Answer the question above you, no matter what it is


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
I found the perfect girl for me: Tiny little Asian chick, perfect tits, nicest ass I've ever seen, huge gamer, sucked dick like a champion, fucked like a porn star. My ex saw that I was happy with this chick and started blowing up my phone, asking me to hang out, would show up uninvited to my place. Anyway, I let it happen and eventually she ended up muscling her way back into my life as a "friend".

My perfect little Asian gamer girl started becoming more distant as she saw my ex coming back into my life and she didn't like the fact that I didn't shut her out when I should have. We just ended up growing further apart. And of course you can guess that my faggot ex-girlfriend stopped talking to me or hanging out with me once she saw that me and Asian chick weren't a thing anymore. Fucking cunt.

I'm not looking for sympathy, I should have known better and I know this kinda belongs more in "Broken Heart" thread, but it is really something that eats away at me quite often and I can't forgive myself for screwing up something so awesome.

I still talk to the Asian chick and we're kinda friends, but she's not looking for anything right. Who knows? Maybe things will work out again. Doubt it though. They never do.

Take a bullet for the President or take a bullet for your mother (or if you don't love your mom or if she has passed away, then some other close relative)?

take a bullet for my mama.

presidents can be replaced...but not my mama...

What are you going to eat for breakfast tomorrow?

take a bullet for my mama.

presidents can be replaced...but not my mama...

What are you going to eat for breakfast tomorrow?
I'm impressed with you Trollface. I didn't think someone as trollolol as you had a mother let alone loved her enough to take a bullet for her.

Probably gonna eat a protein shake tomorrow morning with a side of male enhancement pills.

Live forever or be God for a day?


Bronze Squire
Easy, God for a day. It would be one full day.

Sit in your underwear in your front yard and wave to the passersby, or pee in a public fountain with many onlookers?


Bronze Squire
I like my neighbors and have no problem peeing in public when drunk, so I'll take the peeing.

What would you have gotten away with if you weren't ratted out?


I like my neighbors and have no problem peeing in public when drunk, so I'll take the peeing.

What would you have gotten away with if you weren't ratted out?
In kindergarten, i stole mexican pesos from a down syndrome kid who brought them in for show and tell. I showed them to my mom, she said where did you find this? I said on the ground, she turned the car around and made me give back the pesos to the kid and apologize. That cringe.

What would you rather have, a super hot wife that has a boring sex drive. Or a fat disgusting whore bag that can get enough of your dick.


Bronze Squire
I'm not sure what "boring" sex drive means. Just not adventurous in (or out of) the bedroom or just doesn't want it that often or what? But I guess I'll take the super hot wife. Maybe the sex isn't everything that it can be but odds are the fat disgusting whore bag can't keep up with me with all the other stuff I like to do in life. I'm pretty active and I'm guessing that fat disgusting whore bag isn't while super hot wife has to maintain that body somehow. Besides, outside of sex you have to look at your wife each day, and just looking at a super hot women got me through most of my teenage years.

Who is the most annoying person that you are obliged to deal with?


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
old people..........sorry...

If you had a choice of being reborn, how would you like to be reborn?


Bronze Squire
I've had some bad beats playing Texas Hold'em for some big pots, so dollar-wise it was probably that. But the one that sticks in my head was a $20 bet I had on the 1990 NFC Championship game. My Dad was off to Vegas and put the bet down for me and I thought it was going to be the easiest $20 I ever made. Niners were big favorites but of course Montana got knocked out of the game and Niners lost. I was devastated about the loss (not because of the bet) and $20 was like a months allowance for me at the time so as a kid, it was also a tough lesson in gambling.

Culprit, victim, or witness; what is the worst thing that you have ever been a part of?


I've had some bad beats playing Texas Hold'em for some big pots, so dollar-wise it was probably that. But the one that sticks in my head was a $20 bet I had on the 1990 NFC Championship game. My Dad was off to Vegas and put the bet down for me and I thought it was going to be the easiest $20 I ever made. Niners were big favorites but of course Montana got knocked out of the game and Niners lost. I was devastated about the loss (not because of the bet) and $20 was like a months allowance for me at the time so as a kid, it was also a tough lesson in gambling.

Culprit, victim, or witness; what is the worst thing that you have ever been a part of?
Victim, hit and run, these...rappers...struck the car behind me, which pushed it into my car. They said "It aint my fault, did i do dat?" and drove off, i called the cops, they said they couldnt do anything, so then i said one of the guys had a gun in his waistban, there was a chopper in the sky in less then 5 minutes. They still got away, I just felt so fucking powerless. I had to eat the 500 deductible. wish it was any other race but yeah.....stereotypes are alive for a reason.

What would be your dream job? (something real, not blowjob test reciever, etc. Something you gotta study for)


Victim, hit and run, these...rappers...struck the car behind me, which pushed it into my car. They said "It aint my fault, did i do dat?" and drove off, i called the cops, they said they couldnt do anything, so then i said one of the guys had a gun in his waistban, there was a chopper in the sky in less then 5 minutes. They still got away, I just felt so fucking powerless. I had to eat the 500 deductible. wish it was any other race but yeah.....stereotypes are alive for a reason.

What would be your dream job? (something real, not blowjob test reciever, etc. Something you gotta study for)
Honestly, some type of tech job that was pure creativity. I work tech, I just want a break. I want an MMO job where I just go "Alright, it would be badass if when the players came into the room, X or Y would happen" or "K, when they get this quest, this is how it unfolds". Fuck that would be badass.

Along the same vein, worst workday of your life?


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Honestly, some type of tech job that was pure creativity. I work tech, I just want a break. I want an MMO job where I just go "Alright, it would be badass if when the players came into the room, X or Y would happen" or "K, when they get this quest, this is how it unfolds". Fuck that would be badass.

Along the same vein, worst workday of your life?
Every Mothers Day when I worked in a restaurant as a server. Without fail, we'd have a 3-hour-deep wait of African families with the men wearing their only suit and women wearing insanely large, hideous, flowery hats and...mumus...that were so colorful they assaulted the eyes. Without fail, these savages would leave the absolute worst tips (4 dollars, usually accompanied by a Jesus booklet, on a 200 dollar check, for example) and act like they were doing you a favor. These were also the only days I actually missed waiting on our usual ghetto fabulous crowd. Although horrible people, they, at least, enjoy throwing their drug money around so the tips would be adequate most of the time.

Q: If you could bring one extinct animal back to life, which would it be?


Bronze Squire
Q: If you could bring one extinct animal back to life, which would it be?
It might seem kind of cliche but I loved Jurassic Park so I would go with some sort of Dinosaur. Stegosaurus perhaps.

What happened the last time you said "OH SHIT"?!


It might seem kind of cliche but I loved Jurassic Park so I would go with some sort of Dinosaur. Stegosaurus perhaps.

What happened the last time you said "OH SHIT"?!
This week I got wasted the night before work and woke up 30 minutes after my shift started, looked at the time, and yelled "OH SHIT!" I decided that day to quit my job

How many men/women have you slept with?


Bronze Squire
How many times do you take a shit per day?
I have a lifelong goal, I call it the #quaddeuce. It is where you take 4 shits in one day. The rules are, no PED's (laxatives), each shit must be solid (no diarrhea) and no pinching off. 4 solid shits in one day. I consider it more of a spiritual quest rather than some sort of contest. The best I have ever pulled off is a trideuce and that was barely under the 24 hour window. For the most part I am a once-a-day type of guy although I can hold off for an entire weekend if I am somewhere where it is not comfortable to shit.

Fill in the blank style (explain if you wish). I never would have gotten out of bed if I'd have known I would have seen ________ that day?


Silver Knight of the Realm
Fill in the blank style (explain if you wish). I never would have gotten out of bed if I'd have known I would have seen ________ that day?
.. if I'd have known I would have seen the pictures she sent me AFTER I got to work that day. Sometimes it's just a crappy day at the office/school/traffic... and you can't help but think how much better the day would've been to spend it in bed with those. Damn responsibilities.

100% chance of success without being caught/convicted/or sent to trial.. would you: A) Kill someone (who and why?), B) Rob a bank for $5 million, or C) The ability to throw one major sporting event: Super Bowl, World Series, etc etc... (which, and why?)


If I had any sort of connection to the gambling world or enough money to make more than $5 million on a single bet, I'd want to throw a major sporting event, but since I don't I'd probably go with the $5 million. I don't want to kill anyone.

What is your greatest regret?