Avengers: Age of Ultron


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Wasn't the entirety of the twins backstory done through dialogue and not a single flashback? Considering Scarlet Witch's power was basically to induce flashbacks you'd think they would at least give us some visuals of exactly what they went through and the Hydra experimentation.

Actually, they hardly did any scene switching of note for Ultron too. Sure, we see the obligatory "building more murder bots at the the enemy base you didn't bother keeping an eye on" but they don't show the bots raiding weapons depots, we get a dialogue that leads into where vibranium is. Same with where and how the vibranium is used, it's like they were junior batman detectives following around while doing the bare minimum villain point of view.


Concur with the opinions calling it a transitional film towards the "finale" arcs. Definitely had some seriously lolsy lines though, but I think the winner was this:

Nobody will ever knooow...


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Are quicksilver and scarlet witch contracted to any other movies? It'd be weird for one of them to die this early, but it could also serve as a vehicle for the other switching sides. And didn't quicksilver just die in the comics?
Would you look at that... I said that 6 weeks ago


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Best fight scenes ever. The defense of the key was straight comic book cover material. The Hulk vs Iron Man, although wouldn't result in the outcome, was just straight boner material. I was grinning ear to ear the whole movie.

Look...I want my comics to come to life. THAT was accomplished in full.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yea I don't think MCU Hulk is the psuedo-cosmic-level Hulk we have in the comics with effectively unlimited power. Seems more like what you would intuitively guess the Hulk is if you don't stop to question where the mass comes from (is that where the idea of "infinite power" sort of came from too?)


Silver Baronet of the Realm
The whole point of the Hulk is because he is one on the most unstoppable forces. Hulkbuster beating him doesn't make any sense


Vyemm Raider
The whole point of the Hulk, as far as audience goes, is to see a conflicted man torn between his meek nature and his overwhelming inner rage that leads to crazy rampages. And yes, it's fun to see him fuck shit up. But making him a cosmic-level threat that can never stop growing angrier and bigger because reasons, well that won't fly with the audience that makes these movies one billion dollars.

As far as I'm concerned, they made extra sure to lay it thick that Banner had helped design the Hulkbuster and the whole Veronica system around it, so I'm not really bothered by it. Plus, they never really show him get BEATEN, he's just knocked back to his senses (when he emerges from the rubble and is clearly not red-eyed anymore).. And I don't remember anyone complaining about Avengers 1 when Hulk clearly gets "knocked out" from falling off the Helicarrier and cratering down into an old abandonned factory.. I guess he should have been angrier from the fall and jumped right back onto the Helicarrier eh?

As for the sucker punch after the Hulkbuster fight, it was just a callback to the same funny thing in Avengers 1, nothing to get overly analytic about.

If you're going to get an ulcer because Hulk isn't grabbing Galactus by the ankles and swinging him around to beat on Thanos, then you're not the target audience for these movies.


Trump's Staff
yeah as I posted last week they didn't do a good enough job explaining this and the average movie goer is gonna be confused. Ultron references meteors, dinosaurs, extinction level events, etc and "Friday" (starks female voice AI after he puts Jarvis in Vision) just kinda non-nonchalantly informs him that it will kill everyone.

a meteor only 1-1.5mil in diameter traveling approx 25k mph would kill pretty much all human life on earth. smaller animals and a lot of marine life would probably weather it out. One the size of say, that city, idk 5-10 miles in diameter as shown, traveling at that speed, is what killed all the dinosaurs. well killed everything larger than say, mice.

ultron's plan involving vibranium and magic and reverse thrusters and cgi and stuff was basically creating an extinction level event meteor impact.
I also hated this. The problem is that the average movie viewer isn't going to get the premise at all, while the more informed viewer is going to be just as confused because the "solution" in the movie doesn't actually solve the problem. Blowing up the floating island mid-fall solves nothing, it's the same amount of mass with the same amount of kinetic energy, and will actually do more damage to humanity because the crust isn't absorbing most of the impact. It's one thing to do something impossible and hand-wave it away, every fucking movie does that. This premise, however, will be understood by no one.


Vyemm Raider
Are you saying that a city-sized rock hitting the earth and a zillion much smaller rocks from a blown up city-sized rock hitting the earth will do the same GLOBAL damage?


Trump's Staff
Are you saying that a city-size rock hitting the earth and a zillion much smaller rocks from a blown up city-size rock hitting the earth will do the same GLOBAL damage?
The zillion rocks will actually do much more damage, for the same reason they program nuclear weapons to explode in the air over the target, rather than when they hit the ground. If the rock hits the ground the crust will absorb much of the energy. If it's a zillion small pieces they'll all burn up in the atmosphere which results in all the kinetic energy being absorbed by the atmosphere and probably heating the entire planet to several hundred degrees.

This is also why the endings to Angels and Demons and Dark Knight Rises were total bullshit, flying the nuke into the air makes the problem worse, not better.


Vyemm Raider
Clearly, they should have kept that device Loki had Dr Selvig build in the first movie that opens wormholes. Bring it to Sokovia during the climax, and when the city is shooting up into the sky, open the wormhole so it just poofs into it. Then once you're in space, aim it at Thanos's little floaty asteroid chair and wave him goodbye and go home eat some shawarmas and fuck ScarJo.


Life's a Dream
I thought about it a bit, and decided what my only real gripe was.

They didn't attempt to bridge the gap from the end of Iron Man 3 where he blew up all of his suits. Joss even made a comment early into development about how it's going to be difficult to explain what happened in IM3 and have it make sense with Avengers 2. I guess the easiest solution was to not explain it at all, and just pretend it didn't happen.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
People keep talking about average movie goer not understanding the plan. I don't get what's not to understand. Ultron makes a reference to meteors being his favorite. Friday exposits on the city killing everyone after falling. Ultrons warns stark not to mess with the key because he's righed the engines to reverse thrust when tampered with. What's not to understand?


Mr. Poopybutthole
The zillion rocks will actually do much more damage, for the same reason they program nuclear weapons to explode in the air over the target, rather than when they hit the ground. If the rock hits the ground the crust will absorb much of the energy. If it's a zillion small pieces they'll all burn up in the atmosphere which results in all the kinetic energy being absorbed by the atmosphere and probably heating the entire planet to several hundred degrees.

This is also why the endings to Angels and Demons and Dark Knight Rises were total bullshit, flying the nuke into the air makes the problem worse, not better.
The pieces won't burn up because they're already in the atmosphere and blowing up the city when they did kept the thrusters from accelerating the city into a extinction velocity.

Not that the particulars are that important, because we're in a world with aliens with magic hammers, sophisticated power armor, and gamma powered green rage monsters.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Considering the promo recommended by the author before the 1st complaint is Batman vs Superman, definite nerd rage.

While searching for his review history he's also mentioned by name on the gamergate wikipedia page, so he ain't an impartial viewer.


<Bronze Donator>
I enjoyed the movie, I will buy the extended version, and will watch it multiple times. BUT, I felt it was very formulaic and did leave me with a feeling of being let down. I think it's a solid 7 but after watching Cap 2 and GotG, I know they could have done more. I would have liked to see more character dev all around. It as more action action action, witty comment, pause, witty comment, action action action. When Ultron beats Tony to the one liner and Tony points out he was going to say the exact same thing just highlights how formulaic it was to me.

It was a GREAT movie though, I just think hey have upped the standard to a certain point and this fell slightly short is all.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Towards the end, when Hawkeye is with the Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver comes up and carries her off, leaving Hawkeye behind. Hawkeye raises his bow in a mocking gesture to shoot him, and says like 4 lines of dialogue, but for whatever reason I couldn't understand a single word except "little bastard". What did he say?