Aradune Returns to EQ aka the EQ Nostalgia thread


You fuckers have never known guild pain until you have a ball busting bitch for a guild leader. Fuck Gwanalla and fuck Ancient Guardians.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Ag & Phoenix who were your toons on Sol Ro? Seeing Darkblood, Mystical Legacy (Chynaa lolll), and Paradign guild names bringing me back.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
I have a story on the other end of the spectrum.

Since I started EQ1 kind of late (on Quellious), all the people I knew RL who played were already max level and playing around in their respective guilds and those guilds weren't about to take a lvl 1. Fortunately we all played at a LAN store so I was at least able to ask questions of people around me, and they got me started and into the game. But outside the occasional group, they were usually busy with their guilds and I was pretty much left to level to whatever the max cap was at the time (I don't even remember) so I could app to their guilds. And they had me start a War (/wrists).

I was having snakes kick the shit out of me when I met a couple of people outside of Oggok, talked to them for a while, and they tossed me an invite. Mind you this was my first MMO right off the bat, and I was just happy to have people to group with. I didn't know that I was going to have a guild tag that would in some ways be a badge of shame, or that the guild leader happened to be someone that was one of the favorite flame targets (particularly on the boards like Quellious collective). That person was Leerah, and the guild, was Unholy Czars.

I was completely oblivious at the time, and I met a number of good people, but I kind of felt like I should have been awarded a special title for coming up in that guild, which had only a handful of active members at a time and the rest were inactive or alts. This on a Warrior mind you, when there were little to no low level groups at all. I can still remember telling my RL friends who had just got me started playing that I had joined that guild. Looks were exchanged, and a couple people broke out laughing. They quickly informed me that A) Leerah was some sort of champion server drama magnet, B) I needed to level and GTFO out of that guild as quickly as humanly possible. To be fair to Leerah, she was a very nice person, but as time went on I started seeing all the fucking drama and thinking "holy shit". I did eventually leave and went to go play with friends once I did get leveled (was the plan all along) but when I look back I cant help but shake my had at how absurd a lot of it was.

I didn't have much luck right now with Quellious Collective, I'll try searching there later, but then I saw this thread...dated Feb 2013. I she has changed servers (probably multiple times) but...just lol. This seems pretty tame compared to a lot of the old stuff though, but she's still at it it seems.
Take it for what was reported instead of trying to make this about the source.

Yeah, I'm a carebear and proud of it. Every person who is griefed diminishes the community. I don't know why that is so hard for you guys to grasp.

The original owner of Retrievil was in my guild.We changed your baby necro diapers. You were raised to be kind to others. I recruited you to EIE and then you got all snotty and snarky. You were not brought up this way!


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I have a story on the other end of the spectrum.

Since I started EQ1 kind of late (on Quellious), all the people I knew RL who played were already max level and playing around in their respective guilds and those guilds weren't about to take a lvl 1. Fortunately we all played at a LAN store so I was at least able to ask questions of people around me, and they got me started and into the game. But outside the occasional group, they were usually busy with their guilds and I was pretty much left to level to whatever the max cap was at the time (I don't even remember) so I could app to their guilds. And they had me start a War (/wrists).

I was having snakes kick the shit out of me when I met a couple of people outside of Oggok, talked to them for a while, and they tossed me an invite. Mind you this was my first MMO right off the bat, and I was just happy to have people to group with. I didn't know that I was going to have a guild tag that would in some ways be a badge of shame, or that the guild leader happened to be someone that was one of the favorite flame targets (particularly on the boards like Quellious collective). That person was Leerah, and the guild, was Unholy Czars.

I was completely oblivious at the time, and I met a number of good people, but I kind of felt like I should have been awarded a special title for coming up in that guild, which had only a handful of active members at a time and the rest were inactive or alts. This on a Warrior mind you, when there were little to no low level groups at all. I can still remember telling my RL friends who had just got me started playing that I had joined that guild. Looks were exchanged, and a couple people broke out laughing. They quickly informed me that A) Leerah was some sort of champion server drama magnet, B) I needed to level and GTFO out of that guild as quickly as humanly possible. To be fair to Leerah, she was a very nice person, but as time went on I started seeing all the fucking drama and thinking "holy shit". I did eventually leave and went to go play with friends once I did get leveled (was the plan all along) but when I look back I cant help but shake my had at how absurd a lot of it was.

I didn't have much luck right now with Quellious Collective, I'll try searching there later, but then I saw this thread...dated Feb 2013. I she has changed servers (probably multiple times) but...just lol. This seems pretty tame compared to a lot of the old stuff though, but she's still at it it seems.
I went by the name of Guide Taldayan on the Quellious server. I remember that name, which wouldn't be good.




Silver Knight of the Realm
Not too much problems with Stars. We had cordial relations with them (old Tide member here), at least up to when I left (late Luclin).
European zerg guild backs Asian zerg guild in 12-year old plot to keep all mobs from spawning for North American prime time. News at eleven.


Golden Knight of the Realm
You guys all had your drama and fun...server i was stuck on.... was CAREBEAR STARE central... i played on karana....home of the carebear elites... frustrated me and friends to no end when we could not do certain raids or events because they where on "rotation." Oh ya lets not forget we had mass amount of euro raiders and asian raiders....fuck Karana and its play nice policy spawning crap


Doer of Things
Man did I love cock blocking guilds from killing progression mobs. Didn't need to be a PVP server to utterly screw someones raid night...DA+Holy steed trains were wicked fun.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Man Runyan / Rydun used to drop bombs on Sol Ro euros, I remember killing the Coirnav trigger also to force it to repop during US timers.


Man Runyan / Rydun used to drop bombs on Sol Ro euros, I remember killing the Coirnav trigger also to force it to repop during US timers.
I remember similar drama in Ssra.

On Drinal the Asian zerg guilds kept to themselves and screwed us Euros equally as much as the US guilds until PoP hit and then for some reason they vanished almost overnight.


Just a Nurse
I didn't play on Drinal, but, I loved reading about Cats 'n Hats. What happened to Dachande.



Trakanon Raider
Hello Jmellow. I still think of you of having that face.

I remember Jmellow. I began on Solu Ro before I left for Lanys (December I think). Jmellow was walking around Freeport showing off his FA. After that, he disappeared (not sure for good or what) but the rumor was they banned him for something.


Molten Core Raider
Does anyone know why Brad was taken off EQNext and put back to EQ ? It does scare me a bit and I wonder why this happened... Maybe they sent him back to EQ with his old ideas. . . which would suck for EQnext.


Vyemm Raider
Years ago I read some horribly inaccurate writeup on Samanna's (appears to be gone now) that gave a 'history' of classic raiding and basically gave credit for all of the world firsts to guilds other than FoH. According to this not-biased-at-all writeup it appeared the only thing FoH ever did of note was kill Vox when in reality it would be easier to list the things that FoH -didn't- kill first (a short list) Of course it also then listed kills of exploited/bugged mobs and gave credit for those to FoH instead of whoever it was.

I started to respond to it then realized what the fuck I was doing and stopped myself.
I remember similar drama in Ssra.

On Drinal the Asian zerg guilds kept to themselves and screwed us Euros equally as much as the US guilds until PoP hit and then for some reason they vanished almost overnight.
I'm not sure, but that's probably due in part to SoE making specific euro servers like AB, Kael, Venril etc around that same time.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
It was just a rumor AFAIK that Brad was on EQNext. Pretty sure as others have stated he never actually was assigned to work on EQN