Australian in U.S. on baseball scholarship murdered by teens because they were bored


Ssraeszha Raider
1) My dad is a badass despite his insane political/religious views, and 2) he doesn't consider himself a libertarian.


Is no one else bothered by this desperate need to be affiliated with a political group? Ever think that might be part of the problem?


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
I love it.

Zimzam kills traytray and its all about RACE

2 black teens kill a white senior citizen and now its a gun control issue.

Fucking liberals make me ashamed to be one
It's ok Araysar. We'll still take you in, but we might toss you over to the Rand Paul wing for some re-education.

But really, it would be really awesome to have a mixed party of both. I identify with libertarians so much because I believe they are them. They are quite liberal on many issues, quite conservative on others. But unfortunately, they have 2-3 positions that too many people just can't deal with because they honestly believe without government, they would merely die. i.e. the FDA. Without government, 100% of our food and drugs would kill us. Rabble rabble.


Ssraeszha Raider
Is no one else bothered by this desperate need to be affiliated with a political group? Ever think that might be part of the problem?
What desperate need? It's not about some desire to belong to a group. It's about finding a label that accurately conveys what a person actually believes.


What desperate need? It's not about some desire to belong to a group. It's about finding a label that accurately conveys what a person actually believes.
Ummm, I have a lot of beliefs and even when I find a label that I think reflects some of them I regret affiliating myself with that label once others following the same label do astonishingly stupid things. Fuck labels. All labels do is give people who disagree with you ammunition to use against you. Believe what you want to believe and don't fucking worry about whether an abstract group of people may or may not agree with you.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
We shouldn't need politicians anymore. The population of each district should get to vote for bills online.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
We shouldn't need politicians anymore. The population of each district should get to vote for bills online.
you'd need to outlaw political parties and marketers, the pandora's box on that one is kinda rough, maybe we need to burn them alive like heretics.


Ssraeszha Raider
Ummm, I have a lot of beliefs and even when I find a label that I think reflects some of them I regret affiliating myself with that label once others following the same label do astonishingly stupid things. Fuck labels. All labels do is give people who disagree with you ammunition to use against you. Believe what you want to believe and don't fucking worry about whether an abstract group of people may or may not agree with you.
Don't automatically come to the most condescending conclusion possible. Nobody is "worried." It's a matter of linguistic convenience and efficiency. Not every conversation lends itself to reeling off a detailed listing of my nuanced political beliefs. Sometimes we use shorthand to convey complex things.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I believe the original purpose of a congress was to relieve the populous from having to vote (in person) on every single smelly boring law. We elected these scrubs to represent us so we could go about our daily business. I think technology has made (or should make) congressional representatives obsolete, like the music industry, shopping malls, and real estate agents. We should have a vote app where we cast our votes for every law!

If I were mercun my voting record would be off the hook:

Pro gun
Pro choice
Pro gay
Anti union
Pro public healthcare option
Pro drug
Pro death penalty
Pro free education (post-secondary even)
Pro tax benefits for companies that keep their workforce in the country
Anti war


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
That pretty well sums up my feelings on it, too.

Fuck politicians, fuck parties, fuck party line votes.

Note that I'm not anti union, but I am against public sector unions, for the reasons stated by FDR 70/80 years ago, that being that letting unions negotiate their terms with people they elect to office is a massive conflict of interest.

Private sector unions are fine, but public sector unions should be fucking illegal, even barred by an amendment to the Constitution, quite frankly.


<Gold Donor>
Once again, you could not be more wrong. I never said any of you should live with a black family. I said, in the interest of playing the media's "perception" games, that Zimmerman could avoid or at least reduce the negative backlash he would receive after an innocent verdict by giving the public what they want: A gesture that showed he was eager to improve race relations. Living with a black family seems like kind of a silly example (and it is) but judging by how easy it is to manipulate the public it may very well have worked.

Shows a lot about how you think, actually. Instinctively, you associate everything I say with your abstract idea of a "white guilt" peddler rather than actually read the words I'm saying. That way you can turn me into a caricature you can easily make fun of, even if your ridicule has no connection to anything I've actually said. Actually listening to what somebody's saying is virtually alien to you.
Actually, you literally said just that and took it a step further. You essentially compared black people to animals on the savannah that we needed to observe in order to "understand" what they go through on a day by day basis.

Somewhere in your argument for this you threw in some stupid anecdote about how visiting your Japanese in-laws gave you "insight" of what it was like to live in Japan and the "struggles" they go through.

What I'm saying is you're racist and dumb as fuck.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
I believe I discovered a term suitable for the self anointed social engineers.

The master racists


Elisha Dushku
Never thought I'd hear myself say this but I'm done with the democrats.

There's gotta be a decent progressive party out there that doesn't have some stupid hard on for gun control and can look at race issues without hysterics
Now you see how I feel about the Republican party.