38 studios Auction Nov 14th and 15th.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
No, we did not say the same thing.

Last figures I received, Reckoning's sales were around 1.5 million copies. The game was recently given as a PS+ freebie, so a decently sized new audience has downloaded and played it. Feedback remains generally positive, so I would say the IP is far from unproven. The idea of taking that IP into the MMO realm--that's the unproven part, and it's easy to say that it was doomed to failure because no one can prove the notion wrong.

The most immediate value for the IP would have been for someone to buy it, keep the BHG team together, and complete Reckoning 2, which was already underway. That game could have been nearing completion by now, and it's not unreasonable to predict that it could have sold in the 2-3 million range. There was a solid plan for improving upon the first game and the pre-production phase had been really promising.

Of course the MMO tech is useless at this point--the people who could have completed it are long gone to other projects. But a potential buyer with a suitable engine/back-end could take the wealth of assets we built, plug them in, and have a great looking game. I'm talking a world's worth of zones, tons of characters and animations, and I don't even know how many hours of really great music.

If someone were to buy the IP purely for the MMO assets, it comes down to a simple matter of math. How long would it take a team of artists to generate a comparable set of assets? Or outsource them to an art house? These are numbers that can be calculated, and used to decide what a worthwhile bid would be.

My expectation is not that someone will buy the IP for the IP itself and resurrect Amalur (although stranger things have happened, I suppose). My assumption has always been that some company would look at the game assets, figure out what they think the value is, and bid some fraction of that figure. That's just business, and there's certainly value to be had if the price is right.
A game that originally sold 1.5 million copies and was pretty much trashed as a steaming pile of shit had the potential to double its sales with a sequel?

See, it's listening to bullshit like this that had Curt spending money he was never going to earn back at a pace no one could maintain that doomed that company.


Define "pretty much trashed as a steaming pile of shit" because the average reviews on thegame hover around an 80and relative to many games that shit bomb, breaking more than a million sales with a new IP isn't bad. Sales weren't enough to salvage a trainwreck of a company being ran into the ground with horrible decisions and we live in an era where companies release products that often "fail" if they don't break through 4 million units. But you've completely exaggerated Reckoning's critical and commercial bombing.


<Bronze Donator>
I must of sunk atleast 60-70 hours into reckoning when I was stuck in the desert with nothing to do.

It was about elves, or faeries or something, right?

I'm sure it had a story but it was buried under about 10k generic MMO style fetch/kill/bear ass quests.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I must of sunk atleast 60-70 hours into reckoning when I was stuck in the desert with nothing to do.

It was about elves, or faeries or something, right?

I'm sure it had a story but it was buried under about 10k generic MMO style fetch/kill/bear ass quests.
Those quests really killed the game =(


FPS noob
it was one of the most bizarre things I've ever seen in a single player game, why would you bury your story quests in a shitpile of random, MMO grind quests like they did... I finish like 90% of the games I play because I'm a retard, but I still have yet to finish koa, kinda stopped playing after the cool house of elves stuff and then it threw me back into "heres a quest hub with 20 stupid quests, have fun"


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I did the same, but I lasted a while longer than that. I always meant to go back and finish it, try the DLC, etc, but every time I did my quest log just made me alt+f4.
While I agree that Reckoning had far too many MMO style side-quests, they were all completely voluntary. Only the main quest line was required to advance. In fact, even if a quest took you to a dungeon, you didn't have to pick it up in order to do the dungeon. You could simply explore, find the dungeon yourself, and run it while still receiving the rewards. I think this only bothered ocd completionists.

As far as the story / lore, it was fine. A little generic but it had some pretty good moments, the House of Ballads quest-line being one of them. The primary problem with the story was its presentation. It was often presented awkwardly, through a bizarre in-game dialogue system that had little consistency, or in too fragmented a manner. For example the lore-stones were a good idea in theory, and even though you could go back and "play" them again, the stories they told were too fragmented to make much sense of in the larger context.

Both Lore and game-wise, the game was top-loaded with beginner content and the game fizzled at its climax. Its clear they ran out of time and effort to complete the game with the same density. The last zone in particular was particularly spartan in comparison with the other areas.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Both Lore and game-wise, the game was top-loaded with beginner content and the game fizzled at its climax. Its clear they ran out of time and effort to complete the game with the same density. The last zone in particular was particularly spartan in comparison with the other areas.
An argument could be made that all of the "optional side-quests that only bothered ocd completionists" may have contributed to the spartan-quality of the last zone...
An argument could be made that all of the "optional side-quests that only bothered ocd completionists" may have contributed to the spartan-quality of the last zone...
Good point, and you are correct. They were unable to flesh out the entire game with them as they ran out of time and money. So for those who were bothered by that I stand corrected, it wasn't only completionists who got affected. But as to why one would complain about all the side-quests when they were optional and yet begrudgingly do them anyway I don't understand.


<Bronze Donator>
I mean it was clear that it was going to be an MMO but they ran out of money so said "Ok it's a single player game now that should buy us some time and introduce our IP so we can find some magic money later and make an actual MMO"

very skeptical that any actual MMO assets exist, other than maybe a few things that were cut from reckoning because they were just "toooo MMO" to stay in the single player. Which is a stretch because not only was the entirety of the games content straight up bear ass MMO grind quests but so was the tradeskill/crafting system. Two of many very obvious "wasn't designed for single player rpg" things.


<Gold Donor>
While I agree that Reckoning had far too many MMO style side-quests, they were all completely voluntary.
When you're in a zone full of "!", it's hard to ignore that shit. At least it was for me anyways.

It shouldn't take the self-control of a Buddhist monk to not play half the game, so that you can enjoy the other half of the game.


Story was totally forgettable and I laughed at a lot of the naming conventions like Dokkelfakolfar for Dark Elf or whatever, but I thought it was a fun romp. I didn't get caught up in side quests though and by leveling up you basically turn on God Mode even on hard and just destroy everything. Grant Kirkhope gave it a quality OST, too.
I remember Curt's insistence back on the old boards that his game world was so unique it didn't even have humans... when it turned out ofc that it did they were just different human cultures with names like Almain instead of, literally, the word "human".


Golden Knight of the Realm
I really enjoyed it like others until it git bogged down with mmo quests. Combat was fun and the story was good enough. Too Bad really.


Someone commit him right now. Seriously , do you get traumatic brain damage from baseball ?

But the best part are the comments agreeing with him , billion dollar franchise indeed.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Makes me wonder what he's personally on the hooks for. Because if the selling price of that "game" affects it, of course he's want to try any desperate thing to pump the auction price up.