Arkk's Weight Lifting / Fitness Thread


Ssraeszha Raider
I was actually mocking your autism, but please brag more about your video game awesomeness.

That totally proves me wrong.


Potato del Grande
Holy jesus...

First off, just because I weigh about 150lbs does not mean I can't hold a dumbbell. Yes, i'm skinny. No, I can't bench 225. No, I don't shatter like a piece of cracked glass from 40 lbs. No, i'm not planning on pounding out some 60lb dumbbell overhead presses on my first day.

I've watched a lot of the Athleanx videos on youtube already and a bunch of other stuff. The list of exercises ambi mentioned actually had pretty much everything I was already thinking of doing in it. My lifting days are probably going to be M/W/F unless I get stuck working a double on one of those days (yay restaurants and constantly changing schedules) in which case it'll probably just get pushed one day off for that week. Should I just hit all the muscles each day or break a few of them up (week 1 x y x, week 2 y x y, etc.)? I'm not going to be trying to massacre myself during these workouts since they'll mostly be taking place before I go to work and I can't show up at work having my arms give out on me because I beat the shit out of them a few hours prior.

Nah its just hilarious some guy who is new to these forums thinks im an alt after what, idk even know, 15+ years of posting
I'm pretty sure he was just poking fun at the wall of text...


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Brahma it wasnt an argument as in disagreement.... just a lengthy discussion we had on many topics and creatine was a part of it. This was many, many years ago when arkk posted a lot....I think there were some who said creatine was bullshit and arkk and I had both pointed to the research on it (which wasnt nearly as extensive as it is now).

There was a lot of good scientific discussion in that thread.... going into ATP production/krebs cycle/oxidative phosphorylation/glycolysis etc and even into how diets like the atkins diet worked for weight loss etc and the science behind that.


Ssraeszha Raider
Holy jesus...

First off, just because I weigh about 150lbs does not mean I can't hold a dumbbell. Yes, i'm skinny. No, I can't bench 225. No, I don't shatter like a piece of cracked glass from 40 lbs. No, i'm not planning on pounding out some 60lb dumbbell overhead presses on my first day.

I've watched a lot of the Athleanx videos on youtube already and a bunch of other stuff. The list of exercises ambi mentioned actually had pretty much everything I was already thinking of doing in it. My lifting days are probably going to be M/W/F unless I get stuck working a double on one of those days (yay restaurants and constantly changing schedules) in which case it'll probably just get pushed one day off for that week.Should I just hit all the muscles each day or break a few of them up (week 1 x y x, week 2 y x y, etc.)? I'm not going to be trying to massacre myself during these workouts since they'll mostly be taking place before I go to work and I can't show up at work having my arms give out on me because I beat the shit out of them a few hours prior.

I'm pretty sure he was just poking fun at the wall of text...
It's honestly going to be trial and error to find out what's "best", but I'd probably start full body workouts in your position. That way nothing should be "giving out" which I only experience when I focus on single bodyparts.

After that if you get to a point where you're not progressing then change things up. Look up different programs, watch Genjiro's hero's youtube videos until you find something else that works better.

Just starting out, though, there won't be significant differences in gains between super advanced programs and something very basic


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
Are one leg squats the same as pistols? If they are, you don't need weights for them. Also they are incredible hard, even for an experienced lifter, as they require good balance and flexibility.


Ssraeszha Raider
Are one leg squats the same as pistols? If they are, you don't need weights for them. Also they are incredible hard, even for an experienced lifter, as they require good balance and flexibility.
There are a few variations of single leg squats. Wouldn't recommend pistols to a beginner, but more power to them if they can pull it off.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Today was shoulder day. Did 405 press 3x. Almost fainted when I stood up. Think I am now done with the heavy weights.


Potato del Grande
Are one leg squats the same as pistols? If they are, you don't need weights for them. Also they are incredible hard, even for an experienced lifter, as they require good balance and flexibility.
Yeah pistol squats look freakin brutal. I saw a variation on youtube with the off-leg rested on a bench behind you though so that's what i'll be doing.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Lol @ genjiro being a hodj alt. He was old school in this community when i joined. Also both of your advise for hawk is fine.

Wizardhawk, youd better find a cheap source of protein that you like. Even without the meth i bet itll be hard to put on mass without a massive diet.


Mr. Poopybutthole
1g of protein per 2 lbs will give you reasonable "gains" at the level ZWH is at. Just make sure that you are consuming at least your maintenance calories each day including the 2-400calories extra on your lifting days. If you don't like eating (or have chemical means of avoiding consuming food!) this is going to be one of the harder things to grasp onto.

Also, I read Ambi's first posts regarding the 60lb weights as "he has up to 60lb dumbells, that will last you 6 months" as opposed to telling him to start at 60lb dumbell single leg squats.

Otherwise, pick up things that feel annoying to pick up(ie, heavy things) and do that routinely and in even amounts. For a newblar, I would recommend against doing full body workouts, because you are going to fucking -hate- life for the first couple of weeks when everything hurts. Focus on regions of the body every other day, three days a week. Don't spend -hours- lifting. Lift for 45-hour, but don't fuck around during that time. Concentrate on getting the most amount of exertion for the day's regions with the least amount of rest in between. ZWH is not a powerlifter, so the more you can cram into a small amount of time, the better. My personal rec. would be a day of Chest/Triceps, a day of Back/shoulders, and a day of legs. If you feel bored on your rest days, curl, but it is by no means necessary as many compound motions involving the upper body will exert strain on the biceps.


Ssraeszha Raider
Do I need the same amount of protein on off days as I do on workout days?
Yes. By looking at your body type, diet will probably be the most important part of this. I'd keep a log of what you eat as that will help you pinpoint whether it's a training or nutrition issue if you're not growing the way you'd like. Most people either grossly overestimate or underestimate their actual intake