Answer the question above you, no matter what it is


If it weren't for the 'smelly' part, I'd choose differently. Hot tranny please.

Which is more painful: A very strong kick to the nutsack, or giving birth? (obviously speculating)
Write in answer. Cluster headaches. A friend told me he once got a call from a buddy saying it was a bad as it's ever been, jetted over to his house. Found him crying in his bed gunning a power drill. It was so bad he thought he might be able to drill the pressure out. Apparently, it is LITERALLY the most painful thing a person can experience.

Walking Dead or Sons of Anarchy?


Walking Dead since I haven't checked Sons of Anarchy yet.

Do you believe in god or some other "a higher force" and why so or why not?


No, I stopped believing in the boogeyman when I was 8.

Worst first date?
Mormon family girlfriend in high school, dinner with her parents, some uncles/aunts, and her grandparents. Spilled some food on me and without thinking "MOTHERFUCKING BULLSHIT!". Then I looked up into their eyes...ended pretty quickly after that.

Biggest non-dick mad pimp moment with a girl you loved?


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
grts salshun. You asked a question no one understands.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
No more than you did.

Why would you do that?
Because this board is filled with terrible human beings. Speaking of terrible human beings, no one answered:

Question: if you could legitimately kill someone and get away with it, would you? If so,why would they have to die? E.g.Politics, personal pain, love affairs, money...
Yes. If, for example, I had the powers of Superman and was basically an invincible killing machine I'd probably kill anyone and everyone who pissed me off. Cut me off on the road? You're dead in a ditch. Some wanna be thug says shit to me when I walk by on the street? One less piece of shit leaching from society. Coworker tries to throw me under the bus? Hey, new position just opened up! When people drive like dicks on the road I often visualize myself as Magneto flipping the tractor trailer in X3, with their car in place of the truck.

Obviously I have a pretty nasty temper.

Would you rather have a baby seal as a pet or a baby penguin?


<Prior Amod>
Penguin. Seals get bigger and seem like they would be a pain to care for with me having to build a large area for them to swim in. Also they eat a lot more. Also I feel I could pick up more chicks with a Penguin.

If you could change one event from your past (keeping in mind possible repercussions if would have on future you) what would it be?


Penguin. Seals get bigger and seem like they would be a pain to care for with me having to build a large area for them to swim in. Also they eat a lot more. Also I feel I could pick up more chicks with a Penguin.

If you could change one event from your past (keeping in mind possible repercussions if would have on future you) what would it be?
Not fuck around in college and have graduated. Repercussion: I would never have had met my wife and had my 2 beautiful daughters.

What is the one alcohol that simply cannot drink? No enjoyment, just sober to miserable in no time flat.


Trakanon Raider
edit response to avoid thread break: tequila, without a doubt.

If you could change one event from your past (keeping in mind possible repercussions if would have on future you) what would it be?
I'd have sacked up and finished engineering, instead of dropping out and going in to the family business. No idea what the repercussions would have been. I'd probably have made a lot less money.

What historical event would you most liked to have witnessed personally? IE: Normandy Landing, Waterloo, Moon Landing, and so on.

edit: lol, high five Salshun!


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Yes. If, for example, I had the powers of Superman and was basically an invincible killing machine I'd probably kill anyone and everyone who pissed me off. Cut me off on the road? You're dead in a ditch. Some wanna be thug says shit to me when I walk by on the street? One less piece of shit leaching from society. Coworker tries to throw me under the bus? Hey, new position just opened up! When people drive like dicks on the road I often visualize myself as Magneto flipping the tractor trailer in X3, with their car in place of the truck.
Reminded me of:



What historical event would you most liked to have witnessed personally? IE: Normandy Landing, Waterloo, Moon Landing, and so on.
I know it will sound morbid, but my answer is the top floor of a big building 5 miles away watching the 9-11 attacks. Actually, fuck that morbid part, we were glued to our TV's for the day, don't see how this is any different.


<Gold Donor>
edit response to avoid thread break: tequila, without a doubt.

I'd have sacked up and finished engineering, instead of dropping out and going in to the family business. No idea what the repercussions would have been. I'd probably have made a lot less money.

What historical event would you most liked to have witnessed personally? IE: Normandy Landing, Waterloo, Moon Landing, and so on.

edit: lol, high five Salshun!
I would want to see what killed the dinosaurs, or see JFK being shot.

Q: If you could live in any video game, show, movie, or book universe what would it be and why?


Golden Knight of the Realm
I would want to live in Everquest's Norrath so that I could grow in power over the ages and personally crawl into the Rathe Council's assholes one by one and turbine them to death.

Ever thought a cousin was hot?


Tranny Chaser
Taking my 11 mo daughter to the park and play grounds. I'll probably let her taste ice cream and chocolate. She has a priceless smile whenever she tastes something new. I hope my kid(s) grow up knowing me, and I them, and not loathing me for never being around them.

What do you fear the most?


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Oh yeah.

What are you doing this weekend?
Interestingly enough, going to hang out and get drunk with my cousins.

2 part question, are you a rubbernecker, and if yes, would you please go die in a fire?
What do you fear the most?
The zombie apocalypse. No joke. Heights? No problem. Darkness? Eat my cock. Getting stabbed? Sounds sexy.

But zombie/infected running around eating people? Fuck. That. Shit. I have nightmares about it constantly. It's one of the main reasons I own so much guns. I know that sounds retarded, but whatever.

2 part question, are you a rubbernecker, and if yes, would you please go die in a fire?
No and if I was, I would gladly die in a fire for you.

Okay, my turn: In a post-apocalypse world, if you were appointed to be a leader of a community of survivors, what kind of leader would you be? Righteous, acquiring food and supplies by bartering/trading/hunting/agriculture and only killing those that sought to do harm to others? Or a tyrant, preying on other survivors, taking supplies/food/women by force?


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
The zombie apocalypse. No joke. Heights? No problem. Darkness? Eat my cock. Getting stabbed? Sounds sexy.

But zombie/infected running around eating people? Fuck. That. Shit. I have nightmares about it constantly. It's one of the main reasons I own so much guns. I know that sounds retarded, but whatever.

No and if I was, I would gladly die in a fire for you.

Okay, my turn: In a post-apocalypse world, if you were appointed to be a leader of a community of survivors, what kind of leader would you be? Righteous, acquiring food and supplies by bartering/trading/hunting/agriculture and only killing those that sought to do harm to others? Or a tyrant, preying on other survivors, taking supplies/food/women by force?
Not surprisingly given my last post, I would probably be a horribly brutal tyrant who ruled through fear and power.

Sprite or 7 Up?