

Trump's Staff
Pirate guilds can't own land on the northern continent iirc. So nope.
They can farm like everyone else, just can't own regions/castles. Your dominion is the high seas!


2 Minutes Hate
That is what I currently play on Alpha. I really like it. That said, sperglords will tell you Battlerage/Shadow/Aura is better. Auramancy lets you stack inspire, so you can constantly have a %24 attack speed increase. I have my reasons for going with Archery though. It gives you a good arsenal of openers, a constant %10 run speed increase, a lot of combos with the battlerage abilities, and the ability to be effective at range. Additionally, most fights I have been in weren't log enough to let me stack inspire. I will concede for a solo or small group PVP, auramancy is clearly the better option based on the CC abilities and teleport.
I'm thinking that archery has the most burst. Open with a bleed arrow which combos with phantom blow or whatever it's called.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Hi, everyone --
I wanted to send a personal thank you for all of your support in bringing ArcheAge to the West. We hope you've been having as much fun as we have seeing the Alpha go from a downright tranquil place to a world teeming with life - farming and building, trade and crime, justice and piracy, loyalty and betrayal - in such an incredibly short amount of time.
It's been an amazing experience watching the sandbox come to life, and we're all extremely thankful to you for being a part of it.
A quick update on the testing process: Since releasing the Founders' Packs, we've had a lot more of you come on board than expected, and we're happy to report that the servers have been able to keep up with it pretty well!
The massive number of Archeum Founders has really helped us stress test the way we do things: We've already had to expand the capacity of the server to three times the number of characters that one world is expected to have. That you've propelled ArcheAge as high up as the #2 game on all of has really been humbling for all of us. It makes us want to work even harder to deliver the best release that we possibly can. You're an incredibly active bunch, too! While we were expecting a good turnout, you really blew the doors off: After the first Alpha weekend, we immediately doubled the amount of server hardware. After the first week, we saw that more than 80% of you were still playing every day and we upgraded it again. We're going to hold it here for now while we focus on an imminent new Alpha update and on the Beta and launch buildouts in our US and EU datacenters, which we're happy to report are well underway.
Your Alpha play and feedback absolutely help shape the game. They directly inform our ongoing conversations with XLGames as to how to best deliver this western version of ArcheAge and where we should collectively take it in the future. We thank you for the feedback so far, and ask that you keep up the great job in further testing, all the way through launch later this year, and beyond!

Warmest regards,

Scott Hartsman
CEO, Trion Worlds
Got this from mail.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I'm curious to what that means exactly.

"We've already had to expand the capacity of the server to three times the number of characters that one world is expected to have"

Do they mean actual characters...because right now everyone probably has 3-4 alts to test different specs.

Or do they mean accounts, or concurrent characters online at the same time?

I'm curious since I wonder how this affects real estate right now on Alpha. Is this how crowded the housing areas are meant to be, or is the plan to less people per server, and more room for houses and farms and not be as crowded.

I'm curious, because in no way do I feel like the game is actually crowded when playing, I mean it seems to me to be a healthy see people everywhere but doesn't feel overcrowded except for the farms/housing.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I'm pretty sure its concurrent characters online. I don't see how an account or alts not playing could possible tax a server.


Vyemm Raider
I'm curious to what that means exactly.

"We've already had to expand the capacity of the server to three times the number of characters that one world is expected to have"

Do they mean actual characters...because right now everyone probably has 3-4 alts to test different specs.

Or do they mean accounts, or concurrent characters online at the same time?

I'm curious since I wonder how this affects real estate right now on Alpha. Is this how crowded the housing areas are meant to be, or is the plan to less people per server, and more room for houses and farms and not be as crowded.

I'm curious, because in no way do I feel like the game is actually crowded when playing, I mean it seems to me to be a healthy see people everywhere but doesn't feel overcrowded except for the farms/housing.
I would say it is fairly certain he means concurrent connections, ala separate accounts. He seems to be referring to back-end hardware for the servers when he talks about expanding. This would have absolutely zero impact on in game real estate


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
That would make sense, so right number of account per server...but higher ratio than the usual 25% or so online concurrently.

I mean most paid $150 to be there, make sense they would log on more than typical player.


I'm curious to what that means exactly.

"We've already had to expand the capacity of the server to three times the number of characters that one world is expected to have"

Do they mean actual characters...because right now everyone probably has 3-4 alts to test different specs.

Or do they mean accounts, or concurrent characters online at the same time.
That's the #1 thing that stood out to me in that letter. I interpreted it to mean number of total accounts. If the alpha server is currently 3X overpopulated, it means the land grab rush at launch won't be as mad the dash as a lot of people were expecting.


That's the #1 thing that stood out to me in that letter. I interpreted it to mean number of total accounts. If the alpha server is currently 3X overpopulated, it means the land grab rush at launch won't be as mad the dash as a lot of people were expecting.
It also means that pvp is going to be 3x less fleshed out population wise sadly. Especially considering that PVP is just an inconvenience right now outside of arena and banana camping.
ArcheAge alpha popularity forces Trion to upgrade hardware | Massively

ArcheAge alpha popularity forces Trion to upgrade hardware

One of our awesome Massively readers forwarded to us an email from Trion Worlds CEO Scott Hartsman to ArcheAge's alpha testers. In it, Hartsman thanked the players and noted how their numbers had helped to stress test the studio's hardware.

"The massive number of Archeum Founders has really helped us stress test the way we do things: We've already had to expand the capacity of the server to three times the number of characters that one world is expected to have," Hartsman wrote. "That you've propelled ArcheAge as high up as the #2 game on all of has really been humbling for all of us. It makes us want to work even harder to deliver the best release that we possibly can."

Hartman reported that the studio had doubled the amount of server hardware twice since the alpha started. He also indicated that the team is preparing for a new alpha build, beta testing, and launch day.


"Similar to the "PvP Method" except you head to a lower level zone and smash lowbies. This method is typically faster, but it will pollute faction chat with tears and rage"
They say that like it's abadthing.