Answer the question above you, no matter what it is

9th Otaku_sl


Sammy the banana slug. University of Cali, Santa Cruz

Would (or did) the coolness or stupidity of mascots play into your decision on which college to attend?
I didn't go to a formal university so I can't answer that, but if I did, the Mascot would mean precisely dick to me.

If the Lovecraftian Mythos was real, which of the many deities and great old ones would you devote yourself to if you were forced to choose one?


If the Lovecraftian Mythos was real, which of the many deities and great old ones would you devote yourself to if you were forced to choose one?
Why, the Crawling Chaos himself,Nyarlathotepof course. I like my deities at hand and The God of a Thousand Forms is one of the beings most likely to destroy the earth, as he has an active interest in it, where the other beings would just do it by accident.

Would you rather live the rest of your life as a quadriplegic or die right now?

9th Otaku_sl

Why, the Crawling Chaos himself,Nyarlathotepof course. I like my deities at hand and The God of a Thousand Forms is one of the beings most likely to destroy the earth, as he has an active interest in it, where the other beings would just do it by accident.

Would you rather live the rest of your life as a quadriplegic or die right now?
I'd probably choose death over being a burden to my family.

If you could own any single automobile in the world, which would it be?
shit...arm. i could live with one, but being mobile without needing a prothesis(sp?) and/or a wheelchair is kind of a big deal to me. plus, i got a friend who lost his left arm, and he adjusted really well. he high fives peeps with the nub. it took some getting used too.

whats the most useless money sink have you had in your life, and how much did you sink into it?


Trakanon Raider
shit...arm. i could live with one, but being mobile without needing a prothesis(sp?) and/or a wheelchair is kind of a big deal to me. plus, i got a friend who lost his left arm, and he adjusted really well. he high fives peeps with the nub. it took some getting used too.

whats the most useless money sink have you had in your life, and how much did you sink into it?
The most useless money sink I've ever had in my life was honestly smoking cigarettes and drinking too much at any bar, but especially divebars since I would just drink endless amounts of cheap shit.

I had to actually think about this. I've spent countless amounts of money on hobbies like movies, video games, martial arts, computers in general, music (huge money sink, but not at all useless), etc. and I have to honestly say that those two simple vices robbed me of more money than I can even fathom. I've since quit smoking and drink much less, but I have become much smarter with my drinking choices and my taste has become more refined anyway, so I pay less even when drinking expensive top shelf because I drink less of it.

If you were given $25,000 with no strings attached with zero obligation (although choosing to do so is an acceptable answer) to pay off debt/bills, what would you do with it?


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
The most useless money sink I've ever had in my life was honestly smoking cigarettes and drinking too much at any bar, but especially divebars since I would just drink endless amounts of cheap shit.

I had to actually think about this. I've spent countless amounts of money on hobbies like movies, video games, martial arts, computers in general, music (huge money sink, but not at all useless), etc. and I have to honestly say that those two simple vices robbed me of more money than I can even fathom. I've since quit smoking and drink much less, but I have become much smarter with my drinking choices and my taste has become more refined anyway, so I pay less even when drinking expensive top shelf because I drink less of it.

If you were given $25,000 with no strings attached with zero obligation (although choosing to do so is an acceptable answer) to pay off debt/bills, what would you do with it?
I'd pay off my debt. $25,000 would be enough to allow me to pay off my only remaining debt: car loan and student loans. While I'd love to blow it on fun stuff, I think the feeling of being 100% debt free would be too amazing to pass up.

Why is coffee so much more popular than tea in the USA?

9th Otaku_sl

I'd pay off my debt. $25,000 would be enough to allow me to pay off my only remaining debt: car loan and student loans. While I'd love to blow it on fun stuff, I think the feeling of being 100% debt free would be too amazing to pass up.

Why is coffee so much more popular than tea in the USA?
Nothing wakes you up quite like a cup of Joe, and no one in the USA sleeps well anymore.

What is the most disturbing, real like thing you've learned the existence of in recent memory?


Irenicus did nothing wrong
What is the most disturbing, real like thing you've learned the existence of in recent memory?
Tree hands. It makes me so deeply uncomfortable to look at that I'm not even going to post a picture, google at your own risk.

Why do amazon reviews never seem to go below 3.5 - 4 stars average, even for terrible books?


Tree hands. It makes me so deeply uncomfortable to look at that I'm not even going to post a picture, google at your own risk.

Why do amazon reviews never seem to go below 3.5 - 4 stars average, even for terrible books?
Every book has it's audience, no matter how 'horrible' it seems to someone who is not a part of that particular target.

If you could 'forget' about one game, one book, and one movie, then experience them again for the first time, which would you choose?


I think I would choose a classic book that I had to read during school and that I did not enjoy because I was too young, too dumb and forced to read it, leaving a sour taste in my mouth that prevents me to try to re-read it. Which one though? Maybe C?line's Journey to the End of the Night (Voyage au bout de la nuit).

EDIT: Oh it's a AND question not a OR question... no game or movie come to mind though.

If you could 'forget' about one game, one book, and one movie, and be sure toneverhave to experience them again, which would you choose?


Lord Nagafen Raider
Final Fantasy 12, was a pile of shit.

Never read a book I didn't like

The hills have eyes...worst movie I've ever seen hands down, and Tank Girl is pretty fucking bad.

*If you could have access to the internet, and no sexual contact with the opposite sex.....or NO access to the internet (ever, not even smart phone), but bitches all over your dick whenever you wanted....which would you choose?


Got something right about marriage
That's a hard choice, but I think I would give up the internet. Never having sex again would lead to a slow, demoralizing slip into insanity whereas not having internet would drive me insane at first, but most likely end up making me healthier and happier. Though I would have to find a new career, probably as a porn star since bitches won't leave me alone anymore.

Which piece of advice is better in your opinion? "Learn from your past mistakes" so history doesn't repeat itself, or "let go of the past" so your future isn't controlled by it


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
The two aren't mutually exclusive, so your question is confusing. If that's your assumption, the answer is both. If they're intended to be random pieces of advice though, learn from your mistakes is better. In fact, I'd modify it to "Learn from the mistakes of others, you'll never live long enough to make them all yourself"

What do you think the age of consent should be?


Trakanon Raider
I think 18 is a proper age of consent.

What would you think of turning the Dark Souls franchise into a movie?

9th Otaku_sl

I think 18 is a proper age of consent.

What would you think of turning the Dark Souls franchise into a movie?
Not even Sean Bean would want to die that many times in one project.

Speaking of Video Games and Movies; Which Video Game that came out in the last 7 years would you actually want to see made into a movie? Bonus: Who would you want to direct it?


Golden Knight of the Realm
As much as I'd love to see a David Fincher directed Red Dead Redemption, I am more intrigued by a Chris Nolan Katamari Damacy. He would give it that sense of realism that most other directors wouldn't be able to provide. While the original Katamari is more than 7 years old, there have been numerous sequels released within the timeframe.

If you had your choice of going into the Monolith from 2001 and being "evolved" or taking a ride into Hell with the Event Horizon (as an observer only with no risk attached), which would you choose?
No question, Evolve me. The fucked up things you'd see in that hell would mess your head up.

Choose one, give up sex for a year (all forms) or give up video games for the rest of your life?


Silver Squire
Jokes on you, I already gave up on sex this year.

But in all seriousness, vidya.

Would you rather have the ability to no longer grow back hair at the expense of growing facial hair - or go permanently chemo therapy level bald for 1 million dollars