Avengers: Age of Ultron


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'm pretty sure I saw thrusters on the top accelerating it down, but yeah it would be far from an ELE.
We don't know how high he was taking Sokovia, but if he was taking it right up to about 62 miles and accelerated it the entire way down, yeah I'm pretty sure that would be an extinction level event. That chunk of Sokovia looked to be about the size of the Chicxulub meteor. Now even with those thrusters it probably wouldn't have had enough time to accelerate all that much with only 62 miles to go, so maybe it would have been pretty mild as far as extinction events go, but humanity would have been effectively wiped out, especially of Ultron was still around afterwards to finish the culling.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Half of Avengers 1 would be about 311 million. It's going to make approximately 190-220 million this weekend. You don't know how the box office works if you think it will only make ~120 million after the first weekend.

I do think it will be interesting to see how it resonates. I'm thinking it will end up less than Avengers, but not by a massive amount. Probably a bit over $500 million.


<Silver Donator>
Elizabeth Olsen doesn't know it, but she's going to have about 5 of my babies.

Saw it in IMAX and loved it. I really enjoy the humor. "Nice talk." "No, it wasn't."


Log Wizard
Hawkeye: jokes about shooting Quicksilver in the back, blaming Ultron for his death.
Quicksilver: shot in the back by Ultron while defending Hawkeye.



Golden Knight of the Realm
I didn't really like this film.

They spent a lot more time than I cared for on soap opera drama nonsense, and rehashed a lot of themes covered in previous Avenger movie. Ultron was so tamed in this film and I bet his total screen time was 30-45 minutes and the rest was Hawkeye's stupid wife and dumbass kids, or something like it. Seriously, did that farm scene work for anyone? I'm with Ultron on this, makes me want to vomit in my mouth every time this naive saccharine shit gets forced into a film.

Ultron's lines were well done and I enjoyed his dialogue a lot, so his limited screen time was very noticeable to me. Not only that, but this film does the one thing I hate--having heroes battle hordes of clones/robot drones. It was exactly like Star Wars the Phantom Menace, with OP Jedi one shotting dumb droids and me falling asleep.

When quicksilver died this old guy next to me started sobbing--you've got to be fucking kidding me with this shit. I know it's upsetting seeing such a hot piece of ass get gunned down, but the real life tears are a bit much. I wanted to cry when Ultron didn't murder Hawkeye's wife and kids; I know this isn't Game of Thrones but at this rate I don't think Marvel has any villains at all, they are so ineffectual and don't really do anything or have any impact. This entire movie felt confined and completely un-epic to me, it should have been called Avengers: 15 Minutes of Ultron.

The creation of Vision was also confusing and very poorly written. It just made no fucking sense. What would have been good is since they wanted to rehash that tired shit of the Avengers getting pulled apart and then reuniting, they could have used Vision as an example of Stark and the Avenger's agreeing to create an AI thing, and juxtapose that against what happened when Tony didn't consult his team and produced Ultron. It would have been a lot better than the confusing mess of vision's and counter-vision's and second guessing. I don't know.


<Silver Donator>
Saw this with the wife tonight. Really liked it. I'd say an 8/10. Not as good as the first, or IM1.

My question, when cap is fighting Ultron on the truck (I think this is in some of the previews/trailers/commercials too) it shows Ultron struggling because cap has him in a choke hold from behind... Ultron... who is a decentralized AI... who doesn't even have his "brain" in his head... is having issues with a choke hold?!?

Still love Ruffalo as Banner, still pissed he's not getting his own movie.

WIfe was pissed about what happened to QS, my bet is they had a deal with Fox that they can put both QS and SW in the movie, but since they have used QS in DoFP they had to agree he'd just be a "cameo". And in WhedonVerse "Cameo" means... dead guy.

Oh. on the topic of 3d glasses...
Now if only 3d glasses weren't God awful uncomfortable and not a pain in the ass for people who wear corrective glasses. I have yet to enjoy a 3d move enough to warrant the extra cost.
My wife and I avoid 3d whenever possible, We pre-purchased tickets to a 2d showing, then when we got there they were all "Oops... this is a 3d showing now, we're sorry.." I actually brought home the ones they gave us, snapped off the side stems and built a bracket for my wife. She wears normal glasses, so now she has a pair that clip onto her normal glasses, just in case we ever go to another RealD show.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Movie just had a lot of missed opportunities,

The way Thor explained it Ultron should have been able to Lift up Mjolnir. I would rather have Ultron fuck them up with the hammer and actually look like a real threat. Captain picking up the hammer would have been much more epic then the vision scene also


Trakanon Raider
In regards to the rehashing of the plot or at least the villain plots and plans, i'm fine with it as this seems to be the case in just about any universe. Villains always take the same approaches to an extent and always make the same mistakes to allow good to triumph. Anyway... I like it though because it makes Loki and Ultron to look like "pawns" and if they make Thanos that "something different" someone mentioned earlier, I think that will be perfect.

Sure they could differentiate things a little but really the fact that it is frustrating to the audience makes me want to see what makes Thanos a different and more powerful threat. On the flip side, that really puts Marvel in a situation to have to deliver on Thanos.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Where do they go after Thanos? I keep thinking they are going to come out and kick off planet Hulk


Mr. Poopybutthole
Movie just had a lot of missed opportunities,

The way Thor explained it Ultron should have been able to Lift up Mjolnir. I would rather have Ultron fuck them up with the hammer and actually look like a real threat. Captain picking up the hammer would have been much more epic then the vision scene also
I feel like MCU Cap could lift Mjolnir in a moment of real need, just not in a 'lets see whose worthy' drinking contest.


Cap couldn't pick up Thor's hammer because they need to save that moment for the fight against Thanos. Same reason nobody on the main team died or why Ultron felt so ineffectual. They're saving all their good shit for Thanos, Avengers 2 is the middle child of the MCU.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Just got back from IMAX and loved it. Was on par if not just slightly behind the 1st, which the 1st gets novelty bonus points for being fresh and new and executed so well. Anyways, the only thing that I'd say about this is it somehow felt smaller. Maybe being American and having A1 take place here and in a large major city made it feelbiggersomehow, but having most of the action take place in random made up Euro city it felt a little narrow. Like sure, Ultron is going to cause an ELE by turning said fake city in to a meteor, but it isn't like he's turning LA, or Paris, or London in to a meteor.


Molten Core Raider
Where do they go after Thanos? I keep thinking they are going to come out and kick off planet Hulk
By then I pray Fantastic Four has bombed and the rights reverted to Disney so we can see Galactus and Silver Surfer in one of these movies.


Mr. Poopybutthole
My guess is after Thanos is done, assuming the movies haven't started shitting the bed yet, they don't do another Avengers movie for awhile and just focus on individual movies. It will be pretty damn hard to top Thanos. Keep in mind that when Ant-Man comes out we're done with phase 2, and phase 3 is a whopping 10 movies (compared to the 6 movies for 1 and 2). If they manage to make another 11 movies without a single one of them bombing, who the hell knows where we'll be at. I mean the movies are still scheduled for four years out.


They also have decades of comics to mine for ideas. Ultron can come back super powerful, Scarlet Witch could fuck up the world etc.

My guess is they will do Secret Wars after Thanos.

Sucks we don't have some of the really big Villians tho, they are mostly in the X men, and FF universe. Doc Doom, Galactus, Magneto, Dark Phoenix etc


Toe Sucker
Fuck galactus and silversurfer, i want victor mother fucking von doom and not that gay looking one in fantastic four


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I really wish Marvel had the rights to Apocalypse, Hopefully Fox doesnt fuck it up.

As cool as that scene looked in Days of future I liked that the QS in Avengers much more. DoFP took me out of the movie a little bit when they put him into god mode then just said bye. Hopefully they stay away from Onslaught or Scarlet Which resetting everything


The movie was great and lived up to everything any reasonable person should expect. More Ultron would have been just more dumb stupid robot action or dialog, so I'm fine with what I got. A few things though....
1. War Machine... when he comes in the final battle, needed to pick up some big ass thing and plop it in front of Ultron to reinforce the funny joke from earlier.
2. Dumb love story between banner and Nat. It's not terrible, but there isn't time to do this properly. You can do a lullabye thing without making it weird for everyone. You get your token love story with Hawkeye anyway.
3. Captain America's "dream" doesn't really mean anything? I dunno.....Stark's was a foreshadowing to his fear and end of Avengers..... Thor's was a nice intro to Ragnarok..... and Captain Americas was ......something? I dunno I didn't get it.

Overall I'm nitpicking. Can't wait to get a blu ray with a Dolby Atmos track for the uber home theatre and turn it up way high.


Log Wizard
Captain America's dream was not having a place in the world. Everyone talks about "home", but all his friends are dead. Basically this is the point where he switches from being a human to being a full time leader of the good and just. There is no personal life for him, only duty. That was the 'feels like home' line when you hear SHIELD personnel training in the background a la a military base.