

Silver Squire
So played a bit now and figured I'd give an update on what is different / changed in NA.

Game is mostly the same. Working off what appears to be an early Korean build (cut scenes are still in Korean and so is the verbal portions of what guards might say as you approach) with a few interesting changes.

Combat is slightly different in regards to your first ability in your combat trees. Essentially theses abilities have been tagged as "Fast" and there is now an option in settings which allows you to hold your key bind down and the ability will fire automatically. This is a nice change.

Options in game have been significantly improved. This includes some quality of life / beauty things such as a priority for what shows on your back (glider, shield, weapon etc) in addition to plenty of settings which improve game play.

Class names have been changed, AGAIN, which I'm not a fan of but is a very minor change.

Mirage items (boats, houses, horses etc) have different values than the other servers and in some cases the currency used to obtain them is different. As an example the really good horse on RU was 10g but on NA server it is 30 Niu coins (quest and world coins). Delphi coins are now Gilda Star and are used in much the same way although some of the boat options now use Niu coins instead while many are still purchased with Gilda (Delphi).

There are no Daily quests for Gilda Star THANK YOU TRION! So trade runs, the heart and soul of the game, are still intact.

Values for items seems a bit out of whack. Some stuff seems really cheap and other stuff is about normal. I'd say its clear that its in flux and current costs are not reliable. This might be for testing purposes but I'm thinking is more just "we haven't gotten to that part yet and are messing with values" more than anything else.

Not many people on the server as of yet. Performance has been very good. There is still that annoying hitch every so often as the client loads resources and it is annoying but its not something that deters my enjoyment of the game.

One final tidbit. I tried to get the PRX logo uploaded to the server for our sails, cloaks and such but the item to do that upload is not in game. The items to apply it are, but to upload is not. Now this could mean a couple of things. Might not be ready. Might be handled like the Japanese launch where the ink was included as a bonus but not in game. Could also be something they consider adding as a $$ feature on the cash store. Perhaps some combo, who the hell knows really but its just an interesting tidbit that was noticed.

Anyway, back to playing. Figured some people might like an update.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Is there a way to turn bard sounds off? Im using the run speed spell and it's already becoming grating.
So played a bit now and figured I'd give an update on what is different / changed in NA.

Game is mostly the same. Working off what appears to be an early Korean build (cut scenes are still in Korean and so is the verbal portions of what guards might say as you approach) with a few interesting changes.

Combat is slightly different in regards to your first ability in your combat trees. Essentially theses abilities have been tagged as "Fast" and there is now an option in settings which allows you to hold your key bind down and the ability will fire automatically. This is a nice change.

Options in game have been significantly improved. This includes some quality of life / beauty things such as a priority for what shows on your back (glider, shield, weapon etc) in addition to plenty of settings which improve game play.

Class names have been changed, AGAIN, which I'm not a fan of but is a very minor change.

Mirage items (boats, houses, horses etc) have different values than the other servers and in some cases the currency used to obtain them is different. As an example the really good horse on RU was 10g but on NA server it is 30 Niu coins (quest and world coins). Delphi coins are now Gilda Star and are used in much the same way although some of the boat options now use Niu coins instead while many are still purchased with Gilda (Delphi).

There are no Daily quests for Gilda Star THANK YOU TRION! So trade runs, the heart and soul of the game, are still intact.

Values for items seems a bit out of whack. Some stuff seems really cheap and other stuff is about normal. I'd say its clear that its in flux and current costs are not reliable. This might be for testing purposes but I'm thinking is more just "we haven't gotten to that part yet and are messing with values" more than anything else.

Not many people on the server as of yet. Performance has been very good. There is still that annoying hitch every so often as the client loads resources and it is annoying but its not something that deters my enjoyment of the game.

One final tidbit. I tried to get the PRX logo uploaded to the server for our sails, cloaks and such but the item to do that upload is not in game. The items to apply it are, but to upload is not. Now this could mean a couple of things. Might not be ready. Might be handled like the Japanese launch where the ink was included as a bonus but not in game. Could also be something they consider adding as a $$ feature on the cash store. Perhaps some combo, who the hell knows really but its just an interesting tidbit that was noticed.

Anyway, back to playing. Figured some people might like an update.
So I'm guessing Angel of Death is now called something else? I really liked that class name.


2 Minutes Hate
I get this weird mouse lag in the game. Like when I try to drag an ability from my skill screen to my hobar. It's like pulling my mouse pointer through mud. Other wise the game feels fine.

The one thing about this game that may appear to turn me off is the combat/skill setups, but maybe I'm just seeing it from a newbie POV so Kedwyn you can help me with this one. It appears that you will have a whole collection of abilities on various 20-30-60-90 second cooldowns. Is combat just full of these long-ish cooldown abilities sitting on your hotbar?

I like the "old down attack button" for attacks. But at level 7ish, I had a a 15-20s CD that was annoying because I could only use it every 3 fights. Then on another class there was a really cool knockback ability, but that was on a 20-25s? cooldown and I could only use that every 5-6 fights. Do you really spend all your time paying attention to what is coming off of cooldown? Seems like you might end up never using anything because you're just saving cooldowns.

How do fights feel/play at higher levels?


Molten Core Raider
no luck, is the 10 keys per person true? if so anyone got an extra one lying around id like to try this aswell, never got around to the Russian version.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
no luck, is the 10 keys per person true? if so anyone got an extra one lying around id like to try this aswell, never got around to the Russian version.
they invited a few people from the community. some guide writers for english players on other versions, some streamers of the russian version, etc. If you were one of these you got the 10 keys. Those who got a phone-a-friend or random invite didnt get any to give out.

an accordion_sl

Pretty sure I signed up for this forever ago and didn't even receive the email stating they've started alpha. Pretty salty if my shit wasn't even entered into the alpha applicant pool.


Silver Squire
I get this weird mouse lag in the game. Like when I try to drag an ability from my skill screen to my hobar. It's like pulling my mouse pointer through mud. Other wise the game feels fine.

The one thing about this game that may appear to turn me off is the combat/skill setups, but maybe I'm just seeing it from a newbie POV so Kedwyn you can help me with this one. It appears that you will have a whole collection of abilities on various 20-30-60-90 second cooldowns. Is combat just full of these long-ish cooldown abilities sitting on your hotbar?

I like the "old down attack button" for attacks. But at level 7ish, I had a a 15-20s CD that was annoying because I could only use it every 3 fights. Then on another class there was a really cool knockback ability, but that was on a 20-25s? cooldown and I could only use that every 5-6 fights. Do you really spend all your time paying attention to what is coming off of cooldown? Seems like you might end up never using anything because you're just saving cooldowns.

How do fights feel/play at higher levels?

Depends on the skill lines you pick up. I've got some Fraps of some leveling I was doing to show some of the Shadowplay, Warfare, Protection stuff I'm trying out now that I'll try and post if it doesn't turn out to be garbage.

I'm not expert on this but in my experience the classes kind of come in three categories.

1. Classes like the one I mentioned above tend to have longer cool downs but more of what people would call powerful toys. So while I have a crap ton of knock downs and stuns they tend to be on longish cool downs. Now the issue with this is that early game tends to be a lot of very basic combat. Later on as things open up I have 3 different PVE rotations I use so I can be efficient without taking much damage or blowing everything in one swoop. In PvP its a little different since my goal is to keep the enemy locked down so I blow my proverbial load doing that while doing damage which means I'm obviously a bit weaker on the second guy but in general I have enough tools by the mid to late 20's where its not really an issue. As I level I'll add some of the more powerful shadow abilities at the bottom of the tree as well which will increase the versatility.

2. Opposite of that would be one of the Archer types or caster classes. These classes when specced properly tend to be able to just kill kill kill. I can remember on my archer that by the time the enemy was to me I would finish them with a leap (stun / knock down) and one or two melee attacks and its dead. Rinse repeat. The same basic scenario most fights back to back. I think the longest cool down was around 12 or 15 seconds on hunters mark / arrow which would be down for the second fight but everything else was mostly up and ready. Sorc, occult, shadow are also very fast killers and steady killers.

3. Lastly the more defensive / utility stuff you take (Witchcraft, Artistry (forget what its called on NA) or Aurenmancy as an example) the less combat abilities you'll have and generally the more you'll be waiting for cool downs. These types are best played with a straight DPS buddy but by no means are you gimped its just going to have some waiting on cool downs.

Since I don't know exactly what your playing its hard to offer a suggestion. I'd suggest trying out a more DPS orientated spec and / or taking a look at your build to see if it kind of comes into its own a bit later. When I started out with my current build I was frustrated with it but knew at level x I got this or level Y this would happen and I knew it was going to get better. It shouldn't be so spread out ability wise, that is a balance issue in the leveling game but when you have so many skills and combos its bound to happen.

Regardless the game does have some fairly powerful abilities and you will be managing some cool downs regardless of what class you pick up. The severity of that depends on what you pick and what your rotation is.


2 Minutes Hate
I played a bunch of early level stuff just messing around. I tried like 4-5 different classes that were available to me. It was more of a general question regarding abilities and cooldowns versus anything specific. It was a trend I noticed looking at the builder and see ability tooltips.


Silver Squire
Few guild members asked for a quick video to show the game play for my current build. This is nothing more than me screwing around killing some quest mobs.

I had just load the game and fraps so there was a bit of frame rate issue at the start. The game tends to need a good minute once you load in to get the client fully loaded up and smooth. Generally my frames run around 60-130 depending on what I'm looking at with max settings no shadows. Obviously fraps is fairly intensive and I just noticed that the hard drive I recorded the video to was the same one the game is installed on which I've since fixed.



Silver Squire
I want to expand on another neat things about the game.

Exploration is amazing and can be extremely rewarding. If you can see it, you can get to it.

Crafting requires a decent amount materials and many of the mats are farmed by you or your friends. So while its likely that you can run up to a few cotton plants or banana trees in the wild you aren't going to be filling trade runs or building your home off the NPC generated stuff. Its there, you will see it and harvest it but in the end you'll be supplementing what you need via your farm or other areas.

Now your farm is fairly small. Even the large one. You can fit a decent amount on there and its easy to manage but most players are probably going to want more. That leaves a TON of open world area for you to plant your stuff. The catch is that if you do so its open season to anyone else that wants it. So planting 20 banana tress outside of Twin Towers for the Banana trade run likely isn't the best of ideas as players like me that see it will simply steal your shit and chop down your tree for profit. The consequences for doing so are fairly mild if entertaining but its not going to dissuade people from stealing some retards stuff. This stuff takes time to plant, grow, harvest and is VALUABLE.

So what this does is forces guilds and individuals to get creative with their placement of goods outside their farms. There are TONS of out of the way places. Places that look to be off maps or up on mountains, behind cliffs etc that are areas which are great for "secret farms". That is until some rat bastard steals all your shit and is laughing all the way to the bank.

This is one way in game which exploring off the beaten path can be very rewarding. There is(are) some serious coin(s) involved with this stuff and just about every single player will want in on it.


Molten Core Raider
Ooof, I have fallen in love, out of love, back in love/settling for this game.
I hear ya, i tried it a bit on the russian servers, but i think some of the bad translations threw me off... will try again but would love to help test out the NA one, i think i entered for beta but must check again.


Molten Core Raider
What is supposed to be the draw of this game? It looks exactly like Aeon/any generic Korean MMO.