Answer the question above you, no matter what it is


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
WTF happened in this thread? Where'd the shit about programming come from that caused that first question to be ignored?
Sutekh got tired of looking like an idiot in the NFL threads with his awful football knowledge so he migrated here.

Frodo or Bilbo?


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
a million is the number at which I would at least seriously consider whatever you wanted me to do.

What is your geek code? And did you have a geek code already, or just do one to answer the question?


Blackwing Lair Raider
Sutekh got tired of looking like an idiot in the NFL threads with his awful football knowledge so he migrated here.

Frodo or Bilbo?
Except for the part where I still post regularly in the NFL thread. You must have missed that since the Redskins season was over since week 3.


Golden Knight of the Realm
a million is the number at which I would at least seriously consider whatever you wanted me to do.

What is your geek code? And did you have a geek code already, or just do one to answer the question?
Hoss broke the thread... Well, I'm not going to do a geek code to answer his question. I will rank my geekiness by interest:
1) Transformers
2) Movies
3) Video/sound editing
4) Woodworking
5) Geocaching

You only get my top 5 because this isn't my fucking life story.

If Dr. Banner were to eat some seriously spicy food, like ghost peppers or Carolina Reapers... would he turn into Hulk?


Riddle me this...
Depends, which method of hulking out is considered canon? Angry = Hulk or elevated pulse blahblah = hulk..

I totally answered a question with a question. Does this make me a bad person?


Depends, which method of hulking out is considered canon? Angry = Hulk or elevated pulse blahblah = hulk..

I totally answered a question with a question. Does this make me a bad person?
No, of course not!

What is the worst movie in the past decade?


Potato del Grande
Depends, which method of hulking out is considered canon? Angry = Hulk or elevated pulse blahblah = hulk..

I totally answered a question with a question. Does this make me a bad person?

How many mods should rerolled have?


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
Just over 1km.

If you could have prevented one celebrity (i.e. actor, singer, etc.) death during the past 5 years, who would it have been?


Lord Nagafen Raider
Mr Miyagi died in 2007 so he's out. Paul Newman died in 2008 so he's out, along with Ledger. Was kinda sad that Lisa Kelly croaked, but she was looking a bit rough so probably not a loss (70s show blonde). Yea, after looking at the list I'll go with a non-answer.

My wife wants to know why men won't clean up dog shit.


Riddle me this...
Fertilizes the grass, makes it grow. Growing grass means it needs cut. Cutting grass means I'm out of the house not listening to her talk about stupid house projects or what color should we paint the walls. Apparently "I don't give a shit" is not a proper color.

You going to be the guy who freaks out when his grass is not equal length and/or the proper shade of green when you get old?


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
No, instead I'm going to be one of those old guys who wear a trench coat in the summer and sit all day on a bench in the park on sunny days staring at the young girls who probably don't have much "grass" on their "turf" yet. It's going to be good to be old!

If you had the chance to spend a year on a tropical island working a low paid, but not too strenuous job (maybe a bartender at a beach bar, or beach volleyball coach for tourists?) for say 4 hours a day, would you do it?
No, instead I'm going to be one of those old guys who wear a trench coat in the summer and sit all day on a bench in the park on sunny days staring at the young girls who probably don't have much "grass" on their "turf" yet. It's going to be good to be old!

If you had the chance to spend a year on a tropical island working a low paid, but not too strenuous job (maybe a bartender at a beach bar, or beach volleyball coach for tourists?) for say 4 hours a day, would you do it?
Yes, absolutely. That sounds like a dream. There is no better freedom than freedom from debt, payments, serious obligations and general slavery, corporate or otherwise. I'd take the bartender gig in Costa Rica and save up just enough to pay off my straw hut.

If you were relatively new to rerolled and never posted on this thread before, would you post anyway?


Riddle me this...
Yes, because I have questions that need answered and the only way to make that happen is by answering them.

Who would you rather be stuck on an island with, Hodj, Dumar or Lumie?


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Hodj. Mainly because I always imagine him being his avatar, and I think I'd like to hang out with that guy.

What's the foulest thing you've ever smelled? How long did the damage last?


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
The smell of rotting grass. And more precisely when the rotting grass is a large field you have to cross on your way to work and there's a dead calm. Fuck me that stinks!

If you were to meet Paris Hilton at a party and she offered to take you home with her for a one night stand, would you do it?
Holy shit, suffocate for sure I'm quite certain burning hurts a lot more, and you'll end up suffocating from the smoke of your own burning flesh, and whatever other fuel is being burned, so it's like choosing between one or both.

How many modern-day, north american young earth creationists does it take to screw in a light bulb?