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  1. N

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    You are a fraud, you are a liar, and this is me posting. Because you have multiple personalities posting for you, doesn"t mean I do. You never played in the NFL, you never played sports, you live with your mother and you"ve just been outed by someone it appears you despise as much if not more...
  2. N

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Got it. The great thing is it still doesn"t change what we"ve now found out about Ut, actually what we knew but just found out would be more appropriate. He actually is the fraud, the liar and the phony he"s ranting in this thread about others being. That makes me happy.
  3. N

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Mip I don"t know you from a hole in the ground, but I owe you a beer, a bunch of beers, at some point.
  4. N

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Not the first time I"ve heard that and to be honest I"ve never really thought much about it. I heard it on F13 as well. MMO"s are the only games that have forced an intense interest for me, not to mention they were really the first games to push me out onto the internet for help (other than...
  5. N

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Ya but that"s from 8 years ago, that can"t be true, or else Ut would be a liar... Oh wait.
  6. N

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Lie after lie after lie after lie, damn you are good at it FYI, 38"s "marketing crew" consists of CMO Mary Kirchoff. Mary and I speak weekly (well more than that now that plans are moving forward). In those meetings Mary sends me a dossier of Ut"s posts from the past week, relevant points...
  7. N

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    You just totally derailed the thread with this clear, rational post... Bastard.
  8. N

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    The minute you start even contemplating that just go back and read a post or two of his. He clearly has no clue about games, making them or designing them. His potential to be in gaming company is about as good as my potential of running a 10 flat 100, zero.
  9. N

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    At 6"2" 240 you should go easy there Sliminy Cricket.
  10. N

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    I"ll take that even a step further, since you now are clearly just an idiot, and a dumb one. If by some strange quirk of fate you played on even the practice squad at Middle Tennessee State your senior year it wouldn"t mean crap. Not that it would have mattered, but you seem to think that...
  11. N

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    What are you doing? Beyond lying again, and more name dropping, what? You called me out for what? You"re a liar, a fraud and you continue to reinforce that, so how is that you see this as you calling me out?
  12. N

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Post of pic of whatever you want, you"re a fraud dude. I could post a pic with me and President Clinton, that doesn"t make me the President elect. I could post a pic of me and Brett Favre, that doesn"t mean I played in the NFL, and neither did you! You are NOT a former professional athlete...
  13. N

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    You won"t handle? There"s nothing you can do about it Ut, not a thing. These aren"t your forums. Ya they might be your sole purpose for living, but they aren"t your forums. There is no personal reveal, please stop pushing that. You aren"t, repeat ARE NOT a former professional athlete and...
  14. N

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    You"re a liar Ut, and that you just proved it makes it even funnier, and that you continue to is funny, yet sad at the same time. Truth hurts? The truth that I am a pathetically SLOW white athlete, ya that hurts, but I couldn"t ever do anything about that. That I could NEVER EVER get Marquis...
  15. N

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    That"s it? That"s your bomb? A flight plan receipt and an email you wrote yourself? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That"s just too awesome. The most awesome part of that email? Anyone that knows me, even for a minute, knows I have zero interest in being filtered, or any issues with being railed on, and...
  16. N

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Anyone interested in rolling up a new toon on Malfurion? Hit up Healsforfree if you do, Horde side. My oldest son got a friend into WoW this week and they are having a good time, figured I"d throw some heals out. They may need a tank...
  17. N

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    I only get involved in the hiring process after people have made it through the ringer now. Something I"ve watched grow (the hiring process) from the usual small start up mentality of "Get great people" to "get great people who are ridiculously talented". Once the talent piece for disciplines...
  18. N

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    I can tell you what"s going to happen Monday. Danuser, or BOTH Danuser and Roberts are going to walk by and look at me with this "look"... I"m going to reply "WHAT?" We"ll laugh and go on our way.
  19. N

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Couldn"t agree more, and I apologize for stringing it along. I also just realized that my life has changed in an epic way if my Saturday is so enthralling as to have this be what I do???? So anyway, if someone wants to start a new relevant discussion that has to do with game play, MMO"s or...
  20. N

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Ya, Doom = For kids... Pac Man = ................
  21. N

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    What are you talking about? Smed hasn"t, doesn"t, and never will send me resumes. Why would he? Not to mention you just pissed all over your posts talking about "If I wanted in the game industry I would be in it"... Why would Smed have your resume? Why would anyone? Because you made a Doom...
  22. N

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    I actually was going to fire back on a point by point basis to this incoherent nonsensical ramble but I couldn"t pass this up. Ya, Matt McConaughey the Hollywood movie star, reads this (not denying he might), ya, he reads this then checks in with a single white basement dwelling, dates Mom on...
  23. N

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    That"s exactly what you are, and have been, for about 200 pages now. BTW you aren"t a former anything, at least as athletics go, that much I know. You can continue to act like you know and are someone that knows the names you drop, but you aren"t, so for the few that might actually care what...
  24. N

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Sweet. Seems someones meds ran out. No one, and I mean no one, has EVER posted in this thread as me, that wasn"t me. In addition to being as big a tool as I"ve ever witnessed, Ut"s a liar, plain and simple. You know that very thing he railed on 400 pages ago? It"s ok if you screw up...
  25. N

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    I purposely played WotLK without starting a Death Knight for the past 8 or so months. I didn"t want to get caught up in the hype and miss stuff. I wanted to be able to experience it after it had been tweaked/nerfed to normalcy. Add to that I"ve been on an MMO hiatus of late, just can"t seem...
  26. N

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    My opinion? Ya he needs to pitch better, he"s on my fantasy team...
  27. N

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Hard if the Sox get in and advance. Beckett, Lester in October, with that offense, are going to be hard to beat.
  28. N

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Ya, I don"t think anyone would argue that. But if at launch, when your burn is at it"s peak, you have the resources to do so, you make that decision. That"s one of the things we are working through on funding. You can"t have just enough in the bank to get to launch, you need a war chest to be...
  29. N

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Why would I care about shutting you up? Why would anyone care beyond it being easier to have constructive conversation? If I were to cull anything from this entire thread you"ve offered in the way of constructive criticism I would be stunned. You"ve offered absolutely zero that hasn"t been...
  30. N

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Oh and did I mention the amount of stress involved in that? Ya, pretty much the first public reveal of everything we are trying to do, some scary crap BUT! I totally believe in this, this HUGE moving thing, and how they are pulling it off. Having said that, everything goes by the wayside and...
  31. N

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Look for our first significant event to happen in the first half of next year.
  32. N

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    I don"t think the seat gets taken by an Heir. Arguably one of the most corrupt families in modern american history if you ask me. I hope, I pray, our country is moving to a place where it elects the best person for the people, as opposed to the most palatable solution of the folks on the...
  33. N

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    A year ago I would have agreed 100%, but now, not so much.
  34. N

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Cincinnati, best BBQ ribs on the planet. 1 of my top 10 spreads, post game.
  35. N

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    If we can get that feature in game, ya.....
  36. N

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    But I thought the majority of the discussion in here was about making good games. Contrary to the Mel Gibson Conspiracy Theorists here, that"s exactly what this is. Not much, if anything, that"s been speculated about us is even remotely true, even when discussing the AA. I"ve found when...
  37. N

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Here"s something to chew on. Before anything, assumptions, opinions, anything, I am, and have been for longer than probably 90% of you, a gamer. I started in 1981 on an Apple, and have been gaming every since. Yes that was back in the tape recorder hard drive days. Now let me follow...
  38. N

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    One of the hidden sciences, and one I don"t fully grasp, is time between reveal and launch for an MMO. Only 1 of the major players in the NA market has had that timeline come in under 3 years. You"ll be hearing about the IP, and some other stuff, "pretty soon". Pretty soon being later than...
  39. N

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Working on that.
  40. N

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    One of the things we are implementing is to address one of the points made above. In WoW, at least for me, if I am not in game I feel like I am losing, or falling behind. That"s something we are working intimately on and some of the results, even now, offer some very cool alternatives to this...