

Potato del Grande
Slade Wilson is a bad bad man. Can't believe we're getting this quality from the CW.

Fucking great show.


Millie's Staff Member
slade just went full darkside by the end of that episode. fucker is going to get an arrow up his ass by the end of this season. though i have no idea how with his mira kuru brigade fucking up yhe city. also was it part of the plan to kill moira at that time because she didnt drop out of the mayoral race?


Maximum Derek
<Bronze Donator>
Dude predicted Slade would go after the kid, not sure about that. I took it as him going after Sara since she survived the choice, and wanted to kill him.


<Gold Donor>
I kind of figure that Sara is an entirely separate target for Slade, and killing Oliver might even be part of her "punishment." I was thinking more along the lines of Laurel, since Oliver has always been in love with her and had her picture on the island I believe. You could argue that he's already done what he intends to do to her by revealing Oliver's identity as the Arrow, but either that isn't all of it, or he figured out that she is actually proud of Oliver now.

That was my thought before dude started talking about the kid, but now I'm not so sure. If they've actually shown the Walking Dead girl and said she's going to be a character, that's pretty compelling evidence that she'll be his daughter. I mean, they could have been simply showing to what lengths Moira would go to protect her children, culminating in the final scene, but they could have used a lot of other examples that didn't involve him having a kid. I have enough respect for these writers now that I have to believe they did it on purpose, so dude's prediction might be right.


also was it part of the plan to kill moira at that time because she didnt drop out of the mayoral race?
Slade doesn't give a shit about the mayoral race, and never has. Blood is am ambitious tool to bring about the destruction of Starling city and ruin everything Oliver has worked to achieve since he got back. It never mattered whether Blood won the race or not, and Slade flat out tells him that a couple episodes back.


<Bronze Donator>
My initial reaction was also that he'd be going after Sara, however I wouldn't at all be surprised if he went after the kid.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Holy fuckin fuck.this episode is brutal as fuck.
I thought slade was going to do that choose thing between sara and moira. Now we know who dies this season. (Maybe sara too??)
Is sara going to see nyssa, right?
And moira was going to say malcom is alive probably.

Can't wait for the next episode and have to wait a week.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
It's almost certainly the kid. After all, why go through the trouble of including that flashback? One point was to show the lengths Momma Queen would go to protect her children, but there are countless other ways they could have portrayed that. The fact that they did it while introducing a kid for Oliver isn't an accident.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I doubt he's going after the kid. First, Oliver doesn't know about while it would hurt and piss him would not cause the damage Slade wants to inflict as much as killing or hurting people Oliver actually "cares" about now.

Also, it would have little to no impact to the viewers as killing a show regular would do.

If the kid is involved somehow, I doubt Slade would kill it...I think he would maybe kidnap him and turn him against Oliver...and have that as a side story for next season, Oliver looking for his kid.


Millie's Staff Member
i think i would care a whole that my child was murdered, even one i never even know knew i had. i dunno if slade is going after that kid, but they went to the trouble of introducing that character and moira left a paper trail that leads to that kid. remember summer glau was ollie's dad's mistress and he would have known about 2 million dollars going towards some random girl and that means she knew and slade now knows.


Trakanon Raider
If the kid is involved somehow, I doubt Slade would kill it...I think he would maybe kidnap him and turn him against Oliver...and have that as a side story for next season, Oliver looking for his kid.
That storyline has been done too many times I think. The show Angel did nearly 2-3 seasons worth of that, and it gets old after a few episodes. That show even had the luxury of having dimensions in it, so the brainwashing could actually be implemented by having time move for the kid and not Angel. In Arrow it would just be a constant chase after Slade, with no chance of ever seeing the kid successfully turn, and the audience would know this time limit. Much too predictable, so I hope they don't do that.

I was kinda hoping that Slade would kill Thea so Merlin would come back and rage. Maybe killing Moira and threatening Thea is enough though.

That said, be funny if they in the last episode were still losing to the steroid army, and Flash has a cameo and takes them all out in a few seconds, including Slade. In theory he is much more powerful than anything in the Arrow show combined. I am so curious on how that show will turn out.

Regarding the league of assassins, why would they (other than Sarah asking the daughter) care at all about Starling city? Wouldn't they rather offer Slade a position? Them helping Arrow seems as unlikely as them helping Batman (I say this knowing little to nothing about their comic lore).


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
That said, be funny if they in the last episode were still losing to the steroid army, and Flash has a cameo and takes them all out in a few seconds, including Slade. In theory he is much more powerful than anything in the Arrow show combined. I am so curious on how that show will turn out.
This is why I think crossover cameos between the two shows will be limited to non-powered characters like Felicity. Having two such dramatically different power levels really doesn't work when you start to mix them directly. Then again, we have yet to see just how powerful they're going to make Flash.

Regarding the League: While the League is bad, they have ideals and grand schemes that they follow, as far as I know. On the other hand, Slade is just pure chaos at this point, so it's possible they might want him out of the picture because he stands to ruin something they're working towards.

Could the "old friend" Sarah mentioned by Nyssa? I haven't watched this week's aspy video review so maybe he mentioned it there, but Sarah might have gone to see if she can get some help from Nyssa and other League members "off the books," so to speak.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Well if Slade were to kill Sarah, we could get the League of Shadows as big bad. Nyssa would end up blaming Arrow for not doing enough to protect her and want revenge.


Ok, that kicked ass.
Comparing this to Marvel's Agents of Shield is a little apples and oranges in my opinion. That being said, Arrow is just better in every department, on probably about a tenth of the budget. The CW needs to start making more stuff like this. Early Vampire Diaries showed promise before it went too relationship drama and I know some people like The Originals. Get some sharp writing and the rest falls into place.


Tranny Chaser
I really have no idea where they are going to end this season at this point. They seem to have a solid plan but damn if this isn't practically torture for the viewers at this point.


The Scientific Shitlord
It's torture we love to endure. This episode was definitely amazing. So many twists. So many.


Molten Core Raider
Damn, bitches die in this show. Arrow writers are not to be fucked with. From the looks of next week's promo, this season's gonna end apocalyptic as shit. It just keeps gettin better every episode!
For the Hulu plus watchers like me that don't get the promo...


Tranny Chaser
Saw an interview where they said the "close your eyes" line was an ad lib, but it really fit the moment and accentuated the brutality of the scene.

Advance episode listings for the season finale seems to indicate that there will be a whole host of guest stars appearing as shit gets real.

I wonder what the CW execs are feeling about the Flash pilot and if they like it would they go balls-out and have Arrow and Flash both on Wednesday?