Albion Online


Silver Knight of the Realm
No more queues, still loads of people on. The grind is real but the pvp makes it fun for me.


Blackwing Lair Raider
No more queues, still loads of people on. The grind is real but the pvp makes it fun for me.

Not sure if people spread out or quit but definitely less congestion.

The thing that bothers me about Albion is I want it to be more complicated than it is.

PvP in black zones. Gather resources. Make items.

There's just a plethora of random ways to do those 3 things but that's it. The fact that you need tier 1 resources to make everything is tedious as fuck but I can see why it is that way so even a new player can actually make money because nobody wants to go manually gather copper to make t6+.

Anyways I did decide to play and the game has changed quite a bit but I still think the game needs something more to it. The whole town shop and taxes is just ugly. Open world housing vendors like UO did would have been a lot better. The way I see it it really doesn't matter where on the map you are, it's all just mirrors of the same zone progression with a raid boss in each and a capital city.

Global channels kind of suck, too much spam and there's literally zero chat in the actual world, like an entire world filled with mutes.

Game could definitely be amazing but some of the decisions the dev team made I don't like.

I'll keep playing for a while but I don't know if there's enough carrot on the stick to play this for more than a month.

PvP can't be the only "sand box" content the game has to offer because there's too much investment for little pay off.

Reminds me of h1z1, so much build up to die in an instant losing everything. They ended up just cutting out all the bullshit and making king of the kill the real game, where the only fun part of the game, is the only game.

There has to be more to Albion online than grinding for months to sustain daily pvp.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
I didn't realise this game was from CCP. I was mildly interested till I found that out. They are in a state of flux of some kind at the moment are in a full shift to microtransactions mode on one of their other games I play. Each dev group seems to be their own boss with no sense of direction (aka as a boss) at all. When things go to shit and eventually have to be redone they say "Well players asked for it", like nobody at CCP has an idea for a direction and can veto shit players ask for.


Vyemm Raider
I didn't realise this game was from CCP.
It's not. It's from a German company called Sandbox Interactive (as if they expected the name alone to imbue their product with the qualities it describes).

The AO devs are just a band of incompetent millennials who transplant concepts from games they like (namely EVE) into their own, regardless of suitability. It's the "monkey see, monkey do" approach to game design.


Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
Thank god I got this game for free.

The parts that rubs me the wrong way are.. (Satirically salty...)

The game was designed, ground up, for shit tier devices like mobiles and tablets, because of this there are few options for players to increase the overall feel of the client and the UI.

  • Want to make the UI Smaller or change the layout?
Sure! They pre-packaged 2 settings for scale because no one needs more than 2 settings and you can change your layout a ton, Fucked up mess with abilities on the bottom or fucked up mess with abilities on the right!​
  • Zoom out?
Nope, fuck off hacker.​
  • Zoom in?
  • Want to only see enemy names and hit bars for simpler targeting because FUCK OFF TAB TARGETING THIS ISN"T WOW REEEEEEEE?
Can't do that, too OP, but we can show you all of the people around you or your guild, that's helpful...right?​
  • Smart Cast? Maybe a keybind for smartcast?
This isn't League of legends...get to clicking.​
  • Oh man, I just got this amazing ability! What the fuck does it do?
What kind of mouth breathing fuckwad needs tooltips?
There are more things but ultimately this is it for now.

I swear to god this game was not thought out and it plays like they didn't have a single beta test.



Because I'm bored, adding more.

Escape closes out of all windows and not just the top level window.

Cannot see guild on the minimap or main map.
Last edited:


Blackwing Lair Raider
Thank god I got this game for free.

The parts that rubs me the wrong way are.. (Satirically salty...)

The game was designed, ground up, for shit tier devices like mobiles and tablets, because of this there are few options for players to increase the overall feel of the client and the UI.

  • Want to make the UI Smaller or change the layout?
Sure! They pre-packaged 2 settings for scale because no one needs more than 2 settings and you can change your layout a ton, Fucked up mess with abilities on the bottom or fucked up mess with abilities on the right!​
  • Zoom out?
Nope, fuck off hacker.​
  • Zoom in?
  • Want to only see enemy names and hit bars for simpler targeting because FUCK OFF TAB TARGETING THIS ISN"T WOW REEEEEEEE?
Can't do that, too OP, but we can show you all of the people around you or your guild, that's helpful...right?​
  • Smart Cast? Maybe a keybind for smartcast?
This isn't League of legends...get to clicking.​
  • Oh man, I just got this amazing ability! What the fuck does it do?
What kind of mouth breathing fuckwad needs tooltips?
There are more things but ultimately this is it for now.

I swear to god this game was not thought out and it plays like they didn't have a single beta test.



Because I'm bored, adding more.

Escape closes out of all windows and not just the top level window.

Cannot see guild on the minimap or main map.

Lol I decided to watch a few steamers tonight instead of playing and apparently they are paying summit to play it and it's obvious. Chat is just going crazy with booooorrrriiiinnnngggg.

All the while he's clicking all over in combat and mashing his spacebar to give it some excitement instead of hitting 3 buttons every 5-8 seconds, fucking cringey.

But Albion is in the top 10 on twitch...until he logs off.


Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
Lol I decided to watch a few steamers tonight instead of playing and apparently they are paying summit to play it and it's obvious. Chat is just going crazy with booooorrrriiiinnnngggg.

All the while he's clicking all over in combat and mashing his spacebar to give it some excitement instead of hitting 3 buttons every 5-8 seconds, fucking cringey.

But Albion is in the top 10 on twitch...until he logs off.

The amount of "Sponsored" streamers they have playing for them is insane. If they spent that money on making the game not a shit tier phone app, it would actually be a phone app.

Swifty was playing for a bit and straight up said after he was done streaming that he can't stream it saving for when they pay him. People don't watch when he was streaming it, not in the numbers he needs.


Vyemm Raider
The fact that this game has made about 40 million dollars before it even launched makes me fucking sick. The entire gaming community should be embarrassed honestly. I swear it's as if the entire industry is going in reverse. How the fuck is it possible for a game to look and play worse than 15-20 year old games that it's trying to emulate? I'm not sure what's worse, the shitty devs that made this shitty game or the idiots in the community that threw literally 1000's of dollars at this game while it was in beta?(yes I shit you not I met numerous people that said they spent 1,000$+ on gold while the game was still in beta). Like what the actual fuck? Is it seriously this easy to scam people out of their money?

"Lol I decided to watch a few steamers tonight instead of playing and apparently they are paying summit to play it and it's obvious. Chat is just going crazy with booooorrrriiiinnnngggg."

This is why Kripp is one of my favorite streamers. I guarantee he got offered a shitload of money to play this game and turned it down because he knows how garbage it is. Although I guess I can't blame sell outs like Summit and Sodapoppin because I'm sure they're getting well in the 5 figure amounts to play it.
  • 1Picard
Reactions: 1 user


Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
The fact that this game has made about 40 million dollars before it even launched makes me fucking sick. The entire gaming community should be embarrassed honestly. I swear it's as if the entire industry is going in reverse. How the fuck is it possible for a game to look and play worse than 15-20 year old games that it's trying to emulate? I'm not sure what's worse, the shitty devs that made this shitty game or the idiots in the community that threw literally 1000's of dollars at this game while it was in beta?(yes I shit you not I met numerous people that said they spent 1,000$+ on gold while the game was still in beta). Like what the actual fuck? Is it seriously this easy to scam people out of their money?

"Lol I decided to watch a few steamers tonight instead of playing and apparently they are paying summit to play it and it's obvious. Chat is just going crazy with booooorrrriiiinnnngggg."

This is why Kripp is one of my favorite streamers. I guarantee he got offered a shitload of money to play this game and turned it down because he knows how garbage it is. Although I guess I can't blame sell outs like Summit and Sodapoppin because I'm sure they're getting well in the 5 figure amounts to play it.

you serious? 40 mil? lol


Vyemm Raider
good on them if they have decent net on that shit

a fool and his money...
Yeah, let's celebrate garbage games made by fools themselves because the bar needs to be any lower than it already is.

This is why Kripp is one of my favorite streamers. I guarantee he got offered a shitload of money to play this game and turned it down because he knows how garbage it is.
uh-huh... TSM Kripp Albion Online Until ~1:30AM EDT! (Sponsored)
  • 1Worf
Reactions: 1 user


Vyemm Raider
Lol damn I spoke too soon =[ Guess they offered him a price he couldn't refuse. Oh well, integrity has it's price tag and I'd most likely do the same exact thing.


Wait, when is that clip from? Must be old because I can't see anything in his recent history.
  • 1Picard
Reactions: 1 user


Trakanon Raider
I guess I'm the only person having a good time with this. I hope they do well and encourage more open world/conquest PvP type games. There really aren't enough of them.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I guess I'm the only person having a good time with this. I hope they do well and encourage more open world/conquest PvP type games. There really aren't enough of them.

I am having a good time with it too.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Yall are crazy, having an awesome time here. Yeah the devs have shown many signs of being totally incompetent in a lot of technical ways, but the overall vision of the game - as derivative as it might be - is very solid, and there just isn't anything else like it available atm. Recent stuff like the black market, the changes to how the outlands are accessed, and making zergs show up as blobs in black are all really good positive changes for the game and give me a lot of faith in the design of the game, even if the UI and general coding of the game feels super amateur.

Even the yellow hellgates, which I was super against at first for undermining the risk/reward of full loot hellgates, aren't so bad as they help keep artifact prices down at a more reasonable level, as well as offering new players much needed 5v5 practice without risk. Still think they need to nerf the fame/artifact rewards a bit tho.

Having a lot of fun roaming around black in a group of 9 dodging zergs and getting into awesome fights with other groups of 9. Such a simple thing to add the zerg-radar-blob mechanic to the map in black, but totally changes the dynamic of the game and highly rewards guilds that separate into smaller groups instead of facerolling around in a mindless zerg. We've had loads of great 9v9 fights over relic lockers, dungeons and just random encounters, it just feels great right now.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Its smashing sales-- no sign of slowing down right now. Its a runaway hit doing numbers we haven't seen in a decade.

The TIMING that people talk about all the time in this fourm, they have that. It was time. The market was lush and WoW Legion had just faded to black.

This game is NOT going away any time soon. And a lot of people are going to be playing it regardless of how many bitter leetdudes on twitch chat are spamming BORINGGG.

Everyone who's anyone already purchased it. If you are hating on Albion for X Y Z reason you will be in the minority for a long while, at least a solid month. Everyone else will be checking out the game, and yes, having fun.
  • 1Picard
Reactions: 1 user


Molten Core Raider
There hasn't been a single game released since everquest were i would of even considered using annual leave for release, untill AO which has resulted in me taking unpaid leave. Yes its not totally polished but as stated by those before me it is unique and a lot of the systems work along with their over all vision.
  • 1Picard
  • 1Like
Reactions: 1 users


Bronze Baron of the Realm
It's not. It's from a German company called Sandbox Interactive (as if they expected the name alone to imbue their product with the qualities it describes).

The AO devs are just a band of incompetent millennials who transplant concepts from games they like (namely EVE) into their own, regardless of suitability. It's the "monkey see, monkey do" approach to game design.

Yeah it's eve I play now. They put in a bug that allowed players to earn skill points (SP, the basis of the game) without paying either real money or in game currency as normaly. They were told about this and it went on for 6 months before they thought it was worth looking into. It's common for players in Eve to take long breaks while still having their skill points train since they accumulate over time. Their fix was to stop all SP training for everyone and I still run into people in game who left 3 months ago who ask "Why did my training stop while I was paying?" Been one thing after another this year. Not a lot of confidence.

Anyway watched a few more streams. Must be watching the wrong ones. So far all I've seen is people running from node to node to get stuff for tradeskill type stuff.