

Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Well, the way to setup a movie from where S1 ended is basically to have the opening crawl be something like this.

/Crawl stars
After his return from Peridea, Grand Admiral Thrawn kicks the Republic ass, and is on his way to restore the Empire to it's full glory.

Luckily, Ezra has hidden the plans for the destruction <insert evil planet destroying weapon here> into the brave droid Chomper.

Chomper just escape Thrawn's Nightsister and has landed on <insert new planet covered in sand here> where he meets <insert black female transgender gay character here> who helps him search for the rest of the rebels to deliver the plans so they find an <insert new race that has no technology> that will help them defeat the Empire's ground troop on a <insert new green lush planet here> while our hero flies and shoots a super obvious flaw in the design of <insert evil planet destroying weapon here> to save the galazy.
/Crawl ends

I'm a bad writer I know, but you get the idea.

But will said ass kicking sell tickets? Thrawn looks low funds.

There's the culmination of the cartoons, sure that will make some waves. But I don't know how much broad appeal there is going to be for the mainstream Star Wars fan.

There's a lack of silver screen big movie appeal with this take on Thrawn. I can't see it doing any more than Solo at the box office.


Trakanon Raider
This wasn't the worst Star Wars product made, but in retrospect it wasn't worth my time to get a couple of decent lightsaber scenes, at the cost of all but assassinating Thrawn as a live action villain. (He's a blue dude that's good at justifying his failures. Be afraid!)

Much like the sequels, the best part was... the white dude main antagonist. Not sure that 'equity' is working the way you think, Disney...
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Which way, western man?
<Gold Donor>
there is literally no other series on at the moment that are worth me downloading. Loki just started but that is going to be complete shit.

We watch Star Wars movies/films because the originals were good and the Universe still has potential. As I've said before, any sensible person our age who lived through the prequel disappointment and then the sequel disaster should no longer get their hopes up for Star Wars to be good. But we give each new piece of material a chance because of the potential.

Andor showed that Disney is capable of making a semi decent TV show. It's just that nearly all of their recent output is plagued by the same problems - forced diversity, stupid characters, bad writing, bait and switching, incompetent enemies, nerfed lightsabers etc etc

And you're obviously blissfully unaware that your unrelenting fanboyism for the cartoons is just the flip side of the people hate watching.

You have a damaged and tortured soul, Ossoi.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
This wasn't the worst Star Wars product made, but in retrospect it wasn't worth my time to get a couple of decent lightsaber scenes, at the cost of all but assassinating Thrawn as a live action villain. (He's a blue dude that's good at justifying his failures. Be afraid!)

Much like the sequels, the best part was... the white dude main antagonist. Not sure that 'equity' is working the way you think, Disney...

And they got a whole movie planned based on this guy.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Hate to sound like a doomer but all of this is leading into the Disney trilogy, cheer and celebrate this show and Mando for now but unfortunately it's all gonna end.

Thrawn is probably gonna die and the First Order still comes to power and ol Palpy hiding out somewhere.


Millie's Staff Member
Hate to sound like a doomer but all of this is leading into the Disney trilogy, cheer and celebrate this show and Mando for now but unfortunately it's all gonna end.

Thrawn is probably gonna die and the First Order still comes to power and ol Palpy hiding out somewhere.
probably? dude was handed victory multiple times just to turn that into barely a win with heavy losses. the Moriarty of space, he is not.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Despite diminished resources, Thrawn traded some zombie troopers and a couple of TIEs to get home with a Night Sister Alliance while stranding 4 force users in another galaxy. And he didn't need Garak to do it. I would call that a bargain.
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<Gold Donor>
He's only ever lost one battle, for what that's worth. And he only lost it due to space wizards.
I dunno, blueberry man walked around and stuff, but not much else. Show doesn't do much to elevate him past being random admiral guy, and that's the take away 98% of people will have, what's shown in this actual show, not what they know about him from watching the cartoons.

One of this shows biggest flaws is it's not very good at the show don't tell part of making good visual media. If they wanted thrawn to seem scary, they should have had him go through an objective badass victory in this show, cause lord knows pretty much every other empire battle is a comical defeat.
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Which way, western man?
<Gold Donor>
Despite diminished resources, Thrawn traded some zombie troopers and a couple of TIEs to get home with a Night Sister Alliance while stranding 4 force users in another galaxy. And he didn't need Garak to do it. I would call that a bargain.
Thrawn-D Chess.
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FPS noob
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Millie's Staff Member
Despite diminished resources, Thrawn traded some zombie troopers and a couple of TIEs to get home with a Night Sister Alliance while stranding 4 force users in another galaxy. And he didn't need Garak to do it. I would call that a bargain.
Thrawn lost 2 force users of his own and the night sister who got him there in the first place. and she just finished her Druid Epic too.
and that need not have happened because at the very start of the finale. Druid Epic chick told Thrawn, the ship was all ready to go. he only needed to call in Baylan and cocane eyes, dock with the space ring ship in space and go back. instead he spent the whole episode getting pwned because he pulled a bunch of half measure fixes to kill Ahsoka. same thing happened the week before. this was all self inflicted defeats too. he only got away because the witches helped him as much as possible.

honestly, if all Elsbeth did was fly the space ring to the crab people planet. pick up the other sisters and scoot back home. they would have been better off. Thrawn only hurt them.
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