

I find your argument compelling.

As far as the episode I think the curse won this one, too soap opery.

Arrow - 3
Glau Curse - 1


Millie's Staff Member
Arrow is too fast paced to be a soap opera. They would have drawn out the events of last nights ep into a few months of daily programming


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Arrow is too fast paced to be a soap opera. They would have drawn out the events of last nights ep into a few months of daily programming
For real, this is what I love about Arrow. Any other show would have saved the Brother Blood reveal for the end of the season, choosing to show him again and again with his mask on even though everyone knew immediately who it was.

I thought this was a great episode.


Tranny Chaser
So what villain is Glau going to be?
She is The Queen. A woman obsessed with Oliver Queen's father who declares herself to be the only true heir to the Queen legacy and who does anything she can to take over Queen Industries.

Good to see them moving forward rapidly with Brother Blood and in keeping him more closely tied to his origins as an incredibly charismatic man who manages to create the Church of Blood and succeed by sheer force of his personality as a cult figure. In recent years they tied Brother Blood more closely to Trigon whereas before he was mostly just obsessed with Raven because of her empathic powers and ability to control emotions.

Also nice that we continue to get the blurb about the S.T.A.R. particle accelerator being built in the background news items which is almost certainly going to be the mechanism by which we end up with The Flash.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
fyi, i finally just finished season 1 due to netflix adding it, so i know i'm late on this... a few pages back we were talking about amazo and whether or not the mention was a sign of things to come, or just a nod to dc comics... from what i understand, it was just the one mention, which means to me, that it was just a nod to dc continuity. i think people missed a lot of those in season one because they were done so subtly. for instance, in the episode after walter comes back (Season 1) when they show the flashback were merlyn says he wants to blow up the glades, moira asks robert queen specifically, "i thought this was just another Ted Kord fundraiser." for those of you not in the know, Ted Kord is the original Blue Beetle and a fan favorite.

i don't remember what else, but i know there's been a bunch of one-off comments about dc continuity, including mentions of places like coast city. as someone else said, this show moves too quickly for them to drag out an introduction to a character. flash seems to be the only exception, though we all know he's coming.


Throbbing Member
More likely, Sarah dies trying to saving Laurel and she picks up the Black Canary mantle.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I'd like them to bring in The question but I doubt he would look as good as rorschach. Character could make a great tv show