

Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Are warborn playable as a race or will that be after release?
The what? Only 4 races, human, elves, furries and asian humans.

Hmm after googling, looks like new race in early 2015, which probably means longer for NA.


Molten Core Raider
Will have to see how it plays it. Might not be as crowded as alpha, because alpha is a full server with everyone being a patron, a live server will be patron + f2p(remember f2p can't own land). Prime spots will still be taken instantly, but it shouldn't be full like it is with a entire server owning land.
May not be as bad as alpha for sure, but I would think within a week or two, everything would be full, aside from some 8x8 and maybe some shitty 16x16

Because I know im not stopping at 1 large farm I don't think many others are either, shit land is more valuable to me than lvl 50, I want at least 3-4 large farms, and that's bare min, and id plan to have that before ever reaching 50.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I assume to get more large farms, you are just running another character through? I think I will be quite happy with one + farm house. Taxes would start getting crazy as you get more and more.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Shocker, half the "hacked" accounts are people using the same info for every site. I actually feel bad for game companies, so much CS time spent combating a problem that is the result of stupid gamers.

They really need to make authenticators mandatory(pc and phone versions) and stop using e-mail addresses as username logins.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I assume to get more large farms, you are just running another character through? I think I will be quite happy with one + farm house. Taxes would start getting crazy as you get more and more.
I thought I had read that taxes were account based and not character based. Anyone in alpha able to verify that? Which, if that's the case, makes land pretty expensive and helps keep the land claims down.

It would actually be pretty dumb of them to just allow everyone to make 5 alts that each can have farms and a house.


Vyemm Raider
I assume to get more large farms, you are just running another character through? I think I will be quite happy with one + farm house. Taxes would start getting crazy as you get more and more.
The taxes do get steep pretty fast, but more farms means more income. I have 3 large, 3 small, 1 aqua on Alpha, plus 2 large, 1 small and 2 houses on Omega. It's easily doable right now, since labor pots are so cheap on the AH. Without that I'd prolly have to tone it down a bit. Plus 3 days of Loyalty points will buy you 40 tax certs. If labor pots aren't changed before live, I can see them being a much hotter item than Apex.


Taxes are account and server based. So, all of your properties owned by your character on one server count toward your tax bracket. Also, you can have way more than 1 per alt. Since you can sell any property now except for small farms, you can make an alt, get large farm, sell it to your main, delete, and repeat until the tax man comes to collect your firstborn.


Molten Core Raider
I assume to get more large farms, you are just running another character through? I think I will be quite happy with one + farm house. Taxes would start getting crazy as you get more and more.
more or less, taxes aren't an issue on alpha atm with 3 larges, the amount of money you can make with them is more than enough, right now im just buying tax certs off the AH, combined with labor pots etc, you just got to slowly take care of it, don't wait till the end of the week when you need to bust out 120 tax certs.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I'm a junkie for MMO launches. This launch seems like it's shaping up to be extra entertaining with guild shenanigans, copious amounts of butthurt and drama. Should provide some really entertaining reading on forums.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm a junkie for MMO launches. This launch seems like it's shaping up to be extra entertaining with guild shenanigans, copious amounts of butthurt and drama. Should provide some really entertaining reading on forums.
It's going to be glorious. I have to remember to make a pirate alt, get him to 15, buy him a glider and use him to roam around stealing people's unprotected crops.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So Legion (that guy from Alpha who does decent Archeage guides) did his "builds rating list". Please keep in mind it's a copypasta from Alpha forums and it reflects Legion's opinion about Archeage post patch 1.2.
Reaper(Sorcery/Occultism/Shadowplay) - nice cc + high dmg from sorc tree, with passives from occ, also escape and invis
Primeval(Archery/Shadowplay/Auramancy) - best archery combo for now, because defense was nerfed, also got high mobility and extra mdef from auramancy
Skullknight(Occultism/Auramancy/Defense) - even with defense nerf, he is quite good and few of them with Imprison can control battlefield, also he got nice dmg against solo opponents, only Shrug it Off + boastfull roar makes smth about 4,5-5 k dmg without crit.
Shadowblade(Battlerage/Shadowplay/Witchcraft) - high phys dmg + extra CC, awesome combo to kill someone fast in PvP, in 10x10+, his job is to kill somebody and die =]
Darkrunner(Battlerage/Shadowplay/Auramancy) - also got high phys dmg with nice mobility, so if you'll take this guy no one will got a chance to escape, but like Shadowblade he got problem in large scale PvP
Tomb Warden(Defense/Auramancy/Songcraft) - pure bard, which is necessary in 10x10+ fights, because those buff is just OP

Abolisher(Battlerage/Auramancy/Defense) - he is quite nice tank, but he almost don't have cc, this build is better in PvP, than in 10x10+ fights he lost a lot =[
Templar(Vitalism/Auramancy/Defense) - most effective healer in game, but because of level cap 50, his heal isn't in best form, when level cap will be 55, he is worth of A for sure.
Hierophant(Vitalism/Auramancy/Witchcraft) - this healer build got highest heal in game, but his weaknes is that he lacks of survive against physical classes. He is good in arena or 10x10, not more =[
Necromancer(Vtalism/Witchcraft/Occultism) - good alternative for healer at level cap 50, because occ helps to regen mana and got few CC and buff against melee classes, which reduce inc dmg by 50 %, also plenty off CC from Witchcraft, like Hierophant
Daggerspell(Sorcery/Shadowplay/Witchcraft) - awesome in PvP, because got invis, high amount of CC and quite nice dmg, but in this build there is problem, like all wizards, if you don't kill enemie in few sec, you're death =[
Stone Arrow(Archery/Shadowplay/Defense) - he was awesome before nerf, but now he loose quite much ot his friend Primeval, but he is anyway better against physic classes
Spellsinger(Sorcery/Songcraft/Shadowplay)- got highest burst dmg in game, with invis and escape, but because of lack in points, he's not perfect now(you can take only invis for now, but with 10 point passives in sorcery and song)
Poxbane(Songcraft, Witchcraft, Defense) - good alternative for bard, but those cc you won't use too much, because they sticks close to healer and buff their songs

Blighter(Battlerage/Shadowplay/Defense) - got nice dmg, but because of lack in CC and mobility, anyone with Aura or Witchcraft can escape from him, but he is good against other melee classes
Trickster(Archery/Shadowplay/Witchcraft) - this combo is quite good, but problem is that Archery got higher range of attack, than Witchcraft spells, so witchcraft can be useed just to escape from opponent, but there is one more problem, you don't have high mobility, like Primeval to win fight, so you need to sit on horse and run away =[
Ranger(Archery/Shadowplay/Vitalism) - I think this might work, because bow and club is in to different slots, but any CC destroy him and he got only hearts as instacast and flowing life.
Inquisitor(Battlerage/Shadowplay/Vitalism) - As long as club got phys dmg it would work, but again, if you make mistake you can easily heal enemies with your heal, also same problem as with Ranger, any CC destroys him.
Cabalist(Sorcery/Witchcraft/Defense) - this build is like double-edged sword, from one side shield is quite nice, but on other hand we lose dmg =[
Caretaker(Defense/Songcraft/Vitalsim) - another build for bard/tank, this might be good combo, but it eats too much mana and after few casts you'll be out of mana =[

Justicar(Vitalism/Occultism/Defense) - quite useless tank, he have no CC, no mobility, but only he can tank kraken, thats why he is here.
Cleric(Vitalism/Auramancy/Songcraft) - would be nice healer, but his mana burst is too big =[

Any class, which mix magic and physic dmg


Trump's Staff
So Legion (that guy from Alpha who does decent Archeage guides) did his "builds rating list". Please keep in mind it's a copypasta from Alpha forums and it reflects Legion's opinion about Archeage post patch 1.2.
I'm liking the look of Tomb Warden...


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm liking the look of Tomb Warden...
Just remember, for probably 90% of the time you are just sitting playing a song. Because the songs are channeled for like 15 seconds(cant remember exact time) as they get stronger the longer they are channeled. You can't play multiple songs at once.

I was tempted by bard, but after watching it being played and how it operates, I couldn't deal with just sitting and singing the majority of the time. Plus it was usually just one song entire time. As in small group you usually do the atk spd/damage one and in larger groups separate bards each sing separate things. They are a requirement though for any decent sized group but I would get so bored with one.


<Silver Donator>
Unless it changed though the "stronger while you play" is on 4secs repeating cycles. So you don't really lose that much from stopping, the song increases every secs 4times then resets and keep repeating for the whole channel. But yeah bard is a lot of playing songs.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So what's the point of the passive that adds 10 extra seconds to the channel? Just less times you have to push the hotkey? Seems kind of shitty. I thought it was there to make the songs stronger because you channel longer.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
DarkRunner or Reaper - both of those interest me. I want to be able to stealth so Shadow is a must.
Can shadow with everything. Even a healer with shadow is fine, as it gives you more escape tools instead of CC or tank-ability.


<Silver Donator>
So what's the point of the passive that adds 10 extra seconds to the channel? Just less times you have to push the hotkey? Seems kind of shitty. I thought it was there to make the songs stronger because you channel longer.
A lot of passives are kinda shitty. And the point is mana efficiency if you play songs for a long time. It's pretty garbage. Might affect the debuff duration if you sing on someone with the debuff though not sure how that works.