

Only an idiot would hate on that guy. He is spot on with every show he dissects, and gives out great information if you want to read the comics the writers of the shows are sourcing.

I will 100% post everything he does now that I know it bothers you Hoss. I wish he would post more videos just so I could hear you cry more..


Millie's Staff Member
Not all of us. I only watched one of them. But based on what's been said about them, I have to disagree that his infoz are worthwhile. He makes wild assed guesses. It looks like his infoz come from watching the episode 50 times and then masturbating to fanfic about the episode.
yeah the predictions he makes can be wrong as predictions sometimes are. the stuff he talks about whats going on in future episodes, who is playing what or shows that are in development is the stuff i listen for. i have not run across any other youtube guys who offer as much inside info as he does , but i keep looking. if anyone actually liked those videos beside me you probably have subscribed already on your own and dont need me embedding them here


<Gold Donor>
I'm pretty sure that he's nowhere near spot on with every show. I certainly don't care if they get linked, hell I even subscribed to his channel. I haven't watched one in weeks, but I might. My only problem is that sometimes he comes up with the craziest ideas that definitely don't pan out, or purposely throws out dumb questions for his audience like, "Let me know in the comments below if you think Diggle will end up fucking Felicity in the ass later this season." I mean, I get why he does it, to engage his viewers and maybe get more, but sometimes my eyerolls feel like they are going to sprain something.

He does occasionally have some great points, and good insider infoz, so he's not completely worthless or anything. I don't hate him, I just wish he were better. Unfortunately, the only "better" I've found is that article-only one someone linked a few months back, probably in this thread, and I lost the link. That one was way better about not purposely throwing out wild-ass guesses just to get people to post responses.

EDIT: Chuk posted while I was posting, and made many of the same points.


I'm pretty sure that he's nowhere near spot on with every show.
He is pretty damn accurate in the analysis of the episodes. I know a lot about Marvel and DC, and he does a shitload of research.

Predictions are supposed to be just that predictions.... and you are butt hurt because he throws out questions to the audience? wha....

You guys said the wrong thing when it says it bothers you with me in this thread. I will sing his Gospel every chance I get now


Blackwing Lair Raider
Felicity should be just fine, in case this isnt already obvious, Felicity is the crossover lynchpin between Arrow, Flash, the Atom show and possibly supergirl someday. they need her to show up and tell people help is needed in X town. there is another crossover episode in a few weeks with flash and they will likely want to spin off the atom show with her too. nah, my little blonde snoochiekins aint going anywhere. oh and didnt deadshot "die" a few times already? why would anyone think his offscreen death was legit?
People are not dead in comic shows until you see their dismembered bodies steaming on the ground in front of you and even that may be fixable.


Really depends if the WB is trying to keep that character only in the Movies. He's pretty much the main character in the Suicide Squad unless they somehow make Joker the leader of that group now instead of someone who uses them to torture Batman etc

I just can't see Waller being stupid enough to let the Joker run free even with a chip in his head. He is uncontrollable.


<Gold Donor>
He is pretty damn accurate in the analysis of the episodes. I know a lot about Marvel and DC, and he does a shitload of research.

Predictions are supposed to be just that predictions....
My problem is that since he knows so much about the shows and lore and does "a shitload of research", his predictions are often so retarded that I question how the same person that did that accurate analysis comes up with them.

and you are butt hurt because he throws out questions to the audience? wha....
Not butthurt, I just think they are typically dumb and not the least bit interesting. I said I understand why he does them, but I can still think they are stupid, can't I?


A) It's like one prediction per show based off the comics, and the leaked episode titles with the cast list. So it's not like hes just pulling shit out of his ass. Its more of a question as well to spark conversation at the end of his video. He always prefaces it with " What do you guys think?"

90% of the show is his top 5 moments which is pretty much the meat of the show, and is a breakdown of everything that went down in the episode with the easter eggs. Then he always gives a checklist of comics you can read that were based off those episodes. There is no one even close to doing it as well as him, and delivering content that quick after an episode is aired.

I guarantee I know more about Marvel, and DC then you do ( for instance I can tell you instantly the Marvel artist who drew your Avatar), and that guy is always showing me something I didn't notice in an episode every week with reading material. In fact I look forward to his videos after the show as a post-mortem.

I don't give a shit what you like. I'm still posting those videos.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
yeah the predictions he makes can be wrong as predictions sometimes are. the stuff he talks about whats going on in future episodes, who is playing what or shows that are in development is the stuff i listen for.
And where did the diggle prediction that we're talking about come from?

You guys said the wrong thing when it says it bothers you with me in this thread. I will sing his Gospel every chance I get now
lol you're a muppet. Who said it bother's them? You're as bad as my wife when she's on the rag. You hear (or read) what you wanna hear.

I guarantee I know more about Marvel, and DC then you do
And yet that doesn't mean you know more about the TV show. How does that make you feel?


And where did the diggle prediction that we're talking about come from?
Umm that is not a prediction, re watch the episode, and the conversation between Diggle and his wife.... At no point did Diggle say because you are quitting Waller that I'm all the sudden going to stay with Team Arrow. They are quitting because they have a kid now, and they want to be out of the cross hairs of shit that can get them killed every episode.

lol you're a muppet. Who said it bother's them? You're as bad as my wife when she's on the rag. You hear (or read) what you wanna hear.
O I know it bothers you, I can tell just by this response. Thanks for the validation. I will continue to push your buttons from now on. I'm not like AstroQueef I don't back down to you nerds.

And yet that doesn't mean you know more about the TV show. How does that make you feel?
I know more about this TV show then you. I'm actually smart enough to know when some one is on the ball with their TV breakdowns. How does that make you feel pussy?


I like how that guy didn't even bother to clean his shirt for that video. What the hell is that shit stain on his right shoulder


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Oh, so he's going to leave team arrow in secret. Just not tell oliver and keep coming in evey day and supporting him. Got it.