

Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So what do you lack when you play for free? I know land and farming ability, but anything else?
I'm gonna complete Raes' answer :

let?s detail what Patron status means in ArcheAge. Patrons will enjoy the following benefits:

? Bonus online Labor Point regeneration (10 per 5 minutes)
? Offline Labor Point regeneration (5 per 5 minutes)
? Increased maximum Labor Points cap (5000 maximum)
? 10% bonus to all Experience gained through combat or labor usage
? 10% discount on Marketplace purchases (available after launch)
? 5 Loyalty Tokens per day for use in the Loyalty Store (awarded on first login of the day)
? Ability to claim land by placing farms and houses
? Ability to pay in-game taxes on owned property
? Ability to post auctions on the Auction House by default
ArcheAge | The ArcheAge Patron Program and APEX System |


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
So they in reality will reward people for making AFK macros so they can be logged in 24/7 to get more labor points. I can't be the only one who things this is a stupid idea.


Silver Knight of the Realm
There was no auto logout in Alpha. You could stay logged in for days without a macro as long as the server didn't restart.

Not sure if they have plans to change that for launch.


I feel like all the earlier testers wanted a Archeage high so bad that they largely ignored labor as just another interesting system to figure out. Now that more and more testers have seen this we are all left scratching our heads at labour and wondering why it is no one else is dismayed by it. I just don't really see how this game is ever going to get very popular with labour intact because the average western gamer doesn't like playing with handcuffs even if they are only perceived.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
There was no auto logout in Alpha. You could stay logged in for days without a macro as long as the server didn't restart.

Not sure if they have plans to change that for launch.
I can't remember where (livestreams or forums) but they said they plan to add a 45 minutes AFK Timer, mostly to prevent abuses seen during previous releases. I don't have the source so take it with a grain of salt. I'll edit later if I find more.


Vyemm Raider
I feel like all the earlier testers wanted a Archeage high so bad that they largely ignored labor as just another interesting system to figure out. Now that more and more testers have seen this we are all left scratching our heads at labour and wondering why it is no one else is dismayed by it. I just don't really see how this game is ever going to get very popular with labour intact because the average western gamer doesn't like playing with handcuffs even if they are only perceived.
I thought the same thing when I first learned about it, and still feel that way. You should never restrict a player's ability to play, especially a paying customer. LP exists as a control for the economy, but since 1.2 it's been pretty easy to ignore, between the bug that doubled labor regen, and the labor pot CD being per character instead of per account. Both of which are supposed to be getting fixed. They've stated that the labor pot CD is a coding problem, and that they haven't quite decided on the final LP regen values.

The game has a lot of issues, LP is just the tip of the iceberg. A lot of them stem from our version of AA becoming this weird mutant hybrid. Originally, we were getting 1.0, then XL changed their minds and forced Trion to take 1.2, which fucked up a lot of things. 1.2 was designed (badly) to fix problems in the economy of the KR version, which had been running for over a year (give or take). It was never intended for a fresh launch. Many things in AA were not intended for a FTP game either, which causes more problems. Trion is still waiting on fixes for some of these issues. Fixes that will (maybe) be "tested" for all of 4 days before headstart. Any problems that arise from that patch? God only knows how long Trion will have to wait on XL for the next patch.

Then there's things that won't be tested. Auroria will be closed off completely for 4-6 weeks. Originally, that's where you went for level 50 gear. 1.2 nerfed the drop rates into oblivion, but shit still dropped. Crafting. It takes 20k proficiency to craft level 44 gear. If they fix the labor pot CD, do the math on how long it will take someone who spends all their LP every day to get 20k proficiency. Add in the RNG factor. Also, the LP limitation on how many pieces they can craft per day. Compare that to how long it takes to get level 50. In the last quest zone, you can get 1 set of gear, either plate, leather or cloth. Don't plan on getting a different set for another spec for a while. There's more, but I'm tired of typing.

It's supposed to be a 45 minute afk timer. It's listed in the 1.2 patch notes as something that wasn't implemented yet.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Ya, it would be nice if crafting yielded more proficiency than the labor points spent. For instance, having to make 200 fishing reels just to get 1k proficiency in machining...and it caps at 50k proficiency ;_;


FoH nuclear response team
Shit is so close to launch and I really don't know dick about the game. I'm just going to be some kind of cannon fodder/group heals bitch for PRX.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I played loads in alpha and still am not sure about my build. I spent over an hour last night on a skill calculator, to no avail.


15 minutes seems incredibly short.
It depends on the game and the structure.

In TOR, there's autologout at about 15 minutes of non-movement. In FFXIV, there's no autolog at all (although there was one at launch to allow people into the jammed servers). DCUO will log you out. TSW will log you out (that I remember), etc etc.

This game is rather odd from those in that, the main way of producing gains (Labor Points) is directly tied to the amount of 'activity' (log-in). If Trion doesn't put a shorter timer on it, a F2Per can just keep his game running 24/7 in order to make up for the subber that probably will log out because they don't have to (offline gains). The funny thing is that when people run alt accounts which is inevitable since F2P, they can hook up a rinkydink computer and just leave that guy rolling in points in their closet. Any guild not taking advantage of this in this type of economic/benefit game structure would a bunch of dumbasses.

I can't see how in the world they wouldn't put in at least a 15 minute timer to try and curb the minimum of abuse that's going to happen in this game, which ultimately costs them money (two F2P accounts rolling in points won't have to spend as much in a cash shop). Maybe they won't institute one and then use that as a bullet point that"Our game's so popular that 99% of our players stay logged in!"for PR or something.

edit: noted 45 minute logout per Raes.


Mr. Poopybutthole
45 minutes is more reasonable. I was just thinking 15 minutes is a short poop break for some people. Would hate to have to log back in to take a dump.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Figured it was going to happen. It wont stop those dedicated to staying on but will keep a big chunk of usual players from just leaving them selves in game.


45 minutes is more reasonable. I was just thinking 15 minutes is a short poop break for some people. Would hate to have to log back in to take a dump.
Holy shit (literally). What's wrong with your colon?

Shouldn't take more than 5 minutes to drop a log. Longer than that I'd see a doctor.


Silver Squire
15 minutes for a short shit break? Drop that log, wipe and GTFO.

I'm glad the put something in but it will likely be easily exploited to stay online.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
If you have to shit so bad that it can't wait until after you're done playing, maybe you should eat less e.coli or poop before you play.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Jesus people, I wasn't saying I take 15 minute shits. I probably have a handful of times in my life. I was just trying to come up with something that'd take longer than 15 minutes. How about eating? It'd sure suck to have to relog (especially with queues) to go eat for 15 minutes.

But it's 45 anyway, so who the fuck cares?