2013 Oscar Nominations


The Big Mod
should of been Skyfall, the primate princess Michelle Obama must have switched the envelopes.


Blackwing Lair Raider
At least there were some decent gifs to come out of this show.



Trakanon Raider
Argo was pretty damn good, I'm okay with it winning best picture.
It was good, but I know I enjoyed Django, Les Mis and Beasts of the Southern Wild more than it. Silver linings I also enjoyed more, but Argo was the better film to that. Glad Lincoln didnt win. Zero Dark thirty fell somewhere in the middle of that spectrum for me. Haven't seen Amour or Life of Pi.


Lord Nagafen Raider
just happy Beasts and ZDT didn't win. Nothing outstanding this year, lots of pretty good films though. Fine with the decision


Trakanon Raider
from a best picture standpoint, i think "amour" should have won. if you haven't seen it, it's fucking brilliant. i'm okay with "argo" winning. it was a really good picture (better than "lincoln" IMO). "silver linings playbook" was also really good. wouldn't have minded if that won either. i didn't see all the movies that were nominated, but i did think "argo" was the best movie i saw in the theaters last year.


I keep notes on all the recent movies I see. I can tell you that I saw more than 90 movies in 2012 that I feel where better than Argo, a film so lacking in dramatic tension that it has to invent the most absurd finish to manufacture a climax out of thin air. On top of that, the film brought to the table absolutely nothing that was not already in the 2 min trailer. It has though one of the most potent involuntary comedy effect of these last few years: they do this whole montage at the end of the film to show how close they made things look to the original events and characters... until they show the real Tony Mendez: a tiny chubby Mexican. Nice work Ben!

Note that the french version of the Academy Awards were also held the other day and best film went to Amour, with best foreign film going to Argo...

But, as far as I am concerned, the only noteworthy awards are theGrottino Awards(aka five friends and me) and theresults for 2012are fresh from last week. Note that most movies that are released in the US late in the year tend to show up only the next year across Europe (so Django, Lincoln, Zero Dark Thirty are all 2013 for us).

2012 global results:

1 Farewell My Queen (Les adieux ? la Reine)
2 Something in the Air (Apr?s Mai)
3 Take Shelter
4 Magic Mike
5 Sherlock Holmes 2
6 Moonrise Kingdom
7 Looper
8 Meek's Cutoff
9 Oslo, August 31st
10 Anna Karenina
11 The Avengers
12 The Cabin in the Woods
13 The Dark Knight Rises
14 Beasts of the Southern Wild
15 The Dictator
16 Scabbard Samurai (Sayazamurai) <----- my personal N?1
17 Cave of Forgotten Dreams
18 Savages
19 From Up on Poppy Hill (Kokurikozaka kara)
20 J. Edgar


Uncomfortably bad presentation by Seth. Not Letterman bad...but damn, I actually squirmed in my seat at some of the clangers he dropped.

Other than that, awards went as expected, I guess; no surprises.

Aniston and Theron looked amazing.


Musty Nester
But Letterman is kinda bad on purpose. He's always had that "I really just don't give a fuck" vibe working for him -- it's part of his humor.

When he makes a bit out of throwing canned hams at his audience. I mean, he was basically throwing rocks at people. And if you worked it out, he was probably making a few thousand dollars per toss. lol.

Aychamo BanBan

second, only behind johnny depp.
Not sure if serious...

1. DDL (I still think his Bill the Butcher is greatest embodiment of a character, ever, by any person, ever)
2. Leonardo DiCaprio / Christoph Waltz

But that's difficult. I haven't seen enough of Waltz' work (only Django and Inglorious...) He's so fucking entertaining and amazing to watch, and he carried Django, but Leo is fucking amazing too.


<Gold Donor>
I watched bits and pieces of this - is it just me or are there no real celebrities anymore? All the people getting interviewed and shit weren't real movie stars? Where is Tom Cruise? Brad Pitt? Will Smith? Shit was boring, Seth was pretty terrible, Adele a fat whore and the speeches uninteresting. They need to revamp the setup - 3 hours of red carpet shit (Who the fuck is Kristen Chenowith? Somebody needs to kill this idiot) and an almost 4 FUCKING HOUR SHOW makes for unpleasant viewing.