Avengers: Infinity War (2018)


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
i doubt he'll get all the earth stones, i'd say 3 at best. The time stone *may* be the only thing that can stop him. We don't have Adam Warlock and his other foils so without using the stones against him at some point i don't see how any hero we've introduced will be able to take him on even as a group.

in the clip of him putting the stones in the gauntlet, he has mind and power? or is the purple one reality?

Purple is power.

As for the Time stone it would seem they need to get that out of Strange's reach or you'll be left wondering why he doesn't just time loop Thanos into submission like he did Dormamu.


Trakanon Raider
LET THE HYPE BEGIN! oh shit son!



Trakanon Raider
They show he has two stones, blue and purple.

Purple = Power stone, Nova corps has it.
Blue = Space stone, Loki has it.
Red = Reality stone, Collector has it.
Yellow = Mind stone, Vision has it.
Green = Time stone, Dr Strange has access to it.
Orange = Soul stone, anyone's guess, but considering Black panther is the only movie left before avengers, it points to being there.

So, Thanos probably beats up the Nova corps at the beginning of the movie to get the power stone(shown in the first slot of the gauntlet), then hits up Thor's ship to get the space stone from Loki, Thor gets thrown out of the ship then smacks into the guardians, Hulk probably escapes on a ship back to earth. Thanos probably then heads to the collectors for the reality stone, guardians show up after to see the place wrecked. Thanos heads to earth to get the mind stone from Vision, time stone from Dr strange, soul stone from Wakanda.

What are Marvel's Infinity Stones — and where are they?


Vyemm Raider
Yeah, Orange/Soul Stone is either in Wakanda or on Heimdall (I susbcribe to that theory) and both are on Earth after the events of Thor Ragnarok so either way works. I think the movie will end with Thanos having every stone and doing something epic for the cliffhanger ending.


Potato del Grande
Explaining why so many are on Earth could be that the Asgardians were collecting them at some point and as we saw in Thor 2, they don't like leaving two in the same location.

Mind Stone is only on Earth because Thanos sent it with Loki to get the Space Stone in Avengers 1. Which ones started on Earth? Space/Time/Soul?


Trakanon Raider
Even if Adam Warlock shows up, he won't be developed enough to be more than just a McGuffin. By the time you see him in the Infinity Gauntlet comic, he's fully developed, dead, and living inside the Soul Stone with no cares of the real world.
I guess you could say his body at the end of GotG2 could be a vessel for his developed soul, but now we're hitting McGuffin territory.


Lord Nagafen Raider
A:IE is just the first part of a bunch of interconnected movies so there's plenty of time to develop Warlock before A4, which is supposed to be the finale. I don't know much about Warlock myself but the fact that he's integral to the comic storyline and was explicitly mentioned in a stinger makes me think he'll be a key factor in the MCU too.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I'd love to see a simple scene that starts off with Thanos reaching into the vault with the power gem and pulling it out and slowly turning around and walking out everything looking normal, then pans out to show nova corp personnel on the floor dead, the building outside the vault in ruins and as he steps outside you see the black order decimating the city. Then he just casually pulls out the gem and slots it in his gauntlet and says "and so it begins" cut to black.
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<Gold Donor>
A:IE is just the first part of a bunch of interconnected movies so there's plenty of time to develop Warlock before A4, which is supposed to be the finale. I don't know much about Warlock myself but the fact that he's integral to the comic storyline and was explicitly mentioned in a stinger makes me think he'll be a key factor in the MCU too.
There are only two movies between Avengers 3 and 4, Ant-Man & Wasp and Captain Marvel. Neither of those are likely to deal with Adam Warlock at all, since Captain Marvel is set in the past, before he is created.

I am wishing harder than anyyone else that Avengers 3 is half Thanos collecting the stones and half Adam Warlock origin story, but I have to face reality that it just isn't going to happen. If they've been hiding that the whole time, they need to do work for the CIA and FBI because that shit is locked up tight compared to theirs. It is entirely likely that he'll be a key factor after Avengers 4, but I just don't see it happening before then. Much as I would give a nut for it to happen.


> Than U
Honest question. Who are the dudes with the force shield hand things?
I'm guessing I missed some of the 22 Marvel movies.


Gunnar Durden
The fact that Adam was being made by the Gold chick is all you guys need to know to see he wont be involved with Thanos. We will get a Character that is "adam Warlock" but it wont be anything like the original material. With the lesser known Cosmic material they are being much looser than the original big 4 (Stark, Cap, Hulk, Thor).

He is going to be a weapon made to Fight the Guardians, and that will be why he wont show until GOTG3. And will likely end up siding with the good guys and becoming his own character in their universe...BAsically cosmic Winter Soldier.

And without adding any more big names before then, I dont think a new character will fil his role, but rather something like Scarlet or Strange stepping into the role.
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> Than U
Its good stuff, Benedict Cucumber plays Strange very well
I just checked and it isn't available on any of the HBO/Starz/Showtime/Cinemax. I am sad. Surely being 2016 it will be soonish though and I can DVR it and watch it a dozen or so times.

That said, I just saw Kong finally since HBO picked it up. What a weird SLJ movie. It reminded me of Basic with Travolta that happened to have a large ape in it.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Doctor Strange is currently available through Netflix if you have that.


> Than U
I do not. I am a odd creature that only subs to Netflix once a year, watch everything I want to see then unsubscribe. I haven't seen the new season of Stranger Things and it is my birthday this week so maybe I'll treat myself.
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That guy
So something I noticed in two different trailers now (minor Ragnarok spoilers if you haven't seen it yet) -- Thor's fucked up eye was not in the Ragnarok trailers (the shot of him landing on the Bifrost bridge should have had it), nor was it in the leaked Infinity War trailer Royal linked in post #111. However, it made it into both the Ragnarok movie itself and the new trailer which makes me wonder if that was a late or post production change in Ragnarok. That or Marvel just REALLY wanted to keep the character's injury under wraps for some reason even though it doesn't really seem to have any significance besides changing his appearance to be more like Odin, which could be a pretty heavy foreshadow in regards to Thor's future role in the MCU after IW.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Marvel really, really, really needs to do Thanos right, he has to be better (by far) than any villain we've seen far. I believe Brolin can certainly pull it off as an actor, but it comes down to how he is written. Also, would this move not make a rather perfect introduction for Capt. Marvel in some way?