

Ok, a little run down. There might be minor spoilers as this is all comic book origin stuffs

Yes 'Arrow' is Green Arrow, Oliver Queen is Green Arrow in DC and their stories are ALMOST identical. In the comics things were slightly different, Oliver's parents died via a tiger on a hunting trip orphaning Oliver. He was still a billionaire in the comics and still became the Green Arrow after being stranded on an island and fighting to survive. The circumstances of the island are completely different and there was no Deathstroke to teach him how to be awesome. Speedy (his sister's nickname in the show) was actually a teenage boy, Roy Harper, who was obsessed with the Green Arrow (obviously we know Roy is Thea's boyfriend in the show). Speedy was Green Arrows side kick for some time and then morphed in to the Red Arrow (Notice how he carries around one of Oliver's arrows that's painted red). Laurel Lance in the comic book was the Black Canary, another one of Oliver's "side kicks". I use that term loosely here, as she was mostly a hero herself but worked with Oliver closely. Obviously they took another route in the show promoting this random assassin girl to Black Canary and Laurel to just a normal love interest (which is really weird since you clearly was kicking peoples asses in the early episodes. This makes me wonder if she'll eventually take up that mantle).

Now on to the League/Amazo. Amazo is basically an android made by a scientist that worked for S.T.A.R. Labs. Amazo is a heavy hitter in the DC universe, not a chump like Merlyn or Brutale that Oliver can take on his own. He's a regular Villain of the JLA (Justice League of America) and often times required Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, Flash, Etc. to step in and take care of him. It's really big that they'd mention him in the show because if he's going to be fighting Amazo sometime in the future, they almost absolutely need to add in a cameo from a "Super hero" one that has extra ordinary powers that are greater than just shooting a bow. Unless they really change him and turn him in to a giant pussy, which leads to the next answer ...

The rest of the DC universe must exist in the show. Starling city (Star City) was Green Arrows regular stomping grounds in the comics, so it would make sense if Metropolis, Gotham, Etc. all did as well. With the now Black Canary being exposed as a target of interest for Ras Al Ghul (aka one of Batmans arch enemies) that sets up a whole new situation where we could see a cameo and almost affirms the existence of, well, basically everyone in the universe existing within this one. Ra's Al Ghul is another target that Black Canary or Green Arrow probably are out classed by. He's old (couple hundred years), really smart, really strong/durable, and can't die due to the Lazarus Pit. Also the girl is a "good guy" but she would for sure show up Oliver in any fight, which I can't really see the creators of the show doing.

Now the Amazo sentiment might be wrong, it may just be a nod to the comic books, since they do that QUITE often in this show. For instance the first "Deathstroke" that they killed in the camp on the island was Wintergreen a villain in the universe that had basically nothing to do with Deathstroke, they just gave him the name because he was there. The guy getting off the helicopter that was killed instantly, he was Brutale in the comic books, wore a full body suit had big metal appendages like doc oc and shot daggers. He was nearly killed INSTANTLY. Thea having the nickname Speedy. The list goes on for quite a while.

I grew up reading comics, mostly Marvel and my knowledge of DC is pretty limited so I'll try to answer any questions if you guys have more.


Millie's Staff Member
i assume the show producers know that if they plan on introducing super human superheros into this show they will need to be extremely careful or they could be cutting arrow's throat. it was one thing when arrow got owned by merlyn, twice. now they introduce a girl thats equal to batman in fighting and soon the flash will be brought in? if they keep having people who can make arrow look like a pussy, i hope they are only on sparingly as he is just starting out, has no great sidekick and still seems to have more learning to do before he is an untouchable.


This is starting to look like the DC version of Phase I.

Nolan Trilogy(loosely)
Man of Steel
Batman and Superman(real deal)
Amazon(if it gets greenlit)
They could intro Aquaman somewhere in one of the shows

As long as they dont blatantly go superhero, everything should work well. Nolanverse kept Batman and Superman pretty close to reality as possible.

I doubt they will go gag with Arrow. Although I would love to see a boxing glove arrow.

Edit: They have dropped a lot of DCU hints, so some of that universe seeping in where it makes sense is great, as long as they dont obviously cross properties (batman, superman, wonder woman, et al stuff in the show)


Buzzfeed Editor
Looking forward to the League of Shadows stuff though, because if that chicks from the league she could beat the ever living shit out of Oliver with her hands tied behind her back.
Who is she? Someone specific, or just a "League of Shadows grunt"? Haven't seen this season yet, still catching up (Do not care about spoilers).

It was my understanding that not everyone in the League was like Batman or Ras, Batman seemed to shit on the normal League members, and Green Arrow's fighting skills are really good, aren't they? (I mean, not Batman good--but Batman was the one who recruited him in the JLU cartoon and said he was good, which is high praise supposedly). So, I'm inferring she is actually a specific person who is awesome?


Blackwing Lair Raider
She kind of clearly shits on one of the LoS goons when he's all "Ra's want's to know where you are gurl" and she kills him instantly, so I'd assume she's pretty nasty. But to be completely honest, Green Arrow in this show is kind of a bitch. He gets his ass kicked all the time.


Throbbing Member
The current Black Canary is so obviously Laurel's "dead" sister. Also just because they are from the League of Shadows does not mean they are all Batman level martial artists. They are good but they aren't all at that level, even in the comics there aren't many that can beat Batman. Actually Bronze Tiger, played by Michael Jai White, has beaten Batman and is considered one of the top fighters in DC. As far Green Arrow is concerned, in the comics, he is on par with Batman. To prove this Batman has only fought Deathstroke to a stand still where Green Arrow has actually beaten him.


<Gold Donor>
How much longer can they keep adding hot bitches to this show anyway? I mean, I hope they keep it up, but damn.

As far as Green Arrow and actual powered beings, that's really no different than his comic, or characters like Hawkeye and Black Widow. They just have to focus on stories and villains they can deal with. Sure there might be a Superman in his universe, but he can't count on him to fly over and handle shit every time, so Green Arrow handles shit himself. No real change to the show except for maybe a reference or cameo here and there. If they start loading it up with Darkseid and shit, well that's a different story, but it seems the writers have a pretty good idea of what makes this show good, so I'm not too concerned. Even if they do have him dealing with super-powered beings, I have confidence it won't be shitty until they prove me wrong.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Show is entertaining as hell and im really hoping the go with the arsenal story line


Throbbing Member
Green Arrow and Batman generally have the same type of villains in their stories. Just that Arrow's aren't all mentally unstable. They both do have some with super powers and deal with them with trick-arrows or bat gadgets.


Blackwing Lair Raider
How much longer can they keep adding hot bitches to this show anyway? I mean, I hope they keep it up, but damn.

As far as Green Arrow and actual powered beings, that's really no different than his comic, or characters like Hawkeye and Black Widow. They just have to focus on stories and villains they can deal with. Sure there might be a Superman in his universe, but he can't count on him to fly over and handle shit every time, so Green Arrow handles shit himself. No real change to the show except for maybe a reference or cameo here and there. If they start loading it up with Darkseid and shit, well that's a different story, but it seems the writers have a pretty good idea of what makes this show good, so I'm not too concerned. Even if they do have him dealing with super-powered beings, I have confidence it won't be shitty until they prove me wrong.
This is basically the general idea for all comic books. You have to write the story around the hero, instead of writing the hero in to a story. When you try to write heroes in to stories you have problems like the Avengers movie, where people were basically laughing at Black Widow, Hawkeye, and the a lesser extent Cap. They just seem out of place.

You're not going to see Punisher taking on Galactus, but Punisher is still a complete badass. Same can be said for Green Arrow, I don't even see him on the same level as Batman to be honest. Imagine him going up against Dark Seid, he'd probably just die instantly.

Even Green Arrow against bane would be iffy. One punch and he's pretty much down for the count.

Though I may just be undervaluing the Green Arrow in this show to be completely honest. He hasn't really shown much to be impressed about. He crushes bad guys that have no fighting skills at all and gets his ass kicked by Merlyn. Gets his ass kicked by Huntress (Helena). Maybe they're intentionally making him weak for the BIG THROW DOWN


Throbbing Member
Batman lasting more than 2 minutes against Darkseid is really utter bullshit though.


Am I the only one thinking that Oliver has had some league of shadow training to? If Sara is this current Canary then she has had about 5 years of training too, so I'd think she'd be on a similar fight level as Oliver.

Merlyn spent time in nanda parbat or whatever that place is called so he'd have some more physical/spirtual stuff to go along his skills plus I'm assuming a lot more training time.

I really just divorce this show from the actual DCU makes it easier to think about stuff, plus I'm pretty sure there is a tie-in digital only comic that runs along this show.


Throbbing Member
Yeah I'm pretty sure that ship they are on in flashbacks is a League of Shadows thing. Deathstroke also works freelance for the League in the comics.


Blackwing Lair Raider
He worked as an assassin for them, never had training from them. He was trained before that and given a "Super Serum" like Captain America, which drove him insane and made him in to a badass.


Throbbing Member
Yeah I didn't say he trained for them. Although in the comics Deathstroke and Arrow were trained by the same person.