

Mr. Poopybutthole
Posting this here so I'm not double posting the Flash thread, but here's a pretty serious crossover spoiler. You've been warned, so click the spoiler at your own risk.

Stills from the new Flash trailer. Don't have a context and I'm not even sure what order these are taken in, but I assume that they are in the correct order and Ollie nails Thawne with something he prepared for Barry, because otherwise Thawne probably would have killed Ollie.



Also, Stephen Amell was cast as Casey Jones in the TMNT sequel, which I didn't even know they were making. Dude must be desperate to build his resume, because the first one set a pretty high standard of terrible.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Intardasting episode. The shado twin was pretty fucking cringe-worthy. I honestly am not sure what would be worse, her getting brought back into the series again or her never being mentioned again. Roy giving himself up as the Arrow seems pretty stupid since Lance knows that he's the one running around in red, but maybe he won't be able to prove Roy was the guy in red?

I dunno the whole fucking episode was messy as hell.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Wow, diggle sure is doing a bang up job of keeping his retirement from team arrow a secret!

Hey column, remember when you said this.

I guarantee I know more about Marvel, and DC then you do
And i said this.

And yet that doesn't mean you know more about the TV show. How does that make you feel?
Then you said this

I know more about this TV show then you. I'm actually smart enough to know when some one is on the ball with their TV breakdowns. How does that make you feel pussy?
Ha ha. Those were good times, weren't they? "On the ball"

Umm that is not a prediction, re watch the episode, and the conversation between Diggle and his wife.... At no point did Diggle say because you are quitting Waller that I'm all the sudden going to stay with Team Arrow. They are quitting because they have a kid now, and they want to be out of the cross hairs of shit that can get them killed every episode.
A normal person would be feeling pretty retarded right now and shut up. I expect you to double down on the stupid. Can't wait to see you try to explain how he really did quit despite what we saw. Maybe he'd just given 2 weeks notice. Super secret 2 weeks notice.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Intentionally going out of your way to provoke Column should get you an instant trip to the RRP for at least a week. Thanks a lot you stupid fucking faggot, I look forward to several days of thread shitting.


It's a dumb defense he has anyway. Team arrow isn't even a thing now with this episode. Diggle was implicated as soon as they started hunting Ollie..
Diggle and his family are in as much danger from Ra as the rest of the group. Ra knows who they are.. Felicity herself was targeted for death.

BTW, the Roy thing better be explained by next episode. He will just arrest both of them. He already knows all Oliver's accomplices.
The only reason he hasn't gone after them is because of his daughters involvement. All he wants is Oliver in jail.

At one point he even tells Laurel, I'm sending cops to every one of their homes for Oliver.

On the shrinking bots, maybe we will see a shrinked down version of the Atom after all in the new series

The latest bit, is someone is still going to die. I thought it would be this episode, but will probly be the finale now since we seen some of the characters running around on the flash team up trailer. Quentin, Olliver, and Laurel.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
He obviously didn't send cops to everyone's home because there were no cops at the diggles'. I think he just said he sent cops to Thea's home and club.


He knows they are working together he says it as they pass them by in the cop station... "Him, and the three of you!, working with him.."

Also all of them running to Diggle's house is retarded. You would think a detective with a task force put's everyone of the people around Oliver under suspicion.
Who worked with Olliver in the past ,and has military training...hmm. I wonder.

FYI the line in the show is. "Calling him? I'm sending cops to his home, His sister's club, everywhere!"


Millie's Staff Member
obviously when oliver says "i have asked you to come this far, now i ask you to come a little further" then the scene ends, we missed the whole plan where oliver has roy say he is Arrow, then oliver gets set free becomes the new Ras, wears a LoA costume and then he works some mojo and roy is released when old Ras is implicated as the actual arrow or some such. least i hope that happens because i am more worried this is all going to turn timey wimey with Flash and Arrow in the coming weeks til the end of the season.

btw this was a great episode, we havent seen the last of shado's twin, she is possibly with the LoA. we may have seen her training in an earlier episode and being scolded by Ras. perhaps.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
He knows they are working together he says it as they pass them by in the cop station... "Him, and the three of you!, working with him.."
From the way he said that, it sounded like he just realized it. I think felicity and his daughter were the only 2 associates he knew about.


I'm definitely curious how the writers are going to work themselves out of this one.

This is the second time Oliver has been publicly called out as being the arrow.

Maybe Barry Allen can fix it =P


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah and the big cross-over teamup is supposed to start next episode (which is in 2 weeks as both shows are inexplicably taking a week off). So how the hell is Ollie gonna be free to run around in Central City if he's still under arrest in Starling.