All things Brandon Sanderson


2 Minutes Hate
I finally finished Elantris. Not a bad story, I liked the overarching story but it was super clich?d. Not a lot of depth and it took a long time to get into it. Ending was neat.

What should I read next? I read the Mistborn trilogy a few years ago but I might do a reread. What are the other stories or there?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
In the cosmere timeline, Warbreaker comes next, followed by Mistborn trilogy, the Alloy of Law.
If you want something different from Sanderson, look at Steelheart. I thought that it was fairly good.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Without just listing all if his books I'll try to add some context.

THe Emperor's Soultakes place in the same world as Elantris, but isn't a direct sequel or anything. It is a short story and pretty good.

You could doThe Alloy of Law: A Mistborn Novelto jump back in the Mistborn universe, and not really have to worry about doing a re-read. It is anticipated to continue, but currently only Alloy exists.

There were a few good short stories that he released that are worth a read:Legionwhich has a sequel coming out soon that is more full length (Legion: Skin Deep),The Rithmatistis a stand alone story that feels like it should be a part of the Cosmere, but isn't.

Warbreakeris stand alone and takes place in the same universe as his main body of work. It is also pretty interesting because he includes earlier draft versions and changes in an appendix at the end, kind of gives you insight in to the process and how things developed.

Steelheart (Reckoners Book 1)is a new Superhero genre series he started. Currently only that book and a short story (Mitosis: A Reckoners Story). The next book is also supposedly coming along.

All this is assuming you don't want to jump right in to WoK/WoR for another as yet unfinished series


2 Minutes Hate
Already read wor, wok, elantris, Mistborn trilogy. Was looking a for a list of the other stuff. Thanks for that.


Toe Sucker
Sanderson is in town this weekene for signings and shit, im tempted to go buy a copy of twok and wor to get signed lol


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Damn, I would. If Erikson would come around here I'd take my sub press versions down and get a 2nd signature!


Trakanon Raider
I just finished the Mistborn series and its been my first Sanderson since forcing myself to finish the WoT.

I was impressed by the first book's intimacy - you felt like you were part of the crew and really rooting for them to succeed in some way. Each character felt like they were given just the right amount of face time, and I think every reader fell in love with the main characters, they were done really well and grew in front of us. The teenage girl in me definitely came out a few times, seeing our little street urchin at balls with the high class. :*)

The problem with the rest of the series, I think (sazed reference!) is that he took a story with a simple plot - "We are X, and we will defeat Z" and turned it into an Alice in Wonderland type of thing, where different wormholes of plot were opened up over and over again - kind of taking away from the feeling of attachment we had with the original story. Also, there were a bit too many training wheel paragraphs - This guy is a blah blah, a blah blah is one of these incase you forgot it the last time I explained it again, etc Sazed's woe is me got a little tough to keep reading also.

Even with the strange yin yang ending, book 3 still had some cool moments - like the dance at the ball and dialogue with Yomen/Ruin, but yeah, it was too aggressive overall and despite some really cool 'woooooah" moments, the first book still towered over the next 2 in terms of pacing and interest.

I think this series can best be compared to the Matrix in terms of its successes and failures - You're introduced to such a cool concept and team, and you fall in love with the idea; and the follow-up is tough, so it just keeps getting bigger and bigger until its kind of ridiculous. Similar pattern, but I still loved the books and look forward to reading more from this dude.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The best thing about Sanderson is if you read his books in the order he released them, you can really see his progression and growth as an author


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The best thing about Sanderson is if you read his books in the order he released them, you can really see his progression and growth as an author
Absolutely, and it's all the better because you could see right away that he was something different. His world building and magic system stuff was top notch right off the bat. Now he keeps getting better with the characters and interactions and endings. I find myself looking forward to his new books almost as much to see how much he's improved as to read the story itself.

Plus I think in another 15-20 books(so like 2 years) he'll be able to write female characters!


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The best thing about Sanderson is if you read his books in the order he released them, you can really see his progression and growth as an author
Absolutely, and it's all the better because you could see right away that he was something different. His world building and magic system stuff was top notch right off the bat. Now he keeps getting better with the characters and interactions and endings. I find myself looking forward to his new books almost as much to see how much he's improved as to read the story itself.

Plus I think in another 15-20 books(so like 2 years) he'll be able to write female characters!


Tranny Chaser
I just read Elantris and yeah its clear that he has gotten much better over time. His earlier works are fueled by persistent cockteases of really awesome cool things that magic can do and which you only see in the last couple chapters whereas his more recent works, while still teasing the cool stuff out, at least reward the reader with nifty goings-on during the course of the novel.

He also has a habit of making sure that the reader is the smartest guy in the room by making things really clear from the third person omniscient role of the reader as compared to the incredibly thick main characters.


I just read Elantris and yeah its clear that he has gotten much better over time. His earlier works are fueled by persistent cockteases of really awesome cool things that magic can do and which you only see in the last couple chapters whereas his more recent works, while still teasing the cool stuff out, at least reward the reader with nifty goings-on during the course of the novel.

He also has a habit of making sure that the reader is the smartest guy in the room by making things really clear from the third person omniscient role of the reader as compared to the incredibly thick main characters.
I feel like he has gotten better about this but it is super bad in elantris because I had figured it out like 1/3 through the book and i just wanted to strangle the main char lol


<Silver Donator>
I recently started listening to the Stormlight Archives on my daily commute based on a friends recommendation. Finished the first book, which started out slow, but by the end, I was really digging it. Started the second book, and I'm maybe about half way done, but have one important question:

Do the shitty Shallan chapters ever get better?

All they remind me of is "braid pulling" and "ear boxing" WoT chapters. I understand there has to be a female protagonist of some sort, but do they always have to be so damned boring? Or is it just me?


<Gold Donor>
I actually grew to not mind her chapters too much eventually. I don't know if everyone felt the same as me, but I didn't really hate them too much for much of the book.


<Silver Donator>
I don't think I just outright hate them, or want to skip to the next chapter, but I'm very tempted at times. Maybe it's just the character herself? I just don't have any emotional investment in her struggles or challenges, and would not really care if anything horrendous happens to her. There are certain interesting mysteries regarding the plot / world that her chapters bring answers to (Ghost Bloods, magic system, void bringers, etc.), but it sucks having to wade through goofy conversations with Pattern and her own boring introspective episodes just to get to the important tidbits.

Maybe I'm just burnt out on this type of fantasy. Last series that I really enjoyed was Abercrombie's books, and I think they may have ruined me for any future offerings from the genre. Guess I'm just finding more enjoyment out of smaller scope, character driven fantasy, as opposed to "end of the world", epic ten book fantasy series.

Regardless, I'll still end up finishing the series, and probably buy any future books...


Toe Sucker
I didn't actually like reading her pov until the very end of book 2. The nice thing is, as boring or lame as a character as she is-every other character makes up for her by tenfold lol

Even then she's not all that interesting.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
He needs to just keep her the fuck out of casual situations. If she doesn't have a chance to be "clever" she's great. As soon as she opens her mouth and says some retarded shit that all the other characters respond to like she's some brilliant wordsmith I want to snap my nook over my knee.

"Oh yeah, well you have bad breath!"