2016 Oscars


Buzzfeed Editor
Maybe I'm just not paying attention to the right sources but I don't see people making the arguments that "hey, black people aren't represented in the film industry" so much as "hey, black people weren't represented in the oscar nominations". The problem existed a month ago and a year ago and 10 years ago but it seems the blame is being put on the academy "LAWL OLD WHITE GUYS" I'm sorry that the retelling of NWA's origin story (minus the truly controversial stuff) didn't get more love, but that isn't the academy's fault, there were better movies. Could some of those roles have gone to black people? For sure. But, again, if instead of 6.5% representation it was 13%, would everyone just nod and say "yes, that is correct?" I somehow doubt it.

There are competing factions using this "controversy" for their own purposes and no one has any real goal, just a bunch of nebulous stuff that even if progress was made towards it still wouldn't make anyone happy.

I read an article with John Singleton talking about this earlier in the week and he had the right attitude I think. That yes, things need to change on an industry level, but at the end of the day the oscars are and have always been a circle jerk.


Murder Apologist
This analogy would kinda work if black actors were complaining about not being in enough sun screen commercials...

Anyway, it's a complicated situation that has more to do with movie production than the academy.
HAHAHA as usual take something stark, mechanistic and undeniably BULLSHIT and attempt to render it opaque with "nuance" and "complexity".

You should be selling credit default swaps.


Even more stats:

Facts - Feels = Butthurt.


Buzzfeed Editor
Take "Top Roles" and remove Will Smith, Denzel Washington, and Morgan Freeman and I wonder how many would be left.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Only like 3? Will Smith has only two nominations (Ali and Pursuit), Denzel only has 1 win for Training Day, and Morgan Freeman only has a Support win for Million Dollar Babay.


Buzzfeed Editor
"Top Roles" = "English live-action films with an IMDB rank of 7.5 or more"

Which, actually looking it up, Will Smith only has 2. I would have thought that was more, not even 6 Degrees of Separation, damn. 11 for Denzel, 16 for Morgan.


Murder Apologist
They should've added another graph for total butthurt output by race. Track it by shit like #oscarssowhite or those deafening thunderous protests from all the Latino actors who marched on Hollywood to demand proper representation...

...oh wait.

Gamma Rays

Large sized member
How many years has it been since the last time that there were no nominations for Black actors??

Is it 20 years or more, and if there was one sooner than that, it was just another dry year such as this.

What I'm thinking is, did all this hurt have to wait until there was finally a dry year and they could make a big protest gesture like this.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Academy Overhauls Membership, Voting Rules to Promote Oscar Diversity

What a load of horse shit. Way to devalue those who have been nominated and won prior to this.

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences has approved a sweeping series of substantive changes designed to make the Academy's membership, its governing bodies, and its voting members significantly more diverse. The Board's goal is to commit to doubling the number of women and diverse members of the Academy by 2020.
Yeah OK.

The decision was made at an emergency board meeting Thursday night. Academy honchos, including president Cheryl Boone Isaacs and CEO Dawn Hudson, opted not to wait for the regularly scheduled board meeting on Jan. 26. The changes were announced Friday morning.
I still think they should nominate all minority next year except for one white in each category and have that white win.


<Bronze Donator>
The only thing I hate about all this is that the American way is to whine and that's from all sides. If these fuckers were true to their intentions they wouldn't make movies anymore until shit changed. The thing is they want their money and they don't give two shits about where it comes from even if it's from the white suppressors of the industry. How about taking their money and investing in an all black studio? I'll take these fuckers serious when they actually do something besides whine like a bitch.


Mr. Poopybutthole
My wife had a similar comment but the fact is an all black studio wouldnt be lucrative enough because based on history only black people would watch the movies i.e. Tyler perry, spike lee, barbershop, they would make some money but not much for the movie industry


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Was going over the nominations with the wife trying to see what to d/l or stream this year since we always try to watch as many as possible, and she said Mad Max is the only one interesting to her on the list. I almost shed a tear.