Arkk's Weight Lifting / Fitness Thread


Molten Core Raider
Whats a really good tasting supplement. I like drinking good tasting things yo also something thats like an energy drink but not pre workouts suck they dont do anything yo


Mr. Poopybutthole
Generally speaking, if it tastes "good" it probably has too much sugar in it, unless you are adding all the flavoring yourself via peanut butter or fruit or something.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Anyone here using steroids? I mean needle in ass making you jacked steroids. I keep getting offers and I am curious as to what the cost is. What the basics are etc. Like what are the types, the names etc.

Yes acne, yes small balls...ya ya. Info anyone?
No not using, but there are plenty of places to get info and I know a lot of people who have in the past. Studied this a lot for exercise physiology, its very interesting how it all works.

Basic stuff: stay away from tren (trenbolone, shit will fuck you up and give you Hulk rage...I knew a guy whose heart enlarged and he almost died....they use this shit on cattle iirc and its 5x as powerful as straight test), stay away from orals as they generally fuck your liver up and you would have to take stuff to detox (some guys dont care and take orals like dbol anyway...permanent liver damage isnt good.). Test, I mean, doctors prescribe the shit for low T people, so as long as you had a legit way to get it and didnt overdo it you would probably see pretty massive gains. There are definite side effects like the hair loss, mood changes, some guys get their sex drive all kinds of fucked up and cant even get hard....need to seriously weigh your options out and cycle off it properly if you do decide to go that road.


Trakanon Raider
No not using, but there are plenty of places to get info and I know a lot of people who have in the past. Studied this a lot for exercise physiology, its very interesting how it all works.

Basic stuff: stay away from tren (trenbolone, shit will fuck you up and give you Hulk rage...I knew a guy whose heart enlarged and he almost died....they use this shit on cattle iirc and its 5x as powerful as straight test), stay away from orals as they generally fuck your liver up and you would have to take stuff to detox (some guys dont care and take orals like dbol anyway...permanent liver damage isnt good.). Test, I mean, doctors prescribe the shit for low T people, so as long as you had a legit way to get it and didnt overdo it you would probably see pretty massive gains. There are definite side effects like the hair loss, mood changes, some guys get their sex drive all kinds of fucked up and cant even get hard....need to seriously weigh your options out and cycle off it properly if you do decide to go that road.
Basically what Genj said. There are a whole bunch of places to ask, but most of the places usually end up having people bashing you for even trying to learn about them. I can definitely confirm the sex drive part. My guy basically quit working for 2 months and it was not fun at all lol. Eventually things went back to normal after my levels stabilized. There's a whole bunch of reading you need to do to fully understand what needs to be done and how to handle certain things that may occur. If you do manage to find legit aa's, it's not as easy as just pin and go.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Back at the gym after 4 years of lazy.

Are there any good apps for tracking lifting routine? Bodyspace is far too much micromanagement for my tastes (it's obnoxious). I just want to track exercise, reps, and sets on a calendar.

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
I need advice. I think mostly on eating. Fucking cant eat more than 1800-2000 a day, shit's retarded. Anyway this is what I do (I dont have time to go more often and do split days):

I alternate between these two routines and do this 3 times a week:

Squats 5x5
Bench press 5x5
Barbell shrugs 3x8
straight bar curl 3x8
weighted crunches 3x10
cable rows 5x5
pull downs 5x5
chin ups (assisted for now) to fail
dips (assisted) to fail

Squats 5x5
Deadlift 1x5
Standing press 5x5
Close grip bench 3x8
Straight bar curls 3x8
weighted crunches 3x10
cable rows 5x5
pull downs 5x5
chin ups (assisted for now) to fail
dips (assisted) to fail

Been doing this for 7-8 weeks now. Its some routine for noobs I found on the web and with some adjustments its been working well. I been mostly working on form and figuring out my max weight on most things. I am 35 years old and am down about 10 pounds, to 195, since I started this. Muscles are also exploding all over my body. I dont really care much about building mass, just strength. Also I am still not at my max weight on most lifts as I add 5-10 pounds to each exercise every week and do not struggle at all. Anyway, any advice is appreciated on getting better results and HOW THE FUCK DO I EAT MORE GOD DAMN IT. Thanks!


Registered Hutt
Eat more by inserting things with high protein:calorie ratios into dual purpose mastication/inhalation portal located just above your chin and below your nose. Snack on beef jerky, mixed nuts, and yogurt between meals frequently.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I would start using the MyFitnessPal app for starters. I was chronically small until I was about 25 (5'10" and about 135). I started lifting and tracking what I ate and I was able to get up to 180.

Don't worry so much about "eating clean" is probably my best advice. You'll eventually adapt to eating more, just start adding in foods throughout the day. I kept a jar of peanuts at my desk and was packing in a few hundred extra calories just from them. After doing it for several years now, I can get in 3000 calories in half a day no problem; whereas in my early-mid 20's I was probably eating 1800 (and thinking I was eating way more).

Your routine is terrible, but if you're making progress and you enjoy it, who the fuck cares? As you get more experience, you can start building your own programming.


Potato del Grande
Look on the bright side, Elurin. I'm 6'3 and bounce between 140-150 (although I haven't weighed myself recently, there is a slim chance i'm slightly above 150 now but I doubt it). So if you were chronically small then I dunno what that makes me... (inb4 meth addict)


Blackwing Lair Raider
Was going to say what Elurin stated about your routine. It's pretty much dogshit, but if you enjoy it and continue to put weight on the bar while maintaining proper form, go for it.

As for you skinny guys, the easiest way to pack on pounds if you're not a big eater is to drink that shit. Peanut butter, whey protein, bananas, ice cream, etc in a shake? Easy calories.

For reference, I'm 6'0 and started weighing 235 last year back in like February. Cut down to 190 this past summer to see the six pack, now bulked back to ~210 as I'm trying to pack on size and gain some strength. So yeah, I'm someone who can easily pack on weight, but at the same time if I dial in my diet it's easy to shred the fat. It's all a matter of your goals and your willingness to make sure it happens.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
43,432 they are having a bench press competition at my gym. 445 will win it all at my weight class. Has anyone ever lifted to their one rep max before? Everything I see online asks for a crazy number of sets. The reps are fine, just too many sets IMO.


Blackwing Lair Raider
is 445 your max? I'd do something 135x10, 225x5, 315x3, 365x1, 405x1, 425x1, 435x1, 445x1.

You just want to warm the fuck up so you don't tear something in reality, while still keeping enough energy in the tank. You should know your body by now, warm-up however you see fit.

P.S. 445 is a fuckton of weight. Good luck.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
is 445 your max? I'd do something 135x10, 225x5, 315x3, 365x1, 405x1, 425x1, 435x1, 445x1.

You just want to warm the fuck up so you don't tear something in reality, while still keeping enough energy in the tank. You should know your body by now, warm-up however you see fit.

P.S. 445 is a fuckton of weight. Good luck.
Well according to charts on, my max should be 465. But I never really try it.

Ok...see that's eight sets you listed. I thought that was a ton of sets even if just one rep.