

Golden Squire
You can search for those items in the folio and see if they line up with something you can craft. Many of them are just extra and serve no purpose.


It's odd, I've tried that and had it miss things that I know were in use, but I tried it again on something and it worked. So I guess if you had that list and the list of stuff used in quests, that would be "the list"


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
There's two searches via folio iirc. Have to look in both to make sure something isn't used. I can't remember exactly what the two tabs or w/e were though.


havent played in a few months, but got an email from trion about a free winter box, figured why not maybe ill play again later and claim it. few minutes later i get an email from paypal thanking me for buying a month of patron. double checked the email for fine print about subbing but there was nothing whatsoever about that. hopefully it was accidental and I have a ticket open now about it but still, total bullshit.

edit: they did the refund (after an hour in customer service que) but seeing as how the whole code claim thing is automated i cant be the only one that got jammed - so fair warning if you get the same email


My halcyon staging 8x8 is full. That hotfix timing was painful.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
We just had our first real castle defense. TWO (the largest guild in the west) got both siege scrolls. They focused on MH's castle and had a second raid attacking our castle. We had our main force defending our castle and were able to spawn camp them nearly the entire time. We led a second force at MH's castle comprised of MH, PRX, Marked, Plague and KoS.

The main TWO force did very well at MH castle, taking down a gate, wall and tower. However once the numbers became even we were able to push them back. Attacking castles is a huge challenge in this game, so there's no shame in only being able to take a few walls down. It would have been nice to send our full force against theirs, but it was still a fun time finally getting to fight with our castle at our back!



Vyemm Raider
I really badly need a guide to rare harvests. Like just about everything you can pick or chop has some rare thing that can maybe be grabbed, like grand acorns or shiny strawberrys. What I can't seem to figure out is what they are all for. So I've been saving them.

On Ollo it isn't that big of a deal because I have 3 characters and one's bank is full of rare plants, and another's bank is full of rare wood and metal. But on Kyrios I only have one character and space is getting quite low.

Googling this stuff leads you to recipes for almost all of them. But I'm not sure if these were some strange korean only alpha recipes that are no longer in the game, or if this is future stuff that will one day happen? Like strange trade packs.
Pre-1.0, they were used for specific recipes/trade packs. Now, almost all of them are only used for consuming to get more of the common material. There are very few exceptions to this, such as Aspen Hardwood, which is used to make beehives, and some items are used for the Blue Salt quest lines.

You can search them up in the crafting folio to see which ones are mats. For the ones that are required for quest completions, you'll have to search a wiki, but off the top of my head, I know you need Broken Goat Horns for the Husbandry quest line and Spicy Chili Peppers and Fragrant Beans for the Farming quest line.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Google fu is failing me currently; would any of you be able to tell me if proficiency past 92.5K is possible? It seems to be the most cited level of proficiency brought up for high-end crafting, I'm simply curious if it's possible to push it further (I.e. title for 1K, both furniture items for another 2.5K, and crafted set for another 0.5K for a total of +4K).

Any clarification would be appreciated.


So over the past few days Ollo's Sanddeep was stuck at level 5 danger, which meant that I slept in one hour increments for several days. It finally tipped over, overlapping with the halcyon war so we got a whole 45 minutes of peace.

The last 4 peace times have been like that, where you get an actual 20 minutes to an hour of real safe transport instead of the usual 2 hours.

In that time Kyrios's Sanddeep has gone to peace 7 times. Wish I could ship all my cheese there


Golden Knight of the Realm
So I just got done pushing what started as 50 conqueror's bows as far as they would go; ended up with 8 epheriums and 2 delphinads on a cluster/server where the Delphs might as well be unicorns. Feels good man.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
As a quick update for those casually following our journey in AA:
PRX has gone to full out war with EPK and Eight Squad, those two are arguably the 2nd and 3rd biggest Eastern guilds on the server.
MH has folded and we have inherited their castle (this has been true since before the last siege defense).
West wins 95% of Halcyonas, we run a full raid in Halcyona three times a week and win roughly 30% of the time and tie the other 70%. It's generally an even fight and a lot of fun, but we mostly consider it siege practice.
Sieges are still heavily favoring the defenders. There has been one successful siege in NA/EU, and the defenders, while making a good effort, generally did an awful job, so a coherent defense is pretty much unstoppable ATM.
Kyrios is still a very active server, land is at a premium and the population is fairly even. We're all eagerly awaiting 1.7 which promises to make sea PvP much more plentiful and engaging. I hope it drops in January.
I've found that my baby son really likes watching me play AA on my chest.


2 Minutes Hate
As a quick update for those casually following our journey in AA:
PRX has gone to full out war with EPK and Eight Squad, those two are arguably the 2nd and 3rd biggest Eastern guilds on the server.
MH has folded and we have inherited their castle (this has been true since before the last siege defense).
West wins 95% of Halcyonas, we run a full raid in Halcyona three times a week and win roughly 30% of the time and tie the other 70%. It's generally an even fight and a lot of fun, but we mostly consider it siege practice.
Sieges are still heavily favoring the defenders. There has been one successful siege in NA/EU, and the defenders, while making a good effort, generally did an awful job, so a coherent defense is pretty much unstoppable ATM.
Kyrios is still a very active server, land is at a premium and the population is fairly even. We're all eagerly awaiting 1.7 which promises to make sea PvP much more plentiful and engaging. I hope it drops in January.
I've found that my baby son really likes watching me play AA on my chest.
Just so you know, there could be ill effect of babies watching computer screens. I'm approaching Etoille level here, but I figured I'd put it out there.


Trakanon Raider
Sieges are still heavily favoring the defenders. There has been one successful siege in NA/EU, and the defenders, while making a good effort, generally did an awful job, so a coherent defense is pretty much unstoppable ATM.
What? Hope you're not taking about Tahyang, cause if so, lol... The defending guild died/disbanded days before the siege.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
What? Hope you're not taking about Tahyang, cause if so, lol... The defending guild died/disbanded days before the siege.
Yeah pretty sure that's the one. It's literally the only siege I've seen be successful where there was even a small group attempting to defend. The attackers claim they had 50 people at least, but the vids I saw looked more like 20.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Alright Ive been sitting on this 149 edition for a bit is it worth getting into as a search for steady MMO or is it to late and I should pass