

Tensions are running high these days. Trion has done this queue bananza on pretty much all of its releases. Not surprising at all... There really isn't much room to even defend this title at this point aside from Tuco's stance on group play.

Idk, don't waste your guys' breath spouting off argumental topics. Sideline this one if it pisses you off. That's gotten me less tense about it.


What's the purpose of you staying at character select for 3 fucking days? After 2 you should be maxed out on labor. You're essentially just screwing people out of logging on.
The purpose is I can play whenever the fuck I want without a queue. It's selfish and a jackass move (which I admitted). But you can bet your ass others are doing it too so why try to be a nice guy.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
The purpose is I can play whenever the fuck I want without a queue. It's selfish and a jackass move (which I admitted). But you can bet your ass others are doing it too so why try to be a nice guy.
Nobody faults you for that part, I would do it too, but you then come into the thread acting like an immense faggot with your "LOL WHY DONT YOU JUST PLAY THE GAME I AM DOING THIS" and then wonder why nobody else can fucking log in. Accept that if you're having to do that and going "Neener neener" about it the game is PROBABLY broken.

And for the record, Rift Queues were still only about half this bad for the most part. And you could actually swap servers since it didn't have an arbitrarily low limit. And it actually kicked people out for being AFK (I know, it's not hard to make a script to stay online, but 90% of the playerbase won't bother to do it. If all you have to do is sit on character select bet your ass anyone that can do it will do it).


My goal wasn't to go "NEENER NEENER". I'm also not saying it isn't stupid as shit. It's absolutely retarded that the queues are this long. That's for sure. However, with little effort I've been able to avoid all that shit and hopefully SOME others on this board can too. That's all I really wanted to say. Yes it means screwing others over. It isn't fair, nothing in life is.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Ya, macro/script/bot kids aren't the rule. Honestly I group those folks with the aimbot and maphack crowd: low skill noobs.


Mr. Poopybutthole
The purpose is I can play whenever the fuck I want without a queue. It's selfish and a jackass move (which I admitted). But you can bet your ass others are doing it too so why try to be a nice guy.
Except it appears as if you don't even want to play? That's why I'm confused. You've sat at the character select for 3 days, when the game has been out for 3 days (and 7 total including head start). So basically for half of the entire time anyone could have possibly played, you've sat there in the event you decide you may at one point want to play. It sounds to me like you're just taking up space for something you never intend to play.

I can't fault you for doing that, but it makes absolutely no damn sense.


Nah man, I'm playing. I just log to the character select screen when I'm done. I didn't mean literally sitting on the character select screen for 3 days. I should have been more clear.


Nah man, I'm playing. I just log to the character select screen when I'm done. I didn't mean literally sitting on the character select screen for 3 days. I should have been more clear.
FWIW bud, as soon as the afk timer was implemented by Trion I posted this bypass (like same day) here on these forums.

Thanks for helping though.

Will need to test if you can still afk on the character creation screen when they implement the char select fix. (which they intend to do very shortly if they haven't yet)


Mr. Poopybutthole
Nah man, I'm playing. I just log to the character select screen when I'm done. I didn't mean literally sitting on the character select screen for 3 days. I should have been more clear.
Oh, I see. I probably should have done the same, but I'm weird about leaving my PC on all day.

For sure from now on I'll be doing it, or logging to the character creation screen and trying that out, like Vitality mentioned.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Made it to 20 before being bored senseless. All the queue shitstorm to the side, I thought this game had some potential, but it seems to come in too many half measures. They really needed to go all-in on the sandbox rather than laying the tedious quest grind down on top of everything. And on top of that, they needed to be more ruthless with the ruleset, with proper pvp death penalties (full loot or something similar), instead of what it is now which (outside of trade run stuff that I didn't get much of a chance to try) makes everything feel like generic world pvp from any shit post-2004 MMO, but with the illusion of having some kind of meaning to things.

Really this game seemed to have the potential to be a fantasy version of Eve, but instead the sandbox elements feel superficial and gimmicky. Still, was very refreshing to play something without instances for the first time in a decade - really hope this at least influences MMO design a bit back to where it was 10-15 years ago.


Mr. Poopybutthole
You a patron? I'm (hopefully) in the patron queue, been there for 4 hours and moved 1200 spots. Still have 1700 to go.


A nice asshole.
Poor fools, years of this bullshit. Devs have had at least a decade to get launch days right and they still fuck it up.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Well, I've had enough. Kyrios was a poor server to start on. Going to roll on Inoch and actually be able to play the game.


Golden Squire
Well, I've had enough. Kyrios was a poor server to start on. Going to roll on Inoch and actually be able to play the game.
Not a bad call. Naima is a lot better than Kyrios, but even that one is around an hour queue now during 'prime time'. The two new servers are the only sanctuaries from the queues at this moment. The level of fuckery around this launch is beyond excusable -- it is basically Vanilla WoW all over again, but Blizzard could legitimately fly the 'we did not know the demand was going to be this high' flag, Trion's trying to do it is nothing more than incompetence.


All the queue shitstorm to the side, I thought this game had some potential, but it seems to come in too many half measures. They really needed to go all-in on the sandbox rather than laying the tedious quest grind down on top of everything. And on top of that, they needed to be more ruthless with the ruleset, with proper pvp death penalties (full loot or something similar), instead of what it is now which (outside of trade run stuff that I didn't get much of a chance to try) makes everything feel like generic world pvp from any shit post-2004 MMO, but with the illusion of having some kind of meaning to things.
To be fair, this game was made for our smaller endowed, rice-eating brethren not us. You're talking about some other PvP sandbox game that should have been made for Westerners... Darkfall. You can still play that if you truly want what you just described.

Seriously, check out these features:

- Crafting!
- Boats!
- Batterams!
- Full death body looting!
- Open world PvP with few "safe" zones!
- Blood effects!
- Huge map!
- Many various races to play!
- 15,000 subs.

Get real, man.

Westerners aren't really going to go for that anymore. After WoW, you can't keep em on the farm anymore. The only reason AAge has so many people trying to get in is because they saw all the cutesy cats and shit like piano playing, clown cars and shopping malls, and dancing. Only about 25% probably want to do what you described above. Don't delude yourself.

edit: 40k is probably too much. Dropped it down to 15.


I don't think I'll get in until Sunday:



Mr. Poopybutthole
Like I said, I started around 3000 at 11:30am. By 3:30pm, it was down to 1700. Basically was looking like another 5-6 hours. Fuck that.