Answer the question above you, no matter what it is


Interstellar Botanist
<Gold Donor>
Who doesn't like bacon? Hell, I've known several devout Muslims from the Middle East who came to America to study and ended up trying bacon and LOVED it.

Would you rather live in a house infested with mice or roaches?
Mice, i could just get traps and a cat plus roaches are tough mofos.

Q: favorite Holiday and why?


Golden Knight of the Realm
Thanksgiving cuz STUFFING STUFFING cram it down me gullet I need morrrrrrrrrrrrre.....

...Eat a poop or jump on a cactus?


Riddle me this...
Not married so it comes down to what dog I want to rescue. I would more than likely grab the beagle, she's tiny. Champ and Sascha(golden retriever and yellow lab) are tough bastards and would more than likely beat me to shore. As far as possession, can't really say, so used to moving i never really anything I'm attached to, maybe my army duffel. Thing is awesome.

Do you feel humans will evolve to something superior or will we stagnant due our need to cure and save sick people.


We will evolve in to super beings with some telepathic and maybe telekinetic ability. There will be no more illness because we genetically modify everyone to be born without any ailments. We will outgrow the need for wars, and technology will make expansion no longer a problem. People will live in space just as happily as they live on Earth, if not better.

Have you ever tried making fun stuff for masturbation? Like fucking a wide bottle, apple pie, or piece of fruit?


Blackwing Lair Raider

Do you think dogs or cats have souls? (even though cats are gay and dogs invented the best way of making sex)


Mr. Poopybutthole
No, but I don't believe humans have souls either. If I did believe humans had souls, I think dogs and cats and pretty much all animals would probably have them too.

If you could live in any country in the world, where would you live? (Staying in America is a valid choice)


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
No, but I don't believe humans have souls either. If I did believe humans had souls, I think dogs and cats and pretty much all animals would probably have them too.

If you could live in any country in the world, where would you live? (Staying in America is a valid choice)
I'd stay in America. I've spent time living in Europe (Spain), Central Asia, and Eastern Europe. While all of those places had positives and negatives (just as America does), none of them come close to the USA in terms of freedom, comfort, convenience, and safety. I really think people who constantly complain about how terrible America is need to go live in places that arereallybad. The grass is always greener, and all that.

Q: What is the most pleasing language to hear spoken?


"Q: What is the most pleasing language to hear spoken?"

I love the sound of Russian. To me, it is a strong language, like German, but sounds like it has the flow and meter of Spanish.

What would be the one activity that you would be happy with doing even though you would die right after doing it?


Lord Nagafen Raider
Q: What is the most pleasing language to hear spoken?
I was a Persian linguist in the military and spent a lot of time around a lot of different languages. My favorite to hear is English because 'Murica! Russian is a close second.

If you were given the option to be shown all the wonders and secrets of the universe during a twenty year trip, but you had to leave right-fucking-now and couldn't tell anyone where you were going and wouldn't return with anything but whatever knowledge you could keep in your head, would you go and why/why not?


I was a Persian linguist in the military and spent a lot of time around a lot of different languages. My favorite to hear is English because 'Murica! Russian is a close second.

If you were given the option to be shown all the wonders and secrets of the universe during a twenty year trip, but you had to leave right-fucking-now and couldn't tell anyone where you were going and wouldn't return with anything but whatever knowledge you could keep in your head, would you go and why/why not?
If I came back with knowledge to make wide spread changes and help the world, fuck yes. I obviously love my kids and my friends/family but if I had the trip gave me the ability to more or less change and save the world, then I would make the sacrifice. You want to give me the Highlander Champion treatment for lack of a better explanation, then I'd take it.

When it's your bday (like me, today) and all your friends wish you a good one, but they only know it because of FB, do you smile and be grateful, or just think "You only know about this because of FB!". Seems petty, but the tingle is still there.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I don't have a facebook account, but I'm terrible with birthdays/call hardly anyone on their birthday so it doesn't rustle my jimmies in the slightest; instead I'm pleasantly surprised when someone remembers and calls me.

What is the best meal you've ever cooked yourself?


I don't have a facebook account, but I'm terrible with birthdays/call hardly anyone on their birthday so it doesn't rustle my jimmies in the slightest; instead I'm pleasantly surprised when someone remembers and calls me.

What is the best meal you've ever cooked yourself?
Filet Rainbow Trout- Fresh caught straight from the river. Charcoal grilled not sure if it was the best because I was hungry as shit because I was in the backwoods or something, but it had Creole Seasoning on it.

Whats the best high you have ever gotten?


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Whats the best high you have ever gotten?
Oxycodone + amphetamine, possibly tied with a really good dose of MDMA.

You can choose one meme, joke or image macro, anybody who posts it, anywhere on the internet, will be banned from the internet, forever. Which do you choose?


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Whats the best high you have ever gotten?
A bottle of Tequila. i've never fucked with illegal stuff, so my choices are pretty much tequila, sex, or working out. Wait, come to think of it, A bottle of tequila consumed at a strip club where I was a VIP member and therefore drank for free and had unfettered access to the VIP room. Yeah, those were probably my best highs ever.

If all the colors were to get into a fight, which one would win?


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
A bottle of Tequila. i've never fucked with illegal stuff, so my choices are pretty much tequila, sex, or working out. Wait, come to think of it, A bottle of tequila consumed at a strip club where I was a VIP member and therefore drank for free and had unfettered access to the VIP room. Yeah, those were probably my best highs ever.

If all the colors were to get into a fight, which one would win?
A: Black, because it's a gangbanging thug. (Edit: Although, thinking more about it, Brown might shoot it in self defense.)

A2: None. I love all memes and welcome their use because they make me smile.

Q: Did you learn about Kwanza in school alongside Christmas and Hanukkah?


No. I learned about Kwanza reading The Boondocks and about Hanukkah... probably some american movie or TV show... I want to say The O.C. (though that seems a bit too recent...). There is no black history month in Switzerland!

A question around that theme... what is the most surprising and real thing you learned about another culture in a work of fiction?


<Prior Amod>
That's an odd question since fiction is information or events that are not real, but rather, imaginary and I've never took any fiction at face value really.

If you were forced to off yourself, how would you do it?


That's an odd question since fiction is information or events that are not real, but rather, imaginary and I've never took any fiction at face value really.

If you were forced to off yourself, how would you do it?
Something with zero chance of mistake. You hear those stories about a guy that tried to shoot himself in the head and fucks up and is a tax burden potato for 50 years. I'd probably go super tall building/bridge.

Favorite drink on the mad cheap strategy?