28mm Miniature Tabletop Wargaming Thread


Recently got into this and started making an Ork Army for Warhammer 40k. Here are some pics of my first paint job ever. Any thoughts/criticisms? I am a complete painting newb so looking for any easily implemented advice on how to improve.
Very nice, I actually just started up 40k myself about a month ago with Orks. Here's the first few models finished for my Bad Moons clan.





I was going for a badlands type desert feel for my base but I'm not entirely happy with it yet. I think your bases really blow mine out of the water.

As far as painting goes, I learned a lot from watching tutorials on youtube and browsing sites likecoolminiornot



Very nice, I actually just started up 40k myself about a month ago with Orks. Here's the first few models finished for my Bad Moons clan.





I was going for a badlands type desert feel for my base but I'm not entirely happy with it yet. I think your bases really blow mine out of the water.

As far as painting goes, I learned a lot from watching tutorials on youtube and browsing sites likecoolminiornot

Those are really, really good dude. Perfect dirtiness for Orks, IMO. I also don't think my bases are any better than yours, but if you want to add a little depth to your "standard" (i.e. not the one with the rock, which looks awesome btw), my method is:

1. Take medium gravel that you can get at pretty much any hobby shop and white glue a layer of it to the base, leaving obvious holes and edges without gravel. Once that dries, take the model that you want use and figure out where you want his feet. Then, build up any areas to make it fit right with his soles. Once you are done, prime with chaos black and then paint it with the brown color you use above. That is the first "layer."

2. Next, get some Stirland Mud texture paint from Games Workshop (LINK) with a bigger brush and load it on the base haphazardly to cover any areas that you left exposed and to build up any areas that you want. It is a slightly darker brown than what you have in the picture, from what I can tell, but the contrast between the two browns will add some depth. That will be the second layer.

3. To even out the two different shades of brown, get some drybrush paint from Games Workshop, like Tyrant Skull would probably work for yours (LINK), and gently drybrush the tips of the rocks on the base. This is the third layer, and it should turn out pretty nice.

4. Finally, to complete the effect, take the same drybrush paint that you used, and drybrush the boots and up to the knees, getting lighter as you get higher. That will tie the model into the base and make the black pants look more dirty/dusty depending on the color.

5. Add the same brush/flock that you have there and it should look awesome.

The above all being said, your bases look more than fine to me, so I wouldn't touch a thing!


Those are really, really good dude. Perfect dirtiness for Orks, IMO. I also don't think my bases are any better than yours, but if you want to add a little depth to your "standard" (i.e. not the one with the rock, which looks awesome btw), my method is:

1. Take medium gravel that you can get at pretty much any hobby shop and white glue a layer of it to the base, leaving obvious holes and edges without gravel. Once that dries, take the model that you want use and figure out where you want his feet. Then, build up any areas to make it fit right with his soles. Once you are done, prime with chaos black and then paint it with the brown color you use above. That is the first "layer."

2. Next, get some Stirland Mud texture paint from Games Workshop (LINK) with a bigger brush and load it on the base haphazardly to cover any areas that you left exposed and to build up any areas that you want. It is a slightly darker brown than what you have in the picture, from what I can tell, but the contrast between the two browns will add some depth. That will be the second layer.

3. To even out the two different shades of brown, get some drybrush paint from Games Workshop, like Tyrant Skull would probably work for yours (LINK), and gently drybrush the tips of the rocks on the base. This is the third layer, and it should turn out pretty nice.

4. Finally, to complete the effect, take the same drybrush paint that you used, and drybrush the boots and up to the knees, getting lighter as you get higher. That will tie the model into the base and make the black pants look more dirty/dusty depending on the color.

5. Add the same brush/flock that you have there and it should look awesome.

The above all being said, your bases look more than fine to me, so I wouldn't touch a thing!
Thanks for the tips. I ended up picking up some of the Citadel technical paint at the recommendation of a guy at my local store. It gives a pretty cool cracked earth effect that fits the desert theme I was going for.

I'm still experimenting with the rock placement to break up the surface but still show the cracked earth effect. Let me know what you think. (Ignore the jacked up freehand stuff on this guy)


Never played a tabletop miniatures game and was looking to introduce it to the group of people I play board games with each week. Was thinking of going with Warmachine/Hordes. Have about $200-$250 to spend at the moment, would that be enough to get started? Any suggestions on what I should get first?


Never played a tabletop miniatures game and was looking to introduce it to the group of people I play board games with each week. Was thinking of going with Warmachine/Hordes. Have about $200-$250 to spend at the moment, would that be enough to get started? Any suggestions on what I should get first?
$250 should be plenty to get started in WM/H. As for as what you should start with....depends on what you like really. Like combo-y sneaky stuff? Like smashing faces? Like ranged? Melee? If you let me know that, I can help you out.

~ Some sisters I painted a ways back



$250 should be plenty to get started in WM/H. As for as what you should start with....depends on what you like really. Like combo-y sneaky stuff? Like smashing faces? Like ranged? Melee? If you let me know that, I can help you out.

~ Some sisters I painted a ways back
I myself are more into melee and in your face type combat where as my two friends like Ranged. I know I have to get paint/brushes and all that too, any specific brushes you reccomend? Wow awesome paint job, how long did those take you to paint?


I myself are more into melee and in your face type combat where as my two friends like Ranged. I know I have to get paint/brushes and all that too, any specific brushes you reccomend? Wow awesome paint job, how long did those take you to paint?
Now I'm no expert on Warmachine/Hordes - but I've been in groups that are pretty religious about the game. I think most would say Khador is going to be a pretty basic, easy to get to know, in your face combat type of army. Cygnar has some pretty neat shooting lists they can run, as well as a bunch of neat mercenary lists that are relatively shooting heavy. Circle and Cryx are pretty "tricksy" armies, in that they can create lots of weird angles and lanes for attack.

Thanks for the compliment on the painting! Those take me about an hour or so to complete. I do some commission painting on the side so I've had to try to make speed a priority. As for brushes you can go to the tip top high end of the spectrum and get some winsor newton series 7 brushes for $15+ a brush, or, what I get "The Army Painter" brushes for about $4. In my opinion unless you're at the highest tier of painting elite-ness it's not really worth spending the extra money. Paints are all pretty decent from the major brands: P3, Games Workshop, Vallejo. I prefer Vallejo for their dropper bottles, but you can't really go wrong with any of them.

Some Death Company that just got finished up:


<Gold Donor>
I myself are more into melee and in your face type combat where as my two friends like Ranged. I know I have to get paint/brushes and all that too, any specific brushes you reccomend? Wow awesome paint job, how long did those take you to paint?
I always felt that the strong point of Warmahordes was that each army is very adaptable to situation and play style. They all have a core strong suit and grabbing a box set you'll get a good idea of what that is but throwing an extra few model sets, individuals and caster combos into it you can turn almost any army into a functioning ranged/melee/sneaky play style. My Cryx army ended up going heavy on punch through the middle heavier stuff supported by some quick bonejacks to work flanks and expose areas for debuffs to get dropped in. If your gaming group is all going in with the same dollar amount it's going to be very easy to see the board games get sidelined to just the tons of possibilities that can open up with how far that $250 can stretch out a box set's adaptability and how many different types of game you'll get to face. Tolin has a good breakdown on the out-of-the-gate strategies for each army. Khador is a great blunt, in your face army but don't forget about Skorne.


All the armies in warmahordes are very capable of playing in a variety ways. Trolls are probably the punchiest army followed by skorne. But both of those armies are more than capable of playing a combined arms approach. Play what you like the look of (as long as it's not minions and maybe convergence) and they'll probably be able to do what you want competitively.

The only thing to look out for is if you really like warjacks. While most factions have a jack caster that can bring a boatload of jacks, it's the exception rather than the rule. Khador gets suggested a lot for new players, especially players new to miniatures, and they buy a bunch of warjacks and the heavy infantry, but unfortunately Khador doesn't usually want more than 1 or 2 jacks and the heavy infantry isn't great. Menoth runs lots of jacks well. Convergence can run all the jacks, but they are a limited faction, so they aren't going to get new releases as often as the main factions.

The good news is that despite my reservations about khador heavy infantry there are very few bad units. The game is really well balanced and there's a place for everything. So, while it's better for your first purchases to be more general almost nothing you can buy is going to be worthless and never see the table.


I know I have to get paint/brushes and all that too, any specific brushes you reccomend?
Most people say that the Citadel stuff (paint brushes, paints, basing materials) are overpriced, and I am sure they are, but the bottom line is it seems to be all decent quality. I'm sure if you ask around and do some research you can find better products, or cheaper products and maybe even better/cheaper products, but the bottom line is that if you aren't sure, just buy the standard Citadel stuff and it will work well, even if it costs you a few more bucks.


Riddle me this...
Feral Warpwolf for Circle of Orboros, went blue instead of green because I painted my Cygnar green.


The reason I went with green Cygnar. Pedro Kantor, kick ass chapter master of the Crimson Fists.


Thanks everyone for all the pointers. Ordered some Khador and Menoth forces, just need to get the brushes/paint and whatnot and I'll be good to go


Finished my first Ork Boyz Mob with Shootas. Ran with the red theme to create a Klan of Evil Sunz. Here are some pics:





Next up, working on a box of Killa Kans.


Riddle me this...
Very nice! Rumor control says that GW is working on the Ork codex. Hopefully it comes out soon, Goff and Bloodskulls are supposed to be the supplements coming out for them.


Very nice! Rumor control says that GW is working on the Ork codex. Hopefully it comes out soon, Goff and Bloodskulls are supposed to be the supplements coming out for them.
Yeah, I saw that. There have been a lot of rumors floating around. Hopefully the 6th edition codex is as good as the 4th edition Ork one was. The reason that it hasn't been updated in so long is because it is actually still a really good codex and has many ideas and concepts that they rolled out to all of the others since then. Pumped about it. Also heard that the next starter pack might be Orks v Blood Angels, which would also be sweet.


Trump's Staff
Hey guys,

Thinking about getting my girl into tabletop games. She loves traditional board games, and I think this might be something we can really enjoy together. I played Warhammer in my youth for a couple years, so I have a little experience. She has none.

Any suggestions on something accessible we would both enjoy? Thinking of sticking to Warhammer but it might be too 'manly' for her I think.


Hey guys,

Thinking about getting my girl into tabletop games. She loves traditional board games, and I think this might be something we can really enjoy together. I played Warhammer in my youth for a couple years, so I have a little experience. She has none.

Any suggestions on something accessible we would both enjoy? Thinking of sticking to Warhammer but it might be too 'manly' for her I think.
If she would be OK with darker stuff, she could do Dark Elves. They have some really cool and wicked looking females. Also all of the lines and color schemes are "evil sexy" in a weird sort of way. Some pics:





Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Infinity is a pretty cool game if you have any local support. It's a small scale skirmish game and the rules are free to download, so the cost of entry isn't astronomical like GW's current pricing. It's more about tactics than just taking the most overpowered units, so your lady friend could pick her favorite looking units and do well.


Riddle me this...
Infinity is a pretty cool game if you have any local support. It's a small scale skirmish game and the rules are free to download, so the cost of entry isn't astronomical like GW's current pricing. It's more about tactics than just taking the most overpowered units, so your lady friend could pick her favorite looking units and do well.
Seconded. I myself have never played but there a few people at my local shop who play. It seems pretty interesting. The models are cool too.