
Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
I think the vast majority of abstract art is bullshit.

I've gone for years believing this and when one of my longtime friends became an "abstract art painter" in last 6 months and got featured in some small time gallery, i lost whatever respect I had for him. It's really crappy and to borrow a long time cliche, a five year could have done it. Normally, I'd post this on FB under his next post but I'm too lazy to fight the inevitable 20+ accusations of being a "hater". Its art for the unskilled and the lazy, because you don't have to be good and you don't have to explain your "art". Its like if Leo Spacemen became an artist.

For someone who's entire meaning of life's work is to be daring, stimulating and ioccassionally controversial - "artists" sure do hate criticism.



Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Was at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Sydney earlier this year and saw some truly shit pieces. One was just a 10x10 grid of red paint on the wall.

It's shit. It's shit. It's shit.

My mother in law on the other hand just started painting after she retired. Like just took it up as a new hobby at random. She paints the most wonderful nature pictures I've ever seen. That stuff deserves to be in an art gallery, not some asshole who made a dildo out of toothpicks.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
After the camera was invented artists have been trying to figure out wth their purpose is anymore so we jackson pollack.

Lost Ranger_sl

There is a museum near me that has some amazing metal work in it. Tons of incredible bronze work. Also some really cool stuff like a life size bison statue made entirely of bicycle chains. Stuff that required tons of time to do, and a lot of talent. Then you find some real stupid shit. One piece was so bad that I had to go up to the lady behind the counter and ask her how a bowed sheet of metal with a red X on it was put into a museum that houses amazing bronze work. She said that all pieces are chosen by the museums board members.

So here is how I think this plays out. The "artist" presents his creation to the board and says something stupid like "this piece represents mans growing reliance on industry" or something equally nauseating. All of the museum people in the room have a desperate need to justify the fact that they got a degree in fucking art so no one wants to be the person that says "I don't get it", or "It is a piece of metal with red paint on it...". So everyone just nods because they "get it", and a piece of "art" that probably took 5 minutes to do gets to sit in the same room as some real masterpieces.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The best art in the world is communist/socialist statues and shit.

Yuri Gagarin tribute




Seriously, that shit is awesome.

Also, one of the greatest losses when FoH went away was the movie house thread about the movieMy Kid Could Paint That. Lot of great discussion of art there and what a total crock of shit abstract Pollock style "art" is.


It's the devil's advocate's day for me as I don't care much about abstract painting and I am ready to recognize there is an important social component to the success of some artists BUT, as an exercise of the mind, consider this: Probably all of you enjoy some music that has no lyrics. So you enjoy abstraction. Abstract painting is like music except it uses color and space instead of sound and time. It shares notions of mood, texture, rhythm even...

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
This thread would be better with pictures of the works of Araysar's friend.
Id post these pieces of shit but youd just do a reverse google search and then dox me eventually. Cant take that chance


Modern shitass art only became popular because the CIA didn't want the commies to have more popular art during the Cold War.
The article you linked is very interesting but you misrepresented its content. A summary would rather be something like: The CIA overtly and then covertly inflated the visibility of a number of american artists (among which were abstract expressionists) that they feel were representative of the american creativity and freedom of expression as a way to wage a cultural war against the USSR where artistic discourse was heavily controlled.

Would Abstract Expressionism have been the dominant art movement of the post-war years without this patronage? The answer is probably yes. Equally, it would be wrong to suggest that when you look at an Abstract Expressionist painting you are being duped by the CIA.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Abstract art always seems like trolling to me... like I am the only one who doesn't "get" it.

Glad I'm not alone.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
It's the devil's advocate's day for me as I don't care much about abstract painting and I am ready to recognize there is an important social component to the success of some artists BUT, as an exercise of the mind, consider this: Probably all of you enjoy some music that has no lyrics. So you enjoy abstraction. Abstract painting is like music except it uses color and space instead of sound and time. It shares notions of mood, texture, rhythm even...
Big difference between NIN`s ghosts and a Jackson Pollacks #5.


Bronze Squire
I agree. We have this family friend whose brother started making these terrible splatter-paintings. He then put a ridiculous price tag on them, spewed out some bullshit about their "meaning" and used some of his past business connections to get them up in galleries. Now he sells these paintings for up to $10-grand with as much training and skill as I had when I splatter-painted in Kindergarten.