
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    The Authoritative Final Fantasy & Bravely Default thread

    I recently tried to play lightening returns again and cannout get past 2 hours, the game is, in my opinion, unmitigated shit. The combat is awful, the voice acting is fucking dreadful, and a global timer on my gameplay drives me nuts. The timer aspect is what really kills it for me, i like to...
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    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    Am I playing this game?
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    My Spider Bro

    A) That is not your spider, it is my spider. B) Don't call me 'bro'. C) I'm sorry, I couldn't resist because I'm a little high and should probably go to bed. Sorry again.
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    This forum has turned to shit

    A rage quit post on a forum with mmo roots, especially EverQuest, and no one else has said it yet? Can I have your Stuff?
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    The 80s kid thread

    Ah yes, Schoolhouse Rock.
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    The 80s kid thread

    I liked this show... I was a stupid kid. Canadian 80's Terry Fox Rick Hansen My school went and watched Rick Hansen roll by, I only cared because I got out of school for a bit. Terrible Canadian 80's
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    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    I remember that song because I'm old... Fuck.
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    Retro and New Video Game Picture/Video Thread

    I always liked the opening to Lagoon.
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    Robocop - Remake

    This movie is fucking moronic. The ED-209 guns down a kid with a knife with live fucking ammunition. They COULD be using the taser rounds they give Robo (who still proceeds to gun everyone down with the sub machine gun thing) but nooooo the giant armoured walking tank guns down a kid... because...
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    SyFy network admits they fucked up

    It won't happen but a nerd can dream...
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    The Authoritative Final Fantasy & Bravely Default thread

    Adding everyone as well 1306 - 6834 - 3366