Arkk's Weight Lifting / Fitness Thread


Blackwing Lair Raider
This guy is doing 5x5 for compounds, 60 rep sets for iso, and 40 mile runs. Kuriin, you're going to drop dead tomorrow.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Oh today in the gym these two meatheads jumped in on some cables with me and I heard them talking to each other and the convo went something along the lines of "Wakandan I told you, take time off, you need to fucking rest." "Nah man there's only 7 days in a week, I can't."

#nodaysoff? He has to be juicing, I'd be dead if I went 7 days a week. Maybe I'm just a pussy.


Just a Nurse
I actually stopped doing the squatting thing 6 days a week. I made the mistake of doing the squat workout twice in one day because I worked out in the afternoon then worked out with my partner. I think I work out maybe 4 days a week now. I'll be good tomorrow, I'm sure.


Mr. Poopybutthole
For some reason, choosing anything but the IIFYM plan gives a popup that say "Your carbohydrate, protein, and fat percentages must add up to 100." Except there's no where to input carbs, so I haven't got the slightest idea what it's asking for.

The IIFYM's, even though it's set for 1g per lb of bodyweight, only gives me 141g of protein which is way off...since my input was 170 lbs. Gave me a default of .4 for fats too, and I feel like that's the minimum you should need as well (although this one calculates correctly, so you can change it to your own value).

I will say I recommend estimating your body fat percentage at the top and using that, as it's much more accurate than the other formulas. Even then it has me a bit low on calories at the end with a 15% bulk.

But otherwise it's a good quick and dirty estimate. If you're just getting started, it's a nice starting point where you can reevaluate your calories after a month or two.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Are you doing it on your phone Elurin? Cause my friend was getting the same error, but doing it from the desktop I got it easily. If you want to post your stats and shit I'll do it for you.

I personally did "typical bodybuilder," which is a 40/40/20 split, iirc. Has me eating around 3300 for bulking.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Got it to work at home. Was trying it on my work computer and I guess IE7 doesn't want to cooperate. Really, IE7 doesn't work with any website anymore.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>

Good calculator for getting macros. Can be tweaked however you want it.
I'm pretty interested in using this. The past couple of months I've been using a meal tracking website with their goals and while close to what that calculator gives there are some decent variances. Used the default inputs / setting other than the Body Fat one which I measure at home with one of those electric scale things. Have always used a heart rate monitor when working out so my tracking is pretty accurate. It may be somewhere in this thread but is there a website that lets you input all the components you used to make a meal and then spits out the per serving data? The hardest part of hitting these targets is calculating every home cooked meal the wife and I make (which is 5 nights a week) and then when at the end of the day I have a 100 carbs left and figuring out what I skipped and how to make up a portion of that without also calorie loading, etc...


Blackwing Lair Raider
So this one article I read stipulated that training a muscle per week is good for maintenance and not growth. Basically said you should be doing push/pull and hit the same muscle multiple times per week to stimulate growth.



Mr. Poopybutthole
You going to link it, motherfucker?

I'll just go ahead and call bullshit, because I've been doing a 4 day split forever and still have muscle growth.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I actually lost the article cause my computer crashed during the day... I mean if I googled and searched I'd find it, but this is pretty similar so I'll just leave it here.

Train each body part with a moderate frequency, somewhere between once every 3rd-5th day.
Use a workout split that allows for this frequency in a balanced and intelligent way.
Use a moderate volume, somewhere between 30-60 reps per big muscle group per workout, less for smaller muscle groups.
Use a moderate exercise selection. In most cases, 1-2 exercises per muscle group per workout (bigger muscle groups usually get 2, smaller muscle groups usually get 1).
Fill the majority of your routine with big compound exercises like presses, rows, pull-ups/pull-downs, squats and deadlifts. Fill in the rest as needed with isolation exercises.
Avoid redundant exercise selection (e.g. no need to do flat barbell press, then flat dumbbell press, then flat machine press).
Keep your reps per set in the 5-15 rep range. It's all beneficial in some way for building muscle, and you'll often get your best results by using a combination of low and high reps. Specifically, the 5-8 rep range is ideal for your primary compound exercises, and the 8-15 rep range is great for your secondary accessory exercises.
Give your primary lower rep exercises more rest between sets (2-3 minutes). Give your secondary accessory exercises less rest between sets (1-2 minutes).
Use straight sets, reverse pyramid or something similar. The traditional pyramid should rarely be used.
Avoid training to failure. at least not very often.
Focus less on advanced methods, and more on the basic fundamentals.
Avoid changing things too frequently. The only thing that needs to be "shocked" is your brain for believing in retarded training myths.
Don't obsess over pump and soreness. It's useful for letting you know that you successfully recruited the target muscle group, but completely useless for letting you know if your workouts are effective.
Put your primary focus, above all else, on creating progressive overload.
What it's pushing, basically.


Bronze Squire
Sooooo.... I haven't really read through this thread at all so forgive me if this has been covered:

Crossfit, good workout program or creepy fitness cult?


Blackwing Lair Raider
Crossfit definitely works. It's completely overpriced imo, and has a lot of stupid shit (kipping pull-ups) but for the most part it's pretty good.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I actually lost the article cause my computer crashed during the day... I mean if I googled and searched I'd find it, but this is pretty similar so I'll just leave it here.

What it's pushing, basically.
I hope the other article was better than that. It basically starts out by saying all bodybuilding routines are worthless, but kind of ignores the fact that people have been using them with success since bodybuilding got started. But then it goes and describes routines which I don't think I've ever seen before. Maybe they're in bodybuilding magazines or something, but those are all ridiculous anyway because their goal is to sell you magazines so they're always having to change. But picking established routines like 5x5's, 5/3/1, Westside, etc are all very popular and work. Oh, and they don't fit most of the bullet points this guy lays out.

He then goes into how "all the science" proves that once a week sucks. He probably mentions it a dozen times, but never cites anything. So I guess we're just supposed to take his word on it (and he says in his experience that's the case too, just for good measure!).

Once he got into the steroids, I had to just start skimming, because he's obviously someone just spouting bullshit. He says someone on steroids can just not train and still make gains, and that's one of the most ridiculous misconceptions there is. I'm not sure where this myth started that steroid users can just inject some shit and blow up without working at it. But that's not really the point. What is is that this guy talks like an expert on something he clearly knows nothing about, so why should I listen to anything else he says?


Molten Core Raider
Sooooo.... I haven't really read through this thread at all so forgive me if this has been covered:

Crossfit, good workout program or creepy fitness cult?
Creepy fitness cult mixed with legitimate workouts mixed with lots of broscience.
Yeah the first 4-5 years I lifted I only did one bodypart a week also and grew just fine. Only time I ever did anything 2x a week was when I did Doggcrapp for like 6 months. It depends on an individuals recovery rate.

And yeah I make fun of Crossfit but it does work, and cult or not, if you like girls it's a wise investment also because there's hot, in shape girls who do squats everywhere.


Mr. Poopybutthole
It depends on what your goals are. If you're just looking to be "in shape" it works great. If you're looking to add lots of muscle mass or get good at certain lifts, you're going to be shit out of luck. Since the workouts vary so much day to day and week to week, you're never really "training." So you may have a really tough squat workout, but you won't squat again for 2 weeks. Not really good for getting better at something, other than overall fitness.

So basically Crossfit is good if you want to get better at Crossfit workouts. If not, you can probably do something better.


Bronze Squire
Me personally, I am not interested in adding a ton of muscle mass and prefer a lean athletic build I guess. I'm 5'11 185, pretty happy with that although I could use a little bit more definition and a little less beer gut

But the reason I bring it up is my wife wants us to go do crossfit together. But every person I have ever met who is into crossfit definitely puts off that creepy cult vibe.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Was at the beach with a friend a few weeks back who is apparently in to crossfit and he wouldn't shut up about how he "had to get his WOD in" and WOD this WOD that, it was kind of infuriating. Workout isn't cool enough anymore?