A Song of Ice and Fire (Released Spoilers)


Toe Sucker
Arya kills Dany and assumes her identity, Jon meets her, falls in love, but ultimately realizes he doesn't want Targaryen's restored to power(or whatever), stabs Arynarys just as she drops her disguise and reveals herself. Syrio Forel, Ben Stark, and the real Prince Aegon(Coldhands) sail in from the west on a giant Kraken and defeat The Others.


Potato del Grande
They spent a few pages describing Castle Black's larder and how they put dead wights in there to preserve the bodies for investigation. Jon is going in there amid the salted and smoked pork.


Trump's Staff
How exactly GRRM gets there is beyond me, but I have suspicions that whatever happens, Littlefinger ends up on top.


Toe Sucker
Sansa will murder him in his sleep after he attempts to sodomize her while calling her 'cat'


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'll laugh if whoever ends up "on top" is some character who hasn't been introduced yet.

My new theory is that with the story shifting to white walkers now, Dany will be involved in that and Tommen will just stay king. But everyone else will probably die for sure. Sansa will marry Littlefinger, convince him to take back Winterfell, then betray him and take over. Jon's dead, Stannis dead, Tyrion dead, Dany dead, Arya just stays a faceless one.

and of course I forgot about Bran and Rickon because who cares.


Toe Sucker
Sansa is too much of a pussy to do anything, which probably means you're right.
She's actually joan of arc, the warrior princess whom will unite them all reborn as the fire goddess after jamie fists her, brienne straps her on and littlefinger sodomizes her into oblivion.


Trump's Staff
Gotta agree with you here; Littlefinger is in the process of creating the instrument of his own downfall. The North remembers.
Really? Ya think GRRM is gonna do something that obvious? He's gonna let a 5000 page long-con end at the hands of Sansa? By the end of book 6 Littlefinger will be in control of The Knights of the Vale, a massive fleet built by Cersei, Harrenhall, be allied with the Tyrells... I just don't see it. It's way too obvious, too.


Molten Core Raider
My new theory is that with the story shifting to white walkers now, Dany will be involved in that and Tommen will just stay king. But everyone else will probably die for sure. Sansa will marry Littlefinger, convince him to take back Winterfell, then betray him and take over. Jon's dead, Stannis dead, Tyrion dead, Dany dead, Arya just stays a faceless one.

and of course I forgot about Bran and Rickon because who cares.
Nah, the Cersei prophesy will definitely come true imo. All her kids will die horribly. The beautiful queen isn't Margaery though, it's Dany that will cast her down.

At least that's my take on it. Oh yeah, and Hodor will be King.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Really? Ya think GRRM is gonna do something that obvious? He's gonna let a 5000 page long-con end at the hands of Sansa? By the end of book 6 Littlefinger will be in control of The Knights of the Vale, a massive fleet built by Cersei, Harrenhall, be allied with the Tyrells... I just don't see it. It's way too obvious, too.
Petyr is just a plot mover, Sansa is a central character. Her littlefingering littlefinger is definitely possible.

Mudcrush Durtfeet

Hungry Ogre
Petyr is just a plot mover, Sansa is a central character. Her littlefingering littlefinger is definitely possible.
Littlefinger has exactly one blind spot, and that is Sansa. She'll find out or figure out that Littlefinger was behind her father's death and that will be it. She'll be the one to bring him down, because he will trust her.


Molten Core Raider
Really? Ya think GRRM is gonna do something that obvious? He's gonna let a 5000 page long-con end at the hands of Sansa? By the end of book 6 Littlefinger will be in control of The Knights of the Vale, a massive fleet built by Cersei, Harrenhall, be allied with the Tyrells... I just don't see it. It's way too obvious, too.
Isn't Aurane Waters a Stannis man? Stan the Man's gonna use them stolen boats to oust the boy king and his kittens.


Potato del Grande
Aurane Waters is a bastard of a Stannis sworn house, but could also be a Targarean loyalist as his house were also from Valyria (which is why they live on an island near Dragonstone). He could also just be an opportunist pirate.

Since Littlefinger is pruning the Arryn family tree for his own ends, I wonder if he has been manipulating the heirs of other houses? Did he have something to do with those Lannister kids going missing in that Book 2 riot to get his man next in line?


Trump's Staff
How is it that Sansa is going to find out that Littlefinger is responsible for her father's death? Who even knows that info at this point? Does the reader even know that? Maybe Varys? How would that information come to Sansa?


Buzzfeed Editor
I guessed that she would just figure it out if she stopped being a retard. She knows the course of events pretty well, she knows where Littlefinger ended up. I doubt she will ever get 100% evidence or anything but I figured she would at least get an idea based on her dealings with him.


<Prior Amod>
I just downloaded all the audio books, they are done by Roy Dotrice. I remember someone saying to be sure they were narrated by someone specifically...is he the one I want?