

Millie's Staff Member
i didnt mean to drop a spoiler, this is the trailer they showed at the end of the episode i thought. i dunno for sure cuz i saw the episode in the usual places.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Much better episode, only complaint is Colton Haynes/Roy. . Arsenal/Red Arrow is gone because movie offers and not because thats how the writers wanted it. His prison fight was his best fight scene in the show

Routh/Atom really shined this episode, Hell everyone pretty much was awesome. I do find it funny that my favorite episode in a long time had no Laurel


Mr. Poopybutthole
Had some Laurel in the beginning. And yeah at first I was traumatized by Thea's death but then 10 seconds later I remembered the lazarus pits.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
So what were they getting at with Cisco and Palmer's discussion about a metahuman not being present in Central City at the time of the particle accelerator explosion? Is that meaningful in some way, or are they just looking for an easy way to add more metahumans to Arrow without having to constantly reference them coming from Central City to Starling City for some reason?

I really, really appreciate that they at least acknowledged having the Flash available to come help, even if the reasoning for him not coming was kind of flimsy. Obviously he can't come solve every problem, but when you have a world with multiple super heroes, you begin to wonder why they don't work together more and help each other out now and then (I'm looking at you Winter Soldier/Iron Man 3!). So it was cool that they inserted that line into this episode.


Mr. Poopybutthole
So what were they getting at with Cisco and Palmer's discussion about a metahuman not being present in Central City at the time of the particle accelerator explosion? Is that meaningful in some way, or are they just looking for an easy way to add more metahumans to Arrow without having to constantly reference them coming from Central City to Starling City for some reason?
Well not just Arrow, even Flash could run into metas that didn't come from the accelerator accident. It opens a pretty important door going down the road.

Also, while I didn't mind seeing Palmer get his time to shine, I'm kind of annoyed that the Arrow answer to a metahuman problem is still 'have someone else deal with it'.


The Scientific Shitlord
It means that the assumption they were under about the accelerator explosion causing metahumans is wrong. This is likely how Barry is going to continue being Flash after he changes the timeline.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Also I busted out laughing so hard when Atom asked how they eat and poop. It made me think of this thread. I also like how they totally just didn't answer the question.
Same here, only I actually thought of the flash thread.

Kinda disappointed I only had about 3 minutes of wondering if she was really dead before this thread told me the answer, but oh well. I mean, I figured it would play out the way that trailer showed, but a little uncertainty is always nice.

Great episode I felt, loved all the Atom stuff, particularly when Oliver said there was a good chance Felicity and Ray were related. And the Cisco/meta-jail scene of course.
Yeah and along the same lines when Kaitlin said "Oh god there's 2 of them now" on Flash. I know they're pretty stupid jokes, but they are making me laugh.

I don't understand how this thread spoiled anything for you. Anything said here so far has just come from the preview. Do you not watch the scenes from next week?


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I don't consider them spoilers and I don't care, but I think a lot of people don't watch the previews. For example, I watch flash and arrow exclusively via Hulu and as far as I know they don't show the previews after the episode. Probably also true if you download some torrents. Anyway, there was no way she was actually dead dead. I kind of wish they had drawn out Roy's death a bit more. He was a character they could and would realiatically kill off, so they should have milked that suspense a bit instead of ruining it 15 minutes later.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
They obviously didn't want it to be a cliffhanger though. We're helping them out by making sure you all know what's coming up, just as they intended.

So I guess no one got a chance to tell thea that roy was still alive. I didn't catch all the dialog as he was leaving. did they decide to tell her, or not tell her?


Ssraeszha Raider
So when the Arrow starts showing up again, won't Oliver be the #1 suspect and right back to where they were before Roy took the fall?


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
So when the Arrow starts showing up again, won't Oliver be the #1 suspect and right back to where they were before Roy took the fall?
The Flash will turn back time again with some crossover story and reset it or some comic book type shenanigans. Death is already meaningless in both shows so I'm sure they will come up with something.


<Gold Donor>
Same here, only I actually thought of the flash thread.

Yeah and along the same lines when Kaitlin said "Oh god there's 2 of them now" on Flash. I know they're pretty stupid jokes, but they are making me laugh.

I don't understand how this thread spoiled anything for you. Anything said here so far has just come from the preview. Do you not watch the scenes from next week?
I download torrents and they don't show previews on those. Also, when I do happen to watch something on television, I rarely watch the preview there either. Why do I want to know what is going to happen before I see it unfold during the episode? How many times have previews ruined a tense moment because you already know what is going to happen? I'm not saying it was wrong for people to talk about it here, just saying that I was bummed it was already spoiled. Even though it was ruined by the showrunners themselves, that just disappoints me further because they are killing any sort of dramatic tension the scene created literally moments after it happened. Would it kill them to let me wonder for a week? Was that dramatic ending not enough to make me watch next week, so they needed to show me Lazarus Pits to really convince me? I'm not mad at Chuk personally for linking it or talking about it, he didn't do anything wrong. I just hate the trend of previews ruining shit, that's all.

EDIT: And of course I didn't really think she was dead. But it would have been nice to have to wait until next week to know for certain, and not know it was positively going to involve the Lazarus Pits no less. That clip practically showed the entire episode it seemed.


Millie's Staff Member
i didnt think you were mad at me either. when i posted "yep lazarus pit, i was dittoing what somebody else had posted. i am subbed to the CW's youtube channel and when i checked my subs 24 minutes later i noticed the preview for next week and i linked it here right away and watched it after i posted. so yeah it was a weird feeling that they would make the LP the focal point of the next episode trailer 2 seconds after they ended the episode on a cliffhanger. us comic geeks know about the LP, but i bet casual show watchers had no fucking idea what they were talking about and were probably a bit disappointed about it. next time they pull that shit i promise i will watch the preview before i link it here and give a heads up if they throw in careless spoilers. BTW the spoilers that get dropped on the Arrow and Flash facebook groups are obscene.


Millie's Staff Member
the stunts were over the top crazy this week, that said, it was a bit slow in other places. felicity acted stupid. Al Sahim arrow is badass. dude looks like he bulked up in that thing.

trailer for next week. possible spoilers


Throbbing Member
This was like the emo episode of the season. Overall though, pushed the story forward nicely.


El Presidente
Mixed bag. Story moved forward a goodly amount. Felicity is still becoming unbearable. And the flashbacks are still shit.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
I really wish they would leave Thea dead. I'm tired of her whiny voice and general pouty bullshit.